Weight-Loss No binge, no purge - one day at at time.

How are things going, Vic and Rob?

I'm doing well. I really haven't had a lot of cravings in the evenings since my last binge. I think it relates to being so close to my goal weight now. In some ways it feels like the pressure is off because I already binged and I'm still here. The world didn't end. I'm still losing weight and I can still accomplish my goal.
Good for you Rob!

I am good, no binge today, no strong temptation either.

Vic how are you doing?
All good here. I have been feeling better since I hit my first GW target. Yes, hope to see Vic again. Did you do OK today, Rob?
How are the urges, Rob? I ate some junk today I think bc I was bored or lonely or both. Now I’m reminded of how much I hate it when I slip up. Why can’t I remember this feeling in the difficult moments?
I did fine today, no bingeing.

Rob, I always have urges, but they have been less the last few days, thanks for asking.
I’m reminded of how much I hate it when I slip up. Why can’t I remember this feeling in the difficult moments?
I wish I could tell you, I just have to fight off the difficult times with some combination of will power and doing something to distract my attention. So far it has worked pretty well, but as I have said I know I am never more than 5 or 10 minutes away from a binge. That's a lot of the reason I keep posting here, so I don't forget it.
Just discovered this thread and my day is by no means done so I can´t yet say I´ll succeed. But I want to! Monday is usually a difficult day for me, food-wise, probably because I´m always a little bit nervous about the upcoming work week. Objectively I know I´m more energetic and less anxious when I eat well but it can be hard to make knowledge win out over feelings. So... here´s hoping that posting helps me to stay on track.
Now my day is done and I did not binge. I had some nuts (maybe 40g) and two pieces of chocolate (one as a snack, one for dessert) but that's it.
No binge for me today, but I was sorely tempted. I was on a couple of conference calls and got lunch late, by then I was really hungry and wanted to eat a lot. I tried one of my favorite binge suppressors, a whole bunch of steamed broccoli with an overdose of Tabasco sauce. It fills me up, and the Tabasco in my stomach kills any hunger pangs. Then I had a couple of peaches, good Tabasco quenchers. I am sure going to miss our abundance of fresh peaches.

Good job LaMa, you managed your food well, a few nuts and pieces of chocolate are no binge. Its nice to see you posting here.

Let's do it again tomorrow.
I like broccoli but I´m not sure if I could divert an urge to binge toward it. I guess if I had that much willpower I´d just as soon eat a real meal or go for a walk, which shows how we´re all different even if our problems look similar from the outside. I did have a terrible urge to binge today. I was really full after breakfast, lunch, and dinner but felt hungry again relatively soon each time. Does anyone know that feeling where you go straight from unpleasantly full to hungry without a neutral phase in between? Anyway I was both hungry and tired when I got home so I´m pretty proud of myself for having only one piece of chocolate after dinner and running a bath right afterwards so I wouldn´t be able to go to the store and buy binge fodder.
a whole bunch of steamed broccoli with an overdose of Tabasco sauce.
Ha! I love broccoli - and I have it steamed, with soy/chilli sauce and lemon juice, and just a touch of butter - delicious!

I´m pretty proud of myself for having only one piece of chocolate after dinner and running a bath right afterwards so I wouldn´t be able to go to the store and buy binge fodder.
Well done, LaMa! and cleverly done, too. Salute to you!
Also, I shouldn't wonder if sometimes, just as we can get thirstiness and hunger mixed up, and go for food when what our bodies are really calling for is rehydration, we might read tiredness signals as call for food - could that be part of why you might feel hungry when you've not long eaten?
Glad you made it through, Rob. That sounds like something I would do and I think broccoli is a good choice because it has a relatively large amount of protein in it. For me, it might be the flavor or the familiarity of the flavor and just that it's one or two flavors I'm familiar with. If I have several different flavors, the risk goes up. I've got it down to a real science! :D

I ate an unhealthy second dinner last night so I was full and at a pretty low risk of bingeing and did well today.

Let us know how you did today, Rob. See you again tomorrow.
No binge here, I was temped again, and did the broccoli thing again, it helped.

Rob, I know you ate more calories today than you planned today, but it doesn't sound like a binge, good for you! There is a difference between going over some predetermined calorie limit and bingeing. I think we all know that. I spent some time trying to find a definition of a binge that I liked, but none quite fit, for me I know one when I see one.

I think we all, or most all binge and have bingeing problems from time to time. By we I am talking about the folks here, the ones reading this. For me I binged a lot, often daily, and I ate a lot of calories in those binges. You have to work hard to gain as much weight as I did. I've got a lot invested in this belly. I have been binge free since May, which seems miraculous to me, I've been tempted a lot, but one day at a time I've gotten here. I guess I fear a binge would put an end to my good works it might not, but I sure don't want to find out.
I used to binge I realise now from a teenager. It involved hiding food in my room like 5 packs of biscuits (cookies ) and eating all in one go. I normally binged when stressed or anxious , upset , usual triggers I suppose. My binging continued in that vain over the years with binge food being things like bread , sweets , ice creams . How I would enjoy the moments of the binge then followed my disgust and guilt.
My binges last year were on tins of xmas chocolates where I had them hidden but they never made it to xmas . One particular day I bought a giant bag of jelly sweets full of fizz and sugar and shovelled them in while sitting in my car. I ate until the pain in my stomach was unbearable.

I have had one binge since May which was a few chocolate biscuits a couple of weeks ago. I probably think about it on and off mainly when tired stressed and emotional but I don't keep binge worthy food at home now. I'm a lot happier in myself so I think I can get past it when the urge hits.

Thanks for this thread Rob.