My one new years resolution is to obviously lose weight. I'm getting my birthday money right in the begining of the year so I am getting a gym membership, which is thankfully only 2.8km from where I live. I also plan on going grocery shopping and buying loads of good stuff. We have like no food in, so I'm trying to use all the bad stuff by the new year. I also plan on quiting soda forever! I gave it up on Friday. It's been hard so far, but I've been drinking like 5 more glasses of water! So, it's good for me. I am hoping to drop 40 pounds in total this year, but my first goal is to lose 20 by Feb.19. I know how close I am cutting that, but that is my 5 year anniversary with my high school sweetheart. I can do it if I put my mind to it! Plus, I'm very overweight, so that should drop off. The rest will need a lot of work!