Other forum sectiones

thanks, i love me too :D

And your right, fitness forums in general are like that. Theres only one place ive been called an alcoholic for having a beer. Aswell as for asking about what the REAL effect of alcohol has on your training. Instead of the "Take a drink and loose 2 weeks of training" crap.
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You drank a BEER?! gasp - you alcoholic you. :eek2:

Yeah, you're right though. Most (serious) fitness forums can be a bit like that. Besides, I'd much rather a site that says what you need to hear, rather than what you want to hear.
I stay mostly in a handful of them, and look around from time to time in others.

Mainly, what gets me is the other site (the wt loss one). It's insane over there. I don't even see how allCdnBoy lets it stay on the internet with the info they post. With the exception of Steve (can't think of his name on here) - they can't stand for anyone with any scientific knowledge to say anything. The "experts" are educated by Oprah and Shape magazine and it shows in most of their posts.

Thank God Steve is there at least to give out some actual information.

Oh, and I just you over there Silent - good.

Lol, Huh? You just *blanked* me over there? lol
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OK, don't jump on me. It just bugs me that the theme of the site seems to be that perceived personal experience should supersede all proven fact. That, and general info from fitness mags seem to be a perfectly exceptable form of education.

To those from here who post over there - kudos.

When is the last time you were there? Thats the way it used to be. There are still those people around, same as here. However with Steve (his username is Steve btw), Leigh P, Wrangell, many others, possibly even myself there have been major improvements.

As far as this site goes, I love it.

If I were to have a complaint, it's that some members can be a bit elitist. Not in the snobby, "I'm cool and you suck" way, but more that sometimes people just don't understand why everyone doesn't eat 100% natural, organic, fresh, whole foods 100% of the time with only natural organic seasonings, and only drink 100% water. It's as if they can't understand the concept of occasionally wanting something just b/c it tastes good. Not that it's bad to always eat perfectly, just that a little understanding goes a long way.

Other than that, I love all you bastards. :)

Organic sucks. Water sucks.

To the OP Karky. I always firstly check my subscriptions, to ensure Silent is making homosexual remarks in my posted threads, then I use new posts. If there arent that many new posts, Ill head into sections and look for posts with 0 or 1 responses. Cant let new members questions go unanswered.
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As far as this site goes, I love it.

If I were to have a complaint, it's that some members can be a bit elitist. Not in the snobby, "I'm cool and you suck" way, but more that sometimes people just don't understand why everyone doesn't eat 100% natural, organic, fresh, whole foods 100% of the time with only natural organic seasonings, and only drink 100% water. It's as if they can't understand the concept of occasionally wanting something just b/c it tastes good. Not that it's bad to always eat perfectly, just that a little understanding goes a long way.

Other than that, I love all you bastards. :)

I second that. Also the repetitive 'How can i get a 6-pack' gets pretty annoying. With the search bar and all.
When is the last time you were there? Thats the way it used to be. There are still those people around, same as here. However with Steve (his username is Steve btw), Leigh P, Wrangell, many others, possibly even myself there have been major improvements.

Organic sucks. Water sucks.

To the OP Karky. I always firstly check my subscriptions, to ensure Silent is making homosexual remarks in my posted threads, then I use new posts. If there arent that many new posts, Ill head into sections and look for posts with 0 or 1 responses. Cant let new members questions go unanswered.

Well, You wont find me making any more special comments for you after you not placing my name up there^. And you can forget about picking me up later!
GoodBye Tony,
Glad to hear things are starting to get better over there Tony.

I might go check it out more often.

and apologize to Silent, Tony (I think you hurt his feelings).
I usually just hang out in the weight training section. Some in the off topic too, and some in the photo gallery. Though, i tried browsing through the other sectiones and it seems theres a whole other community of people posting there! :eek: Have anyone else had the same experiences? Anyways, i just wanted to say to all you "others" out there, you are welcome to hang in the weight training section :p and maybe i should start exploring the other sectiones of the forum :D

I thought it was just me.
Well you're just a big ol' meany, and I bet you won't be gettin' any from silent any time soon.

btw - where the heck is your wife anymore? haven't seen her around in ages.
yeah i almost had one before, i was the skinniest kid in town :p but an 8 pack is not really that impressive when it got ribs sticking out of it :p