New Years Resolutions 2008

all work and no play makes michael... you're gonna burn yourself out pretty quickly, skippy..

I've heard of this word 'burnout'. I don't know whether it is myth or legend though...

But even if such a word exists...I don't think it applies at age 25. :) The goal is to have 1 million in equity by the end of my 30th year. Although I'm not even 5% of the way there yet, I figure miserly living + 5 years of full employment can change that. Particularly working for myself in a year and a half.

Burnout is very real... And it can strike at any age... I'm sure the gym is fun for you so you are including fun in your world but seriously you've got the rest of your life to make money - a little fun never killed anyone... and makes what you're working hard for worth it...
I have no idea what the economic climate will be in 10 years. Right now is the most amazing time to make a boatload of cash through labour alone. In turn, that will finance later ventures where my accumulated capital will do the work for me.

(I'll need about 250k in personal assets to finance my corporate idea. If i snooze I might lose my niche.)

My resolution is to TRY and make one good girl-friend. I have lots of guy friends and lots of female acquaintances, but since I moved several years back, I still haven't found that one female that I'm completely comfortable with. To go shopping or to the movies with, to call and bitch about my day, to meet after work for a beer. That's another thing they don't tell you about small towns... everyone already has their little groups in place. And the ones that aren't already in a group are pretty much crazy. :D

Other than that, I'm gonna learn to surf, dude.
My one new years resolution is to obviously lose weight. I'm getting my birthday money right in the begining of the year so I am getting a gym membership, which is thankfully only 2.8km from where I live. I also plan on going grocery shopping and buying loads of good stuff. We have like no food in, so I'm trying to use all the bad stuff by the new year. I also plan on quiting soda forever! I gave it up on Friday. It's been hard so far, but I've been drinking like 5 more glasses of water! So, it's good for me. I am hoping to drop 40 pounds in total this year, but my first goal is to lose 20 by Feb.19. I know how close I am cutting that, but that is my 5 year anniversary with my high school sweetheart. I can do it if I put my mind to it! Plus, I'm very overweight, so that should drop off. The rest will need a lot of work!
Oh boy it's new years resolution time already??

Wellmy resolutions for 07 haven't been met :( but if any of you have been following my diary then you would understand the tough year it had been for me. Now that all of that toughness is behind me I would like to get back in the game.

So here goes...

-Lose Weight in a healthy way and maintain it
-Find a job
-Regain strength in my knee
-Do well in school
-Possibly find a real bf...or let it find me lol
Mine has nothing to do with weight loss, as that is my new lifestyle, not a resolution to meet and then forget.

My new years resolution is to read one book a month that I have never read before. A book for grown ups, I read a lot of new kids books as a teacher, those do not count. This year I read only one new book. I read at least 6 books a month, but tend to read just my favorites over and over. I need to branch out.

My second, and much more challenging, resolution is to QUIT BITING MY FREAKING NAILS. I've done it since I was two. I have stopped before, with varying success (best result was 4 months). One really crappy day can fire it all back up again. I want to have hands that do not look embarrassing.
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Well, I've only got one resolution this year. Get rid of this weight. The wife and I are going on a cruise in Sept. I am determined to be able to have a good time without embarassment and without being hindered.
I need to lose 3 stone this year, for my own sanity. So from 2nd January (Not the 1st - i may be hungover lol) i'll be exercising daily (And risking having another epileptic seizure...but hell i have no other option) and cutting down on the crap i eat. I'm still going to eat some crap that i particuarly enjoy, but also learn to start eating it in moderation lol. And with that, i'll learn to stop eating when i'm not actually hungry... ¬_¬

I also need to start going to bed earlier, going to bed at 3 - 4am when i need to wake up at 8am just isn't practical anymore! Not only that, the less i sleep, the more likely i'll have a seizure again. So for health reasons too.

That's all for now, i think...
hmm... I don't believe that I've ever really made resolutions that I intended to keep. Maybe now that I'm an "adult" (18) and am leaving high school in 6 months, perhaps it is time for me to start.


1. Lose 50lbs throughout the course of the entire year. 50/12 = 4.16lbs a month. not too hard if you look at it that way! :D

2. stop eating seconds at dinner. Eat more veggies, less carbs

3. attempt to keep room clean for reasonable amount of time...(right now it stays clean for MAYBE a week....maybe... lol

4. improve riding skills

5. learn all the bones of the horse

6. lower salt intake

7. Learn how to save money and be smart with it

I think that those are pretty good resolutions. We will see how they go. I think I will keep a log on my calender or something. :D Happy New Year everyone!
I feel like I have lots for the new year but that's good - it'll hopefully keep me buisy while the husband finishes his last year of schooling!

*lose weight - get in best shape possible before pregnancy
*run a 5k
*try new healthy recipes
*renovate our bathroom
*insulate/drywall our basement
*vacation to New York

and of course - continue to work on paying down debt.
Getting to 200 by Christmas of next year

I really feel I could achieve it if I tried

I started a diet 4 months ago and got down to 220 but baloooooooned back up due to some pressure at work :(
Go out with the girl i like in school :)