New routine help

BTW, diver bombers rock it! Easy as pie to do, loads of benefits. Just keep the reps low but the sets high

Lol yeah i found that one pretty easy, took me a while to find the "30 days without weights" program, but i must say im impressed. This is the exact sorta thing we do at boxing, though on a lower level, so should be great for the days i dont do boxing or futsal. Plus there is absolutely nothing required except for a chin up bar, im pumped just thinking about it.

I do have one question: whats a mountain climber? And whats a split squat jump?
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Lol yeah i found that one pretty easy, took me a while to find the "30 days without weights" program, but i must say im impressed. This is the exact sorta thing we do at boxing, though on a lower level, so should be great for the days i dont do boxing or futsal. Plus there is absolutely nothing required except for a chin up bar, im pumped just thinking about it.

I do have one question: whats a mountain climber? And whats a split squat jump?

Haha yeah I was just messing around. I love that link. I think it's hilarious :D. Anyway, glad to see that you like it!

Sorry to tell you to "look it up" again, but you would be better suited just watching a video of those.

Mountain Climber

SS Jump
Ok thanks for the links. So should i just do the day 1 "30 days without weights" routine as my new routine? This is because i dont have 30 consecutive days to do exercise, they will be broken up. Say i do boxing tuesday and wednesday, and futsal saturday.
Ok so is there only 2 days to this program? Or is it a 30 day program? Right now i can only see the

Is that the whole routine? Or am i missing something?

PS. Im also planning on changing some of the exercises to target my desired muscle groups, is that ok?
Ok so is there only 2 days to this program? Or is it a 30 day program? Right now i can only see the

Is that the whole routine? Or am i missing something?

PS. Im also planning on changing some of the exercises to target my desired muscle groups, is that ok?

You already know my opinion on changing it to tailor your muscle groups..
Follow the routine if you're going to follow the routine.

If you need help making a routine, then you don't know enough to be changing things as you are suggesting. That's my honest opinion.

As for the routine, you have to read the whole thing through. Don't skim and just hope things come easy. It clearly says do 2-3 sessions per week of the body weight strength day and 2 sessions per week of the body weight endurance day. That's 4-5 days per week of work. So here's a sample of what you would do:

Monday: Strength day --> Go through stations 1-4
Tuesday: Endurance --> Run at a fair pace. After every 100–300 meters (you decide), drop and perform 10 burpees. Keep doing this until you get 100 burpees. If your fitness level isn’t at that point yet, do five burpees and keep doing this until you get to 50 burpees.
Wednesday: Same as Monday
Thursday: Same as Tuesday
Friday: Same as M/W
Saturday: OFF
Sunday: OFF

Alternatively, you could take Friday off and workout Saturday etc etc. Just don't do the same workout on back to back days.
Ok sounds good man. In regards to your comment about skim reading: yes i know i said there are only 2 days, but I only thought there was more as it is called 30 days without weights lol.

Also i have to take tuesday and wednesday off as i have boxing those days, so i still plan to do it saturday and sunday.

Anyway thats about all i need to ask in regards with questions, thanks for all the help ride on and for sticking with me. Your the only guy still replying to this thread, and i got no luck on any other forums lol.