Nutritional Advice Needed.

2 lbs? That's great man...sometimes I think people really forget how much 2 or 3 lbs weighs. All you have to do is pick up a carton of milk or something and realize how much less that is to move around on a daily basis.

Keep up the great work!

You're doing great - and the changes are fab!
Well, I am losing weight again, dropped 2 lbs since I posted this. I still have yet to actually count everything, but I did measuring for my breakfast and cut out one snack and bam, it's working. I'm probably consuming about 400-500 less calories. My breakfast was double what it is now.

Thanks for everyone's help, things are on their way again.

Great news man.... admire your determination.
I excersice regularly. 5 days a week I do my eliptical for about an hour at about 70% of my max hart rate.

I play hockey once a week. That's like HIIT, believe me, it's crazy intence.

I do resistence training every second day. All basic lifts, I do about 4-5 diffrent excersises.

Day 1: Bench Press, Bent-over Row, Flys, Front Pulldown, Shoulder Press and Upright Row
Day 2 is off
Day 3: Squat, Straight-leg Deadlift, Triceps Extension, Curls
Day 4 is off
then back to Day 1.

I try to do Pilates at least twice a week, but I don't really get a chance to do it more often. When I do them it's 15 minutes.

What should I change to get out of this plateau?

Always good to hear from someone from " The Peg ". :)

For what it's worth, as a fellow Canadian like you, my life has revolved around hockey - both playing and coaching ( sorry to hear you only play once a week )

Given you seem to have a good aerobic base in place now by doing 1 hour on the elliptical, you may want to try and squeeze in at least one interval cardio session at the gym somewhere along the way. Not sure if you play pick-up or in a league, but when I coach I always assume an on ice shift of at least 45 seconds ( but in ' pick-up it could be 2 minutes !! ) and a rest on the bench of at least 2 minutes

That said I and some of my players would use either a treadmill or elliptical trainer using intervals to simulate game conditions. In other words, hop on an elliptical trainer warm up for 5 minutes, go hard as you can for about 1 minute as your work interval ( like a hockey shift ) , then recover for 2 minutes ( active recovery - i.e keep going on the elliptical trainer ) and continue to do this work / recovery set for a total training session of about 25 - 35 minutes ( depending on intense you want to go ).

You'll find that if you do this once or twice a week, over time, you'll not only see an improvement in your aerobic and anaerobic capacity while on the ice ( thus improving your game IMO ), this form of HIIT will also be helpful in your desire to shed some fat.
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Yeah, I play in a men's league, it's pretty competitive. Two refs, full contact, slap shots the works. NHL rules except we have no touch iceing amd we don't have that delay of game penalty for shooting the puck over the glass in our own end. We have 2-3 lines depending on how many people show up. I wish I could play more but when the ice freezes outside I plan on going then too. I think I'll take your advice and replace one of my runs with some HIIT. Thanks

PS: I lost more weight, it's weird, I lose so much so fast, then it stops. Right now I'm down 3 lbs in about 4 days.