Sport Oatmeal vs. Cereal

Sport Fitness
Nobody I believe your a male if I remember correctly, 1800 cals a day should be your absolute minimum. 2 times less than 3000 is less than 1500 = not good.
Nobody said:

Do I have to COOK the oatmeal...can't I it like regular cereal? XD I mean, it sure would taste a whole lot better...

Also, would someone be kind enough as to please state the nutritional value of that oatmeal I gave a picture of above? ;)

Someone wanna please answer my darn question? -_-''

Try this link...
$h!t guys u r making me feel bad, u r saying that u eat 2200 at cutting! bloody hell i eat 1200 sometimes 1100, i try and eat more but i just cant find the food or the time to eat. The only way i can think of eating more is junk... :( Which is totally out of my diet.

And the prob is when i eat more calories i feel bad or something and if i do that a few days in a row i feel like im gaining weight :(

Keep in mind im 5'3, weight 107 lbs and am 14. Anway ill try.
karl78 said:
Nobody I believe your a male if I remember correctly, 1800 cals a day should be your absolute minimum. 2 times less than 3000 is less than 1500 = not good.

Yes, but I really am annoyed by this stupid stomach fat. I want to lose it. And in regards to the amount I eat, I always try my best to eat about 1,800, but I get less because I am worried if I go over my entire world will come crashing down.
Nobody said:
Yes, but I really am annoyed by this stupid stomach fat. I want to lose it. And in regards to the amount I eat, I always try my best to eat about 1,800, but I get less because I am worried if I go over my entire world will come crashing down.
Thats a common worry nobody but remember, our goal here is to increase our metabolism and become fat burning machines. The way we do that is by eating, stoking the furnace some here like to call it. I am very strict with my diet and even at 3000 cals a day I am gaining very slowly, I am still burning most of it up.
I also want a "straigh stomach" so to speak. I think I heard somewhere that eating a whole lot of food like, expands the stomach, and constantly eating this amount can keep the stomach large. Eating smaller amounts can make the stomach smaller, and get that "tight" stomach.

Im not really sure if this is right, I just heard it somewhere. So, in order to correspond to this, it is almost impossible to eat a whole lot of food. This is what I had today, if it will be an indicator;
Breakfast- 2 instant oatmeal pouches, with milk. 2 whole boiled eggs. 1/2 piece of bread

Snack 1; 1 apple


1 sandwich (black forest ham, cottage cheese, cheese ( my mother bought the wrong bread, and ran out of materials to put in it... -_-'' As a result, it was rather small, even for my standards)

500ml 1% milk

Snack 2; Apple, pear

Dinner; 2 talipa fish fallets, 1 cup brocolli, 1 cup peas with little bits of potatoes and carrots


That's about it. Any good?

Oh, and can someone answer my darn question on the idea that is it okay to eat oatmeal with milk, but withough heating it? Kinda like normal cereal in a sense?
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i think its your intestines you are worried about making you look large. i could be wrong , your stomack is in the epigastric region of your torso(under your ribs). my guess is that a good diet with enough fiber etc. would not sit in your digestive tract but be used by your bod and the waste disposed of faster than not so healthy foods. i don't know but i think that would be how it works. keep your bod healthy as a whole, i'm sure the guys in the forum know much more than i do so hopefully they will correct me if i'm wrong and add in better info.
Nobody said:
Breakfast- 2 instant oatmeal pouches, with milk. 2 whole boiled eggs. 1/2 piece of bread

Snack 1; 1 apple malkore says - where is the protein!?


1 sandwich (black forest ham, cottage cheese, cheese ( my mother bought the wrong bread, and ran out of materials to put in it... -_-'' As a result, it was rather small, even for my standards)

500ml 1% milk

Snack 2; Apple, pear malkore says - where is the protein!?

Dinner; 2 talipa fish fallets, 1 cup brocolli, 1 cup peas with little bits of potatoes and carrots


Oh, and can someone answer my darn question on the idea that is it okay to eat oatmeal with milk, but withough heating it? Kinda like normal cereal in a sense?

protein at every meal, at least 20g per meal. you seem to only ingest protein 3 times a day, and it looks like you're trying to 'load up' on it good. need a steady flow of protein all day long.

And its' fine to eat your oatmeal un-cooked, with milk. Keep in mind that instant oatmeal cooks up into paste, while old-fashioned oats have a much tastier consistency.
I don't really understand how I can eat protein every single time I eat... -_-''

I get about 20g~ in the morning.
I get about... 20g lunch
And THIS dinner I had, I probably got in about... 45g.
Nobody said:
I don't really understand how I can eat protein every single time I eat... -_-''
using myself as an example here is my protein serving from each meal...
#1 - 7 egg whites, 1 whole egg
#2 - whey shake
#3 - grilled chicken breast
#4 - grilled chicken breast
#5 - whey shake
#6 - cottage cheese
I just realized that I am only eating 5 times a day. :p

Anyways, I can't really eat and do that egg white to egg yolk ration, such as you do, because I really DISPISE wasting food, and I seem to be the only one who eat eggs... -_-''

I also can't tell my mother what to buy, and make everyday. I always however, try to urge her into buying fish, which has about 17g of protein for 1 fillet, at 80 calories a fillet.

Anyways, I'll keep trying to get the most protein a day...
It's understandable that you can't get all the specific foods when your still living at home. Just eat the best you can and work out hard, you got your whole life ahead of you.
Nobody said:
I just realized that I am only eating 5 times a day. :p

Anyways, I can't really eat and do that egg white to egg yolk ration, such as you do, because I really DISPISE wasting food, and I seem to be the only one who eat eggs... -_-''

i eat seven or eight times a day- always with quality protein, carbs and fat (fish pills if nothing else) you are not alone and yes you are doing somthing wonderful that you should keep up with.

As a hard gainer and a poor person the best I tend to eat eggs whole but if you really want to eat just whites tell yourself exactly how much eggs cost and then remind your self how much liposuction and heart surgery cost.
Alright. I FINALLY finished those instant oatmeal puches. I wanted to speed it up by eating two puches together each breakfast the past two days.

Anyways, I told my mother to buy that OLD FASHIONED oatmeal, but she said that is wasn't available in the 2 stores she went to. Instead she bought this;


Is this stuff any good?
Hard to say. I have a bunch of it at home for when I run out of the real stuff (those look so much like real oatmeal) I can never choke much of it down. It is the worst texture in the food kingdom. I have been told that it loses a bunch of its nutrition but is still quite good for you. I want to say eat it anyways so she will get you the real stuff next time but that is sooo gross. If I were the evil guy on saw I think I would make my victims eat 1 min oatmeal.
Your move brother
Wow. This is the worst oatmeal I have ever tasted. And I only ate 2 different types. But honestly, from every day on, I am going to HATE waking up to this carp. -_-'' I put strawberries, and cinnamon in this thing, and it was STILL horrible. JEEZ! >_<''
I eat the same stuff... well it comes in a cylinder. It is good stuff. Same nutrition facts as steel cut oats (which are less processed than the regular old fashioned oats even). My understanding was that the 1 minute oats were just rolled a bit flatter/cut smaller than the old fashioned oats which allows for faster cooking.

If your comparing the taste of these to the instant oatmeal... then they are always going to loose. But realize that these are actually healthy for you :)

I always like to add raisins (not as good for you as other fruit though) to it and then less than .5oz milk or so (to cool it off faster)
dcswd said:
I eat the same stuff... well it comes in a cylinder. It is good stuff. Same nutrition facts as steel cut oats (which are less processed than the regular old fashioned oats even). My understanding was that the 1 minute oats were just rolled a bit flatter/cut smaller than the old fashioned oats which allows for faster cooking.

If your comparing the taste of these to the instant oatmeal... then they are always going to loose. But realize that these are actually healthy for you :)

I always like to add raisins (not as good for you as other fruit though) to it and then less than .5oz milk or so (to cool it off faster)

Alright, so that 1 minute oatmeal is actually GOOD? Healthy? If it is, heck, I guess I'd have to suck it up and tell my mother to buy this splenda to add to it. Splenda is okay right? :confused:
Check out the ingredients on the bag. It should just be one.... rolled oats. This means that its basically food from nature. Clean and unmessed with by humans.

The instant stuff is so bad because it is oats, plus refined man made sugar, man made chemicals, man made etc.... lots of fake stuff your body doesnt need.

Yeah, so you should experiment with what you like to put in oatmeal. You have a lot of options. Splenda is good in that it is no/low calorie (I forget which) and it still tastes pretty good. It is still man made though. If you look on the internet there will be people telling you not to eat it for various reasons. But its not like having any is going to kill you. So go ahead and try it out... just dont pour the whole box on your oats :D