And should I keep at it with the 1400-1600 and keep waiting until I actually start losing, or is it a lost cause? Does it just take a while for some people, whether or not they've starved themselves in the past? Is it possible that it's 'too few'? Because I probably shouldn't go under that range to try to lose weight, right?
The recommended intake of calories for a woman is 2000 so you are under that. But you say you are quite short and a small frame so that may be right for you. I'm not into calorie counting as I think it is more important to get nutrition right. At your age I would aim for good calcium, protein and fruit & vegetable with healthy oils (i.e. olive oils).
Some people do believe that if you have been over/under weight that it takes awhile for the metabolism to recover. I'm not sure if that's true or whether how the body uses calories depends on the day, your hormones, what type of calories you have eaten, how your body may be reacting to food additives, etc. What I do believe is that if you eat a healthy and balanced diet and avoid processed foods that your body balances itself pretty well.
Yeah, I'm definitely "skinny flabby", how often should I do muscle training? I'm just worried I'll get big and toned UNDER layers of fat, making me look even BIGGER and not even toned looking, because the fat will be hiding it, you know? I'm just so frustrated with the way I look, I barely fit in anything anymore and it's just hard to deal with ):
Toning rather than building muscle is about a combination of high cardio work (which will burn fat) and high repetition with low weights which can be done using weights or your own body weight.
Unless you start doing heavy weight work you will not build muscle as women do not naturally build muscle anyway (muscle build relies on testosterone and we don't have enough of it). Women with larger muscles have worked very very hard to get them.
Cardio is easy - walk, run, ride, row, dance. Start with 20 - 40 minutes and make sure you sweat.
High repetition, low weights also pretty easy - squats, sit up, pushups, crunches, start with 2 kg weights and when they get too easy then step up the weight. Aim for 15 - 20 minutes work initially.
Try and do the above consistently, 5 - 6 sessions per week.
None of the above will build muscle. And if want long lean muscles then add a little stretching to keep your muscles limber.
Hope that helps!