Nicotine Patches

I start a course of Nicotine patches today, has anyone had these before and were they any good? At the moment I'm just feeling a little light headed and I'm getting the occasional pain in the arm like someone's just punched me.

I'm determined to make them work, my progress in the gym has slowed and I'm sure smoking has alot to do with it because I'm getting out of breath quickly and my recovery between sets isn't as good as it used to be.

Are there any successful quiters out there and if so what helped you get through it?
I quit about 5 1/2 months ago (New Year's Eve). I'm sure there are others--

I gotta get ready for work, but will be happy to post later. Just thought I'd send a quick note while you were on line.
When I quit, I quit Cold Turkey (CT) for a day or so, then used a limited amount of 2mg Nicorette for the next few weeks (maybe 6-8 pieces per day). I read an article in Men's Health about Chantix (a non NRT drug) and got a prescription from my doc since I was concerned about stopping the gum.

So I took Chantix to get off the Nicorette. I took the first couple days of the loading dose, then stopped the gum. I haven't had any nicotine in my system since about day 5 on Chantix. I also haven't had but maybe a handful of cravings total.

Anyway, this was my experience -- many other folks have struggled with cravings for a long time after quitting and I feel very fortunate that I haven't had that issue (at least not yet). I should also mention this was my last in a very long line of failed quits where I'd used just about every method out there to "try" to quit (including the patch). The big difference with this quit was that I wanted to remain a non-smoker FAR more than I ever wanted to smoke again (and I'm turning 40 in September).

So to answer your question about the patches, as with any of the NRT drugs, I'm sure they work for some (or to some degree). Just keep in mind it's a tool to help you break the physical habits associated with smoking and it won't really do anything for the chemical addiction to nicotine (except for the "step-down" on the patch strength).

Bottom line? You have to want to stop smoking 1000 times more than you want to smoke. I spent 23 years smoking-- now that I've quit, there is no way I'd ever put another cigarette, cigar, or pipe back back to my lips.
HA!! totally cool. This is the best decision you can possibly make in your life right now.

Today happens to be my 7 month anniversary for a COLD TURKEY quit also. So, let me point something out of vital importance to your quit!! you are on a fitness website, and there are two people here with months of quit time encouraging you.

You can do this!!!! you really can.

as for the NRT--- be careful and remember you will have to detox from that patch too. sorry, but you are delaying the innevitable.

good luck and WELCOME to detox, emotional dissentigration, and relative endangerment-hahahahaha
That's a problem for me because I love smoking, I know I have to quit though so I will make it work.
The patch seems to be working pretty well but I found out during my routine today that you absorb more nicotine from the patches when you exercise. That wasn't good; I was working my legs and back heavily today which really got my blood pumping and I got such a heavy nicotine rush. I fealt so dizzy and sick by the time I got back in the office!

Still, almost a day smoke free which makes it about my third most successful quitting attempt yet :D
HA!! totally cool. This is the best decision you can possibly make in your life right now.

Today happens to be my 7 month anniversary for a COLD TURKEY quit also. So, let me point something out of vital importance to your quit!! you are on a fitness website, and there are two people here with months of quit time encouraging you.

You can do this!!!! you really can.

as for the NRT--- be careful and remember you will have to detox from that patch too. sorry, but you are delaying the innevitable.

good luck and WELCOME to detox, emotional dissentigration, and relative endangerment-hahahahaha

I've tried cold turkey before and it didn't work, I think a lot of my addiction revolves around routine which the patches are helping me crack.

Do you have any tips for getting through the times when you feel you might crack?
The first time I put them on my arm (the first time I quit smoking) I got the same feeling. Every since then I put them on different parts of my body and didn't have that feeling again. I went thru all the steps and didn't smoke for probably about month after that and started up again. I thought I could handle having one here and there but couldn't do it. I tried the patches again and so far I'm smoke free for little over month now (give or take).

Good luck w/it. Just stay focused and you should be good. As for getting past the crack feeling...just do something to take your mind of it. That's the only suggestion I have.
I've tried cold turkey before and it didn't work, I think a lot of my addiction revolves around routine which the patches are helping me crack.

Do you have any tips for getting through the times when you feel you might crack?

It didn't work because you didn't want it to work. The only thing that helped me quit was going cold turkey after trying the gum and patches.

I found I had to avoid those that smoked and drinking for a bit after quitting.

Tips-just don't smoke. I'm not sure what you're looking for as far as tips go. Chew on straws, pinch yourself,'ll have to find what works for you. Someone said you have to want to quit more than you want to smoke and that's the only thing that's going to keep you from cracking.
I am a very methodical person by nature. So, when I quit, that's how I did it.

*I limited the amount I allowed myself to smoke, reducing by the week
*then, I changed when I smoked (quit having one with my morning coffee, etc) to break the routine up
*when I quit, I used Tootsie Pops to handle the hand-to-mouth fixation until it went away (about a week)
Thanks guys, not sure what I expected but as usual it seems everyone's different! I know that cold Turkey isn't for me so now I'll give this a go, the only problem is my appitite has dropped significantly and I don't want to start losing weight.

I like the idea of dealing with the hand-mouth fixation, Johan Cruyff used to suck on lollypops all the time when he was manager of Barcelona to deal with nicotine cravings and it seemed to work for him
Oh, and one good side affect, I lift better while giving up, I'm so full of aggression and anger right now that the barbell doesn't stand a chance :D
RIGHT ON!!!! that barbell doesn't stand a chance comment is the key. re-directign that energy. It can be done with stress, fear, sexual tension, or any other emotion for that matter. you be speaking my language now brother!! or sister or whomever...

Another key for me not smoking again is this...
I am not quittign any more, and neither are you.

I am Keepign the Quit. and so are you!!!


:D :D I guess those nic-fits are good for something!

The Tootsie-Pops worked good for me b/c I'm not a big fan of hard candy, so it didn't start a new bad habit. I was able to only use them as needed, them not eat them anymore after that. If you are a big hard candy person, then it may end up replacing one habit with another one (of course, a few extra pounds and a couple of cavities aren't much in comparison to lung cancer:p ).
Thanks for the support guys, I was also wondering if any of you have also tried Allen Carr's books? Apparently they have a higher success rate than NRT. Someone I work with is reading the book and it appears to be working for him. It claims to free you of the addiction while you're still smoking, then when you finish the book you just stop smoking and have little to no dependancy anymore.

The only down side is that reading the book appears to give you an unbearable level of smugness and a tendancy to say things like 'you aren't addicted to smoking, you're just scared of giving up'. Seriously, that kind of statement is likely to get him injured at the moment :)

Just wondering if any of you have this type of 'mind conditioning' technique before?
the allen Carr info is good. there is also a website out there that has a pile of info you can read. it is and they list piles of articles and stuff.

You can do this. Stay with it KEEP THE QUIT!!!

Good news on the cravings-- hmmm...angry/frustrated...what really pisses you off? :mad:

Lol, the fact I'm craving like crazy and the guy sat near me who says that nicotine isn't that addictive and it's all in the mind.
I mean, off course it's all in the bloody mind, my brain is trained to release seratonine every time I have a fag; it doesn't mean I can just think I'm not addicted and then it would be difficult :mad:

Other than that I'm having a great day ;)
hahaha yeah man!!! othere than crawling skin, thin skin in the lungs, fidgeting, grinding teeth, nearly exploding-- you ar doing great!!! hahahahaha I quit smoking too!!! hahahaha

have a good time with the nutso part of it. it is really a riot when you think about it.

Watch somebody smoke, it's good for an horu or so of freedom... they make love to that thing,,, many of them even hummm a bit as they take a drag of the fag!!! eeeegads!!! KTQ
Lol, the fact I'm craving like crazy and the guy sat near me who says that nicotine isn't that addictive and it's all in the mind.
I mean, off course it's all in the bloody mind, my brain is trained to release seratonine every time I have a fag; it doesn't mean I can just think I'm not addicted and then it would be difficult :mad:

Other than that I'm having a great day ;)

Okay then! :D

You're doing great-- I know this is going to sound very simplistic, but remind yourself that smoking is a choice. Yes, there is a chemical addiction involved, but still...that guy that sat near you? He *has* to smoke (he's an addict to cigarettes). As a non-smoker, you are choosing not to smoke (you're breaking the addiction).

You're taking back the power smoking had over you and it's going to be a challenge for a while. Just like it's a challenge to eat a clean diet and make it to the gym...

I beat the cigarettes, now my challenge is getting in the best physical shape I've ever been in so I can do all the fun stuff with my wife and kids instead of sitting on my ass slowly killing myself with junk food and cigarettes (and diet Coke, heh heh).

Hang on to your quit dude-- one day at a time.