Weight-Loss Oldies Team

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Uh-oh...TOM is here and I am bloated...took a sneak peak and, yeah, it's showing on the scales...I was up about 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. Looks like it's not gonna be a pretty weigh-in on Friday. :p Boy...I feel exhausted today! :p
Morning oldies, I am sitting at a 4.5 lb loss so far, will make it offical tomorrow, have a great day everyone...and a good weight in tomorrow...
Good Morning OLDIES!!!! :D Doing good so far. I went to the gym on Monday, I did 2.80 miles on the treadmill, Tuesday I did my 30 min.Pilates and walked for 30min. Today I already did my 30 min. walk and giong to TRY to go to the gym, But to be on the safe side I am going to do my Billy Blanks. Just right now I had my luch, leftovers from ladt night. It was riggatoni noodles with spaggethii suace and turkey meat. And I had no BREAD:p YAY!!!! Bread is my biggest temptaion.:mad: Well, ya'll have a GREAT Day and make sure you DRINK YOUR WATER!!!!
UGH!!!! I weighed in this morning and it said 280 again!! Either I am holding water weight, or the scale was showing wrong on Friday, theres no way I am up 5 lbs again!!!! :'(
Argh, this is so frustrating.
I've been stuck at 172 for ages. I haven't been eating all that much and I have been exercising a bit (ok, not all that much), but I thought that a plateau was supposed to come after you lose some weight, not when you just start.

That is exactly how I feel!!! I have SOOOOOOooOOOoo much to lose...It should totally not be possible to have plateaus. Even my doc thinks it's weird that I've been on a plateau....that's why I get to go for blood tests and see a dietician(Sp??):D
What's up Oldies!!!!! Today is a Beautiful day here in Texas!!!!:D
I did ebd up going to the gym last night. I did the Ellipitcal for 33min. (2.80miles) and the treadmill for 17 min.(1.06miles) Plus I wakled for an hour, 30 min in the morning and 30 min. in the afternoon.

Today I plan to go to the gym and do the same thing. But instead of the treadmill I will do the bike. Well, ya'll have a gREAT DAY anddrink your WATER!!!!!! See you tomorrow.
Ok 236.6 But I am going to step it back up cause i am back on track!
Oh my goodness....I am UP to 215! What in the world?????? I don't believe it! Yesterday, I was up 1 lb at 212, but what in the world is with 215?????? I am totally bummed! This had better be gone by the time I weigh in for my official weigh-in on Monday! I am swollen & bloated feeling and it is my TOM, but I didn't see this one coming. :p
WOW I am down 5 lbs and yes I checked it, recheacked it, dbl checked and so on...I had to pick my chin up off the floor...It is nice to finally see some progress...I usually, when have the time, do a work out in the am before work, something physical after work or between depending on my schedule and something after wards in the evneing...I am so happy and proud, Now I just gotta try and keep it off...LOL
Despite my lack of a full week's exercise... I'm back down to 219 :) YAY!
I'm really gonna have to pick it up next week!
Well my scale read 312.5 again this friday. I accidently thought yesterday was friday because I had friday off for remembrance day and so I checked and the scale told me 311.5 on thursday....I was a little dissapointed to see 312.5 again, but its all good because *drum roll*

I went shopping on thursday and I bought 3 pairs of jeans for winter and I am down a pants size!!! and they fit comfortable to slightly loose in some areas. :) :D :cool: I'm super happy. Sometimes I just feel like saying screw the scale as long as I'm shrinking!
Hi everyone - I forgot to weigh in this morning so i'll be back tomorrow!! :D:D

Keep up the great work everyone - even if you didn't lose anything this week or gain, we all know hard your working!!
Hah, I finally lost a pound.
So now I'm at 171lbs.
I was hoping for more in the past one or two weeks, but I'll take what I can get :p
Yesterday I weighed in at 162 :mad: Everytime I get in the 50's I end up in the 60's short after.:( Buy I know what I did this past week. And on thurdsday night we went to a Chinese Buffet That's what I get. But back on track and going to the gym in a few. Ya'll have a GREAT DAY and drink your WATER!!!!!:p
Still at 186!!
But the wedding was this week, and I definately cheated there!!!
So this next week will have to be a kick ass week!
back to 278! Ugh, I don't think im ever gonna get to 270 :(
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