Weight-Loss No binge, no purge - one day at at time.

You probably weren't undernourished looking at any one specific nutrient but it's possible that your body just really doesn't want to be this low and it's fighting you. I haven't checked my bp in a while (it's higher than it was 10 years ago) but I know I used to feel lightheaded when I went below 105/70 or so.
Thanks LaMa, and you are right. I look nothing like an actually malnourished person, sometimes it just feels that way. And you are right about what my body wants, but I know that is not to be trusted, it wants to go back to the old familiar way of eating... Sounds like your experience is similar to mine, maybe gaining a little weight was good for you. Do you think that's possible? Did you get too low?

No binge here today and no strong urges, a good day.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
Sounds like your experience is similar to mine, maybe gaining a little weight was good for you. Do you think that's possible? Did you get too low?
Back then I was definitely too low, even though my BMI was still above 20. Right now I'm hovering around 25 (was getting close to 26 post-binge) when I'd like to stay below 24. That can't be too low.
Thanks LaMa, had not thought about BMI in a while. This morning I weighed 162, that is a BMI of 25.1 I think. When I was in the 140s my BMI was closer to 22. So maybe I am the same, getting too low is a problem, but as you said yesterday even 22 is no where near malnourished.

No binge today, but I do have to admit to eating a small energy bar last night after posting. I was still under my calorie goal, and it was not a binge, but I know that is the way some of my binges have started. I need to be careful with late eating.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
I binged big yesterday. Didn't want to post yesterday but avoiding this place just makes the shame cycle worse. Well done stopping after that small bar.
Felt sick until past noon and was still tempted to binge again. I did overdo it on the chocolate but arguably not to the point of binging. Not feeling sick, so that's something.
LaMa, good for you not bingeing yesterday!
Didn't want to post yesterday but avoiding this place just makes the shame cycle worse
I agree, and have the same reaction. I hate posting after a binge, and sometimes don't post for a day or two. But then when I do it helps, I guess confession is good for the soul. And the folks here are very supportive and not judgmental at all, I think the problem is well understood and shared here.

I did not binge yesterday, I did eat a little chocolate late, but still stayed under my calorie limit.

Let's not binge today.
I know nobody here will judge me, at least not as harshly as I judge myself. And yet it´s hard to write it down. Almost as if when I don´t say it out loud it isn´t really true. But that denial just makes me feel more guilty, more ashamed, and more likely to binge again. Because no matter how sick I feel after a binge I´ll always be ready to do it again within 24 hours.
I know nobody here will judge me, at least not as harshly as I judge myself. And yet it´s hard to write it down. Almost as if when I don´t say it out loud it isn´t really true. But that denial just makes me feel more guilty, more ashamed, and more likely to binge again. Because no matter how sick I feel after a binge I´ll always be ready to do it again within 24 hours.
I can understand all of that, except maybe the 24 hours thing, I am usually ready a whole lot faster than that, LOL. You do a pretty good job of posting here, keep it up, I think it is good for you, I know I appreciate it, and suspect others do too.
Did ok yesterday. Had chocolate again and was extremely tempted to go back to the store for much more but didn't.
Doing ok is just fine LaMa, a string of oks amounts to a great I think.

No binge here, but I did eat more chocolate cake tonight than I should have, in fact I probably should have eaten none of it. I have decided that my binge "trigger" is just eating, what doesn't matter too much. I always have trouble stopping... Not eating at all seems easier, this morning I had a late breakfast, for a time I missed it but then I got over it. The only urge problems came after I finally got breakfast... As you said LaMa, abstinence is easier than moderation.

Let's not binge tomorrow!
Well I had a kind of "micro binge" last night, a few more bites of the cake and a few more chips after posting. Probably not really a binge, but food I should not have eaten... Probably put my calories a few hundred over my 2,000 goal.

I was tempted not to post this, but decided it is important to pay attention, and posting is the best way for me to do that.
I was extremely tempted to go out and get a binge stash. Good thing it's Sunday so the options were limited.
Hey LaMa, good that you were able to resist the binge, even if it took closed shops to do it! Food stores don't generally close on Sundays here, in fact a lot of the big ones are open 24/ 7. Thanks for asking about the lightheadedness, and it is better, not quite gone, but a lot better. I think that is due to eating more, but I am never sure about cause and effect with that kind of thing.

No binge here yesterday, and urges were controllable, so all was good enough.

Let's not binge today.
Glad to hear the lightheadedness improved, even if it's not quite gone.
I binged today. And I could continue, but I won't. Off to bed. At least I didn't keep stuffing myself until my stomach hurt this time.
Hey LaMa, stopping the binge short is better than not!

No binge here today, and no strong urges. A good day.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
Well, I did not wait for tomorrow, binged last night after posting. A smaller binge as mine go, but a binge none the less.

Like you LaMa, I did not want to post this or even open the forum this morning, but am hoping confession is good for my soul, or something anyway.
I sold my soul on ebay years ago but I hope it's good for my body in the long run...