LOL... we can't let a nutrition thread end on that note!
I think the cheat day is exactly what anyone starting a new diet needs.
First of all, it's better to look at this as a free day. You do take a day off from training each week, don't you? Psychologically, it can be very damaging to even think of it as a cheat or binge day! On your free day, just eat whatever you normally did before changing your diet (if you have cravings, take care of them as well), not even trying to moderate the amounts you take in. What you do with this day will definitely change over time. You will remember the effects of your free day's nutritional blundering and your body and mind will adjust accordingly to treat yourself better on subsequent free days. Eventually, you will become accustomed to the new diet and feel no need to stray from it.
This free day is a great way to keep yourself on track without becoming disenchanted with the idea of living a healthier lifestyle. Of course, not everybody needs this to adjust, but if you do, it is much better to start out this way and continually adjust than to find out you did need it and burn out. Any major change in lifestyle needs a transition period, and this is an ideal way to take care of this nutritional transition without putting yourself into culture shock.
That's just my couple o' pennies.