Omg Men! Ugh!

1. Personally, I would never get involved with someone who was "addicted to online gaming". Its just an outlet to avoid problems.

Sorry I am just getting to this thread and haven't read all of it but, I had to address this.

I was one of those people so was my significant other=] Although, we both still like games.. and its true alot of people play games to "get away" from their problems. It is possible to give someone a reason to quit playing those games. I know if it wasn't for Jamie, I would never be trying to do anything with my life ;) Same with him. We were reason enough to move on with our lives! He has a nice job now, I am going to school- and I have lost close to 40 lbs. Some people just need something to work for ( for some people they need someone else to be their reason, because like myself- if it was just about me, I wouldn't have done anything. )

So avoiding someone because they are "addicted to gaming." could make all the difference in how they live life =].
I agree with Aleeluh with a lot of that. I know I'm far more motivated and determined when I have a girl bossing me around. :)


im 42 now and can tell you that most men never grow up.

and why should they, usually theyve gone straight from mum to a wife/gf and have never had to do it tough.

anyway shellbell you are only young, sounds like you might be in "first love" category - dont sweat the small stuff - enjoy it while it lasts (because it probably wont).:jump: