Hey guys, after 2 years of doing my current routine, im pretty sure my body will well have adapted by now, which could be one of the reasons im not seeing any more imporvements. So ive come to you guys to help me set out a newer, different routine.
I currently have access to a chin up bar, 5kg medicine ball, two 5kg dumbells and dip bars. I would like 2 exercises for each muscle group, as i do not have much time due to sports and homework. The muscle groups im aiming at improving are:
1) Biceps
2) Triceps
3) Deltoids
4) Pecks
5) Quadriceps
6) Inner thighs
So yeah just the general upper body muscles. Might include trapezius and calves if i have enough time, though i want to get this routine worked out first.
So if you guys could help me out to create a routine with two exercises for each above muscle group, along with when to rest and for how long, that'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I currently have access to a chin up bar, 5kg medicine ball, two 5kg dumbells and dip bars. I would like 2 exercises for each muscle group, as i do not have much time due to sports and homework. The muscle groups im aiming at improving are:
1) Biceps
2) Triceps
3) Deltoids
4) Pecks
5) Quadriceps
6) Inner thighs
So yeah just the general upper body muscles. Might include trapezius and calves if i have enough time, though i want to get this routine worked out first.
So if you guys could help me out to create a routine with two exercises for each above muscle group, along with when to rest and for how long, that'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks.