Weight-Loss Organic Foods



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So theres this dude at my work that eats only organic foods. He explains it this way: Your body craves food to fill its needs for nutrients. Regular food is now 60%-70% depleted of the nutrients it originally had in nature, so people eat more and crave more to fulfill this deficit. Once you start eating only organic foods, after 2-3 weeks your body will gradually require less and less food, and you will naturally consume less than you did before. Makes alot of sense eh?
Yes, makes sense, especially because farmers pick the unorganic fruit way before it's ripe (so it's shelf life is longer for transporting) thus making it less nutrient rich because it didn't have the time to ripen on the vine, so to say.

Also, organic meats dont contain hormones, those ugly growth hormones that make people fat and clog their organs.

You can't go wrong with organic.
I only wish that organic foods weren't so expensive!!! =( I'm pretty luck, b/c my local grocery store has an organic section, and sometimes they have some good deals, but other times, my grad student budget just can't afford it!

I really wish I had a garden space - there are new organic gardening soils on the market now, and I would LOVE to use some!!!
I, too, wish organic foods weren't so expensive. I buy some organic whenever I can afford it and I have a few staple organics. I do, however, stay away from processed and packaged food as much as possible. I don't eat meat, so that helps a ton. I stick to fresh produce and soy. I truly believe that all of the processed and preserved foods that we eat are what's causing so many people to suffer from cancer. I have no scientific data to prove that, but I wouldn't be suprised if someone did. Just think of all of the unnatural chemicals we consume!!
amomono said:
I only wish that organic foods weren't so expensive!!!

Thats just the thing. He said it is expensive at first. But after the first couple weeks, you start consuming that much less that it nearly makes up the difference. You start feeling much better. He also said that your senses really jump off the scale once you are no longer ingesting all the chemicals and stuff. You will supposedly smell and taste like never before. Once I exhaust my current supply of groceries, I'm thinking of trying it, if I have the money.
I try to buy organic and/or local grown in season fruits and veg whenever I can (within reason - price being a factor). I try to eat an organic tomato ripened on the vine, and an apple (preferably organic) most days as part of my smaller meal.
I saw on tv that walmart is going to be bringing organic to its stores in the near future. I'm guessing that it will then become much more affordable :) I don't have alot of money now so I'll wait til then
I can't find the article right now -- but i will get my search correct... recently there was some magazine that had an article on organic foods and they were seen a good things -but people have been known to go a little crazy with it - and are spending more money when they shouldnt be....

Some of the examples were organic bananas and organic watermelon -- two items where the skin isn't eaten, and its' a fairly thick skin... so the organicness isn't necessary... apples, strawberries, etc... fruits that you do eat the skin... organic is good...
I think that its also a good idea to try and by fresh local grown produce, rather than something thats been shipped halfway around the world and has lost nutritional value (and added carbon etc to the biosphere).

I'm not a monk - any fruit and fresh veg has to be better than junk food - but I do try and biase in favour of organic and/or local grown produce whenever possible.

Cooking is the other great problem. This time of year its easy - so many good fruits and salads that can be eaten raw - but for vegetables that are best cooked, I try to steam them in an electric steamer rather than boil out the values into water.
Organic Beverages??

I am really looking forward to go in for organic beverages, as I would like to limit the chemical content / intake of my body. Can someone help me guide getting some?!
Ah yes -

dihydroxy monoxide

how could i forget and all the bad things it causes...

Dihydrogen Monoxide is a prevalent compound that is the key ingredient in most pesticides. DHMO contributes to environmental hazards such as acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and soil erosion. DHMO poisoning causes a sometimes fatal electrolyte imbalance in the bloodstream, and can cause excessive sweating, increased urination, and sometimes vomiting. Dihydrogen Monoxide also reacts explosively with alkaline earth metals such as lithium, sodium, potassium etc.
Prolonged, unprotected exposure to solid DHMO, or inhaling it can be fatal.
Despite these dangers, DHMO is used ubiquitously by industries, and is readily available to the public.

Join the fight, and help get this troublesome, and potentially lethal chemical banned.
hippies also love pot too :) but i wouldn't encourage use of that... Hippies don't encourage bathing which I think is all kind of wrong :)
Organic recipes an organic drinks!

I want to know about organic food, organic tea, recipes etc. Can you suggest me something that would solve my query? Also let me know from where I buy these?
Any tips or suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Organic food is kind of dumb once you realize everything that is going on. I agree with eating naturally, just not necessarily organic. Biggest problem is most organic veggies aren't the same exact variety, they breed them to be naturally resistant to pests and disease instead of relying on artificial means. This is a problem because some of those same artificial chemicals that you were trying to avoid in the first place when switching to organic, are now showing up NATURALLY in these organic foods, except about 8 times stronger. There's lots of other bad points, but this is the worst.
Also, some people fall for organic labels on chicken, thinking that they're avoiding growth hormones... yet they don't realize that the FDA outlawed all growth hormones for all chickens, it's all the same.

Organic farming is also so inefficient that it's estimated that if the whole world switched over to it... 2 billion people would die.
can I help pick which people? :D

Seriously. I watched some sort of conservation-themed film with my kid once. The plot line went something like this:
- A long time ago, there were very few people in the world, and the environment was in good shape.
- Now there are lots and lots of people in the world, and the environment is in bad shape.
- Therefore, we should recycle.

My first thought: Um, no. The obvious logical conclusion is that we should kill off 99.99% of the people in the world. I volunteer to be on the committee that picks.