well its sat now, 4 days in and i have to say i dont think ive had it that bad, must be 1 of the lucky ones! only been sick once on the first night but i think that was due to all the acid in my stomach and not eating anything. i can eat yoghurt soup rice pudding and half a weetabix, not all at the same time tho lol! not had any probs with acid reflux and the only thing that is really bothering me are the stomach cramps which feel like im trying to give birth to the bloody thing! i havnt been weighed yet, going to wait till monday but i feel i must have lost at least a couple of pounds because i have eaten next to nothing comapred to usual. cramps are slowly going and im back to work on monday! ps does anyone knw if we are allowed to eat scrambled egg in the first 2 weeks? ta xxxx