Not seeing results... could my metabolism be stopping me?

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Can somebody just explain THIS and not give me any of this other bs I DON'T do?

Sometimes the things that you don't do are things that you need to be doing. And, if those things are what you need to be doing, then those things are the answer to your question.

My recommendation would be to not judge the answers you get before you take a long, hard look at what they are really trying to tell you. This post for example, might make you get all upset, but it shouldn't. It should just make you take a look at things through different eyes for once. I mean, what you're doing is obviously not working for you, otherwise you wouldn't be asking us for help, so just take all of the advice you can get and try to make some changes.

Don't take the advice you get personally, especially just because the answers you get aren't what you "want to hear". If you're waiting to hear what you "want to hear", you're going to be waiting for a long, looooong time.

That's my two cents.
I have to agree 100% with what Chef is telling you.

Look, when you post to a public message board, you don't get to say who responds to you or what they say. All you get to do is sift through what you read and decide what applies to you. Maybe you'll decide that nothing anyone is saying applies to you - and that's your choice. But also, maybe ... if you really stop and think about what is being said to you ... you might find that some of it really does apply.

Look, a lot of us here have been through this. We've lost weight. We've kept it off. We've hit your frustrations and moved through them. It might be worth your while to really consider what's being said.

Ok, that said .. here are my comments on your situation:

1 - You're still young and you still have baby fat. I know that's not what you want to hear, but that's the reality. At 17, getting down below a healthy BMI can be really dangerous. At your age your bones are still developing - cutting your weight too low means you increase risk of osteoporosis later. Your reproductive system can be damaged if you drop your body fat too low. So really think about what you're aiming for and if it's healthy.

2 - At 5'1" losing those last few pounds is going to be hard. It sucks, but those are the facts. The shorter you are, the more you have to be 100% spot on with your calories and your exercise. You have less leeway than someone who is taller and has a bit more "wiggle room". You have insisted that you're absolutely on ... so if you are, then ignore what doesn't apply. But really really think about what you're eating and doing. You don't have to say here if you're on or off ...but do think about it.

3 - I strongly suspect that your problem is NOT weight, but body composition. It is very possible to be SKINNY FAT. What does that mean? It means you're at a reasonable weight for your height, but you dieted to the point that you've lost lean muscle and retained fat. I am pretty sure this is true since you've said you cut calories so drastically and did only cardio to lose weight.

So your weight is not a lean and trim 116 lbs of lean muscle, it's a skinny flabby 116 lbs of fat. I would suggest you start learning about proper nutrition - getting adequate amounts of dairy and protein - and WEIGHT LIFTING. Strength training will help build lean muscle, burn fat, and give you the slim and fit look that you want.

Start making sure that your 1600 calories are protein heavy and that you're doing more strength training.

At your age, you're in a perfect place to get your body in the best shape it'll ever be and set yourself up for a lifetime of health, strength, and great condition.
In that thread, he talks about the effects of starvation, which is what I did, I ate 600 calories when my maintain was 2000, that's even more than the 50% he was describing that people do. So what happens after? After you've gained the weight back, how do you lose some of it healthily again?
True, your body adapts by slowing down its metabolism. That does not mean it is permanently "messed up." It will adapt back again after some time of eating a normal amount. Then to lose in a healthy way, do what everybody else does - eat right and exercise.
Thank you everybody for taking the time to read all my long posts, lol.

"Don't take the advice you get personally, especially just because the answers you get aren't what you "want to hear"."

There's a difference between not getting 'what I want', which is information about this specific problem I asked about btw, and getting completely erroneous answers that tell me I'm overestimating my calories when I am NOT, that is the only thing making me angry. It makes me feel like people aren't even reading what I wrote, just making (what they think to be) a "logical" explanation for why I can't lose weight, without taking regard of my previous history (eating dangerously low, which is stupid I know, and I never want to go back to 85 lbs or eat 600 calories again ... I just got a little crazy).

I'm willing to read advice, that's not really what I'm complaining about, more so the fact that I feel like people aren't listening to me.

So you guys are telling me it's not possible to set your body in a, paranoid-type oh no I don't want to be starved again mode, like when I try to lose weight my body won't let me because it doesn't want to get dangerously skinny again?

I'm not on or off with my calories, I eat 1400-1600 a day, somewhere in that range, with the OCCASIONAL day of 1800, which is my maintenance anyway. I figured maybe that one day every now and then of not 'weight loss mode' would keep my metabolism up, because it's "worried" I guess, of going back down, to avoid another "famine".

Yeah, I'm definitely "skinny flabby", how often should I do muscle training? I'm just worried I'll get big and toned UNDER layers of fat, making me look even BIGGER and not even toned looking, because the fat will be hiding it, you know? I'm just so frustrated with the way I look, I barely fit in anything anymore and it's just hard to deal with ):

And should I keep at it with the 1400-1600 and keep waiting until I actually start losing, or is it a lost cause? Does it just take a while for some people, whether or not they've starved themselves in the past? Is it possible that it's 'too few'? Because I probably shouldn't go under that range to try to lose weight, right?
And should I keep at it with the 1400-1600 and keep waiting until I actually start losing, or is it a lost cause? Does it just take a while for some people, whether or not they've starved themselves in the past? Is it possible that it's 'too few'? Because I probably shouldn't go under that range to try to lose weight, right?

The recommended intake of calories for a woman is 2000 so you are under that. But you say you are quite short and a small frame so that may be right for you. I'm not into calorie counting as I think it is more important to get nutrition right. At your age I would aim for good calcium, protein and fruit & vegetable with healthy oils (i.e. olive oils).

Some people do believe that if you have been over/under weight that it takes awhile for the metabolism to recover. I'm not sure if that's true or whether how the body uses calories depends on the day, your hormones, what type of calories you have eaten, how your body may be reacting to food additives, etc. What I do believe is that if you eat a healthy and balanced diet and avoid processed foods that your body balances itself pretty well.

Yeah, I'm definitely "skinny flabby", how often should I do muscle training? I'm just worried I'll get big and toned UNDER layers of fat, making me look even BIGGER and not even toned looking, because the fat will be hiding it, you know? I'm just so frustrated with the way I look, I barely fit in anything anymore and it's just hard to deal with ):

Toning rather than building muscle is about a combination of high cardio work (which will burn fat) and high repetition with low weights which can be done using weights or your own body weight.

Unless you start doing heavy weight work you will not build muscle as women do not naturally build muscle anyway (muscle build relies on testosterone and we don't have enough of it). Women with larger muscles have worked very very hard to get them.

Cardio is easy - walk, run, ride, row, dance. Start with 20 - 40 minutes and make sure you sweat.

High repetition, low weights also pretty easy - squats, sit up, pushups, crunches, start with 2 kg weights and when they get too easy then step up the weight. Aim for 15 - 20 minutes work initially.

Try and do the above consistently, 5 - 6 sessions per week.

None of the above will build muscle. And if want long lean muscles then add a little stretching to keep your muscles limber.

Hope that helps!
My recommendation would be to not judge the answers you get before you take a long, hard look at what they are really trying to tell you. This post for example, might make you get all upset, but it shouldn't. It should just make you take a look at things through different eyes for once. I mean, what you're doing is obviously not working for you, otherwise you wouldn't be asking us for help, so just take all of the advice you can get and try to make some changes.

Don't take the advice you get personally, especially just because the answers you get aren't what you "want to hear". If you're waiting to hear what you "want to hear", you're going to be waiting for a long, looooong time.

"And this has been ChefChiTown, unlikely voice of reason."
"And this has been ChefChiTown, unlikely voice of reason."

Hell, for once he was making sense. Who knew?

Ok then, let's get real specific not addressing your past eating disorders.

First, any diet program you take should be consulted with a doctor. They can do blood work to identify any additional medical problems that could effect your weight loss. They go to schools for years upon years to be able to help us. We are people on an internet board who are either talking about experience (from being overweight and losing weight ourselves), self knowledge (from extensive research) or professional (working in the industry). None of this over-rides professional medical opinion with someone who knows your medical history and have the tools to help you.

Second, Posters have provided links to well thought out and researched posts about starvation. Please read them as they can answer your question that the starvation mode is a myth.

Third, the information about focusing less about the number and more about your health is 100% correct. The 'ideal number' means nothing. Listen to your body. Are you healthy? Are you active? Are you eating properly? Are you doing the dietary habits that will keep you this way as you grow older? You are 17. Establish the habits that are right cause when you get to most of our ages, you regret not doing it earlier. It's a lot harder to change later.
I'm willing to read advice, that's not really what I'm complaining about, more so the fact that I feel like people aren't listening to me.

That's how a lot of members here feel when people ask for advice and then completely ignore the clear and helpful messages that they are trying to send. Stop trying to see what you want to see in the words that people say to you and start looking at what they are really telling you.
Okay, I'm not asking for advice and I never did. I asked HOW I can lose weight considering my history and WHY I'm not seeing results. Or if somebody has had a similar story or history to mine and explain what THEY did.

From here on out, I'm not addressing anything but real help to the question I asked. Thank you.

Edit: And when I say advice, I mean 'go get professional help' and everything else that isn't addressing the question I asked. I'm not asking for any of that, so I will disregard it. So don't bother telling me that kind of 'advice' and tell me what to do about what I DID ask.
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Okay, I'm not asking for advice and I never did. I asked HOW I can lose weight considering my history and WHY I'm not seeing results. Or if somebody has had a similar story or history to mine and explain what THEY did.

From here on out, I'm not addressing anything but real help to the question I asked. Thank you.

Actually, you did ask for advice. You wanted input as to why you aren't losing weight considering your history. That's seeking advice.

And we answered. You just don't like the answer. You wanted there to be a starvation mode or screwed up metabolism just so you have an answer outside the fact that YOU are wrong. There is no scientific way if you are doing what you said that you aren't losing weight without some other hidden medical problem. Period.

You say take your history into account. Your history and current attitude suggests eating disorder. You get told talk to your doctor. Even if you DIDN'T have a poor self image problem or attitude, we would suggest talk to your doctor before doing any major weight loss BECAUSE there could me medical situations we don't know.

We are an INTERNET FORUM, not your lie machine. Person after person after person have given you the same sound advice that we would give 90% of the people cause it is true.

Calories in vs Calories out.

you are eating more calories than you are burning. Sorry. There is your answer. Talk to your doctor.

Maybe this isn't the place for you, cause our information isn't what you want to hear.
Jericho is right.

Of course weight loss is going to be specific to each person to some extent, but not that specific. It seems you don't want to believe it, but a lot of general weight loss information will apply to you and help you thru your goals.

HOW I can lose weight considering my history and WHY I'm not seeing results.

HOW? Eat fewer calories than you burn in a healthy way. This applies to everyone.
WHY? Your not.

This is the advice you will get from most people. Don't be upset about it. It is just the most likely answer. Occam's razor is awesome.

It's very probably Kara hit the nail on the head about being "skinny fat". Research the advice people are giving you. Be informed before you decide that can't be the answer and dismissing it. That's all people are asking of you.
the problem is that this person thinks her case is different than everyone elses. I think she still really thinks her metabolism is so screwed up that traditional, tried and true methods do not apply to her.
Okay, I'm not asking for advice and I never did. I asked HOW I can lose weight considering my history and WHY I'm not seeing results. Or if somebody has had a similar story or history to mine and explain what THEY did.

From here on out, I'm not addressing anything but real help to the question I asked. Thank you.

Edit: And when I say advice, I mean 'go get professional help' and everything else that isn't addressing the question I asked. I'm not asking for any of that, so I will disregard it. So don't bother telling me that kind of 'advice' and tell me what to do about what I DID ask.

Ok, allow me to, once again, be the realistic one on this forum and point out how flawed your own thought process is. First of all, you did ask for advice. You asked for it here...

I'm looking for productive answers and help.

And here...

I just want someone who can relate and explain things.

And here...

I just want an answer or any kind of help relating to the problem I asked

And here...

What is the long hard road ahead? Can somebody just explain THIS and not give me any of this other bs I DON'T do? How do you lose weight healthily after starving then gaining it all back?

Asking for help is asking for advice. "What should I do?" is a question that somebody asks when they are searching for advice. Quit trying to convince everybody on this forum that they don't know what you're talking about, because we do; it's YOU that doesn't know what you're talking about. I've read through the responses in this thread and you've already gotten answers to your questions, yet, you continue to ignore all of the advice that has been given to you and, in all honesty, I'm quite convinced that you are just another confused 17 year old that will only listen to the answers that she wants to hear.

If you wanted to get help, you would've gotten it already. Instead, you are acting like every other immature teenager that comes onto this forum asking for help, only to turn around and cry about how she's not getting the answers that she's looking for. I'm sorry if that seems rude, and I know it definitely seems that way, but that's exactly how you're acting. And, just to show you that I'm not pulling this out of my ass, just to cause some sort of controversy with you, allow me to point out things you have said (because I did listen to what you were saying) which screeeeeam "I'm not hearing what I want to hear"...

I'd prefer not to get responses like this, telling me I need professional help, so please don't bother.

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm being rude or defensive, I'm not trying to be. I'd just rather not be told I'm obsessed or I need to 'talk to somebody', I just want an answer or any kind of help relating to the problem I asked, not the one somebody else makes up.

I'm not an estimator. I estimate dates, I don't estimate food or calories or work outs, at all. So please don't label me as such and answer the question I asked.

Can somebody just listen to me and what I'm asking already?

What is the long hard road ahead? Can somebody just explain THIS and not give me any of this other bs I DON'T do? How do you lose weight healthily after starving then gaining it all back?

I'm willing to read advice, that's not really what I'm complaining about, more so the fact that I feel like people aren't listening to me.

There are a lot of people on this forum that have been through exactly what you are experiencing. I suggest you start listening to them, instead of telling them that they're not listening to you.
I edited what I meant by advice. So, no.

And actually, because you guys were providing me no real answers because you guys really don't know that much about metabolisms apparently, so I don't know why you bothered to come in here, I found my answer via other forums and a private message.

People who've actually had similar experiences to me say that after you've starved yourself, it takes time at eating of a deficit of around 1400 calories before you actually start losing weight, at least a month. I don't know how you guys explain THAT one, "oh they were miscalculating their calories, that's it!" It's actually not as simple as that, 'starvation mode' is not some fluffy duffy myth.

So I'm going to keep doing that, and if I STILL don't lose weight after a ridiculously long time, I'll ask over there, where people are actually helpful and educated on this topic.

So thank you anyway, and thank you for the people who tried to actually answer my questions, but there's no need to continue this thread.

Edit: Immature teenager? No, a FRUSTRATED PERSON, who's real questions were being ignored. I didn't just broadly ask, "What should I do?" I said, people who've ACTUALLY HAD similar experiences to mine (years of eating dangerously low, binging struggling, gaining back tons of fat, then preferably were able to lose weight again heathily), please EXPLAIN things to me and help on ON THIS SUBJECT OF LOSING WEIGHT AGAIN. So your argument is invalid.

What's so bad about asking the 'you need professional help about your anorexia' type problems to stop? They're unrelated and not what I asked. And also getting mad when you people are telling me I don't count correctly and I lie and cheat to myself, when I know I DON'T, even if you people do, realize there are people who don't. Nobody was able to tell me the answer I was looking for, which I stated above this edit (it takes at least a month for your metabolism to adjust to weight loss after starving in the past), because nobody actually KNEW, but you guys think you do, when you clearly didn't, because I'm not some crazed body obsessed person who miscounts her calories as you all are labeling me.

So, like I said, I'm done here, and you may stop replying because I shan't be reading any more from this website. Thanks again.
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Ok, good luck on your weight lost. I am sorry that you disregard experience from people in the field, science, test studies, medical cases and the like.

Good bye.

PS: The statement about it takes a month of 1400 calories to lose weight after starving yourself? 100% bullshit.
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So, like I said, I'm done here, and you may stop replying because I shan't be reading any more from this website. Thanks again.

Yeah, that's what I would say if someone pegged my ass too. Shan't, huh? Well, somebody's learning Shakespeare at her high school.

Good luck on your journey. Just be sure to listen to what people are telling you on the next website you visit.
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I am so appalled by the way this thread was handled by the moderators that I have requested the administrators cancel my membership.

I understand this is an opinion rather than a skilled site but she is a very young girl who needed some compassionate and considered support.

Ganging up on her and writing endless posts damning her did nothing constructive. You cannot conduct an 'intervention' online.

Please be more careful when dealing with people particularly the young and even more so when they have clearly have had a difficult history. That history was created due to other issues and those issues do not go away just because the symptoms do.

All the best,
Sorry you feel that way Spinner. If you wish to talk to me about my posts, feel free to PM me as I do listen to people.
I am so appalled by the way this thread was handled by the moderators that I have requested the administrators cancel my membership.

I understand this is an opinion rather than a skilled site but she is a very young girl who needed some compassionate and considered support.

Ganging up on her and writing endless posts damning her did nothing constructive. You cannot conduct an 'intervention' online.

Please be more careful when dealing with people particularly the young and even more so when they have clearly have had a difficult history. That history was created due to other issues and those issues do not go away just because the symptoms do.

All the best,

If you would read through this thread, you would see that she was getting sound advice and genuine help. She just chose to ignore it, acting as if we weren't trying to help her, when, in fact, we were. She chose to ignore everything constructive that was said, so I wouldn't be so quick to defend her. Especially when she wasn't being constructive herself.

That's my two cents.
The really sad thing is if she actually loses any weight now, she really will believe the "help" she got from other places was the answer to her problems, and it will just continue the cycle of using possibly unhealthy solutions to weight loss and eating habits because she didn't open herself up to any other possible solutions then the one she wanted to hear.

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