I say no. Why? We have the best healthcare system in the world. There's a reason everybody in the world wants to come here. Sure it's expensive, but that's about the only problem. Like anything, you delete the private sector, you delete what this country was founded on, individual entrepaneurism. Wasn't this country founded to GET AWAY FROM THE GOVERNMENT??? WHY THE HECK IS EVERYBODY WANTING GOVERNMENT TO RUN EVERYTHING?
Socialized healthcare = worst idea ever.
85% of the population of the US has health insurance (people under 65). Only the really poor do not. Well, generally speaking. So why are we wanting to get all this healthcare for free when the majority of the population has it? Oh, that's right, people want something for free if they can get it, even if it means it's WAAAAAAYYYYY worse than what they currently have if they don't have to pay for it.
I hate insurance agencies. Here's why-we will not meet our deductible this year and have not for the last 3 years. So, we're going to end up giving the insurance money about $5200 this year while still having to pay over $1500 to the doctors. So we're giving the insurance agency money for nothing. We barely made our deductible 4 years ago so that insurance would kick in. So in the last 4 years, we've given the insurance companies over $20,000 for nothing.
Doctors offices offer huge discounts if you don't have insurance. We would've paid for less not having insurance than having insurance. This goes for the past four years, and really, for the few years before that also. Of the friends I have that don't have insurance, not one owes any medical bills. However, just about everyone I know that has insurance owes quite a bit in medical bills.
At this point, we've decided to just go with hospitalization and keep our prescription insurance along with our flex card.