New routine help

Hey guys, after 2 years of doing my current routine, im pretty sure my body will well have adapted by now, which could be one of the reasons im not seeing any more imporvements. So ive come to you guys to help me set out a newer, different routine.

I currently have access to a chin up bar, 5kg medicine ball, two 5kg dumbells and dip bars. I would like 2 exercises for each muscle group, as i do not have much time due to sports and homework. The muscle groups im aiming at improving are:

1) Biceps
2) Triceps
3) Deltoids
4) Pecks
5) Quadriceps
6) Inner thighs

So yeah just the general upper body muscles. Might include trapezius and calves if i have enough time, though i want to get this routine worked out first.

So if you guys could help me out to create a routine with two exercises for each above muscle group, along with when to rest and for how long, that'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Here is a workout you could try using the kit you have. Legs: single leg squats and dumbbell lunges. Back: Wide pull ups, overhead medicine ball slams and lower back extensions. Chest: Press ups and wide dips (keep your elbows out and chest forward as you dip down). Shoulders: dumbbell lateral raise and front raise. Triceps: Dips elbows in and close hand press ups. Biceps: Narrow grip pull ups with palms facing towards you and dumbbell 21's. Finish with some medball crunches and front and side plank. Aim to do between 12-20 reps depending how challenging the weight you have is for that exercise. Try doing the exercises for each muscle group as a superset so for chest do press ups followed straight away with wide dips and then rest for 45 seconds-1 minute and repeat for 3 sets. Do the routine 3-4 times a week with at least one rest day in between,
First suggestion: join a gym.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that you've thought of that already :), you definitely aren't making gains any more because you should probably never stay on any program for 2 years, even if it is the most perfectly constructed one ever. And yours is certainly not so to boot. If you're going to use only what you have listed, I would suggest the following exercises:

*Not all of them in each workout, just suggestions overall*
- Pistol squats
- Bulgarian split squats
- Single leg DL
- Supine hip extensions
- Single leg wall squats
- Single leg calf raises

- Elevated pushups or dive bombers
- Handstand pushups

- See above

- Pullups
- Chinups
- Dips

- Wide grip pull ups
- Other pull up variations
- Inverted rows

- Medicine ball crunches
- Reverse crunches
- Leg lifts
- Planks & side planks
OK thanks for the help guys. result i might try your routine, as it is quite different to my current one now, and sounds like it would really vary things up, though id have to research a few of the exercises as i have never heard of them before lol.
OK thanks for the help guys. result i might try your routine, as it is quite different to my current one now, and sounds like it would really vary things up, though id have to research a few of the exercises as i have never heard of them before lol.

No worries. If you have questions on them, ask.
Also, say im already doing narrow grip pull ups with palms facing me, should i stay away from these in my new routine? Will i need to vary it up A LOT to start seeing more improvements? If you get what i mean lol.
Maybe try some hammer curls then or concentration curls instead of the narrow pull ups just to mix it up abit more then.
So i guess what im asking is, how much should i vary up this new routine? How many exercises should i change/completely leave out?
So i guess what im asking is, how much should i vary up this new routine? How many exercises should i change/completely leave out?

You don't need to change things as often as you think. Ex: if you're doing pullups and you keep progressing, keep doing them. Unless progress stops, keep doing what you do.
So i guess what im asking is, how much should i vary up this new routine? How many exercises should i change/completely leave out?

Are you planning in doing full body workouts or splits?

I like the list of exercises Ride_on gave, if you're doing FBW's I'd just go for a couple for each area per session and then maybe add in some isometric moves like iso press ups, wall squats and such to help with a bit of suplimentary stability work

As for changing it up, I try and change lots of exercises very frequently but that's mainly to prevent boredom, I always keep squats, deads, presses and pulls in some variation all the time though.

A good place to go if you want to experiment a little is Exercise & Muscle Directory
If you really want a good workout and you have a blackberry, there's an app on there called Pocket Trainer. It's like having a personal trainer and gives you the workout based on your level and it's customized to you. Good luck.
Ok thanks for all the help guys, its much appreciated.

Anyway i think ive got the exercises for my new routine worked out, now i just need help with figuring out how many reps i should be doing, how much rest i should be having between each set, and what order i should be doing them in.

-Dumbell Curl
-Narrow grip pull ups

-Dumbell Kickback
-Dumbell tricep extension

-Lateral dumbell raise
-Need one more here

-Dumbell Fly
-Decline pushups
-Need one more here

Any suggestions?
Thanks again guys
Ok thanks for all the help guys, its much appreciated.

Anyway i think ive got the exercises for my new routine worked out, now i just need help with figuring out how many reps i should be doing, how much rest i should be having between each set, and what order i should be doing them in.

-Dumbell Curl
-Narrow grip pull ups

-Dumbell Kickback
-Dumbell tricep extension

-Lateral dumbell raise
-Need one more here

-Dumbell Fly
-Decline pushups
-Need one more here

Any suggestions?
Thanks again guys

You didn't like any of the suggestions we gave, huh?

I'm kind of hesitant to give you more as you don't seem to be taking them to heart. Why the big change from what was established?
Well i just dont like the complex exercises like the dive bombers(i like to keep it simple), and there is no way i can do hand stand anythings. I cant do rows as i dont have access to a low bar, and im doing some of the exericises you suggested too.

Ive included dead lifts, pistol squats, elevated/inclined pushups, pull ups and chinups, and im gonna start doing dips again as i can actually feel them working my pecks.
You can do assisted hand stand pushups. If you would like an explanation, feel free to ask.

And none of those exercises are "complicated." I don't think you have a good program set up, and I think the reason for that lies in the fact that you just want to see yourself looking good, hence the mirror muscles. While that is awesome, you need to train your body correctly to maximize benefit.
Yeah but i dont have anyone to assist me to do handstand pushups. Ok well ride on, what program would you suggest i do? Instead of creating my own, perhaps its best to just use someone elses already formulated routine.

You will have to of course take into consideration the fact that i only have access to the medicine ball, dumbells, chinup bar and dip bar. That eliminates rows, barbells, dead lifts, and any machine related exercises.
Yeah but i dont have anyone to assist me to do handstand pushups. Ok well ride on, what program would you suggest i do? Instead of creating my own, perhaps its best to just use someone elses already formulated routine.

You will have to of course take into consideration the fact that i only have access to the medicine ball, dumbells, chinup bar and dip bar. That eliminates rows, barbells, dead lifts, and any machine related exercises.
I'm with you on chosing a professional program. By assisted, there's a way to do it that doesn't require another person. You get into the normal handstand pushup position, but put your feet on a chair and get into a "pike" type position. Do it from there.

You could look at Death by Bodyweight? I also like a program on EliteFTS. I think it's called 30 Days Without Weights. Go do a search for that. Note that there are 3 parts to the 30Days workout. Read them all. Another good option is the Crossfit WODs. I could get you a link to that if you're interested. There's a few sample programs on this link to Turbulence Training too: . Just download from that link at the top. In the TT workout, you could sub handstand pushups for band pulls.

How much weight do you have in dumbbells? Do you have a bench, or just the DBs?

Personally, if you don't like either of those routines, and the DBs aren't significantly heavy, I would stick to:

Squats and their variations
Supine Hip Extensions
Pushups and their variations
Handstand Pushups
SL Calf Raises
Chin Ups
Inverted Rows
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Ok, could you please give me a link to "Death by Bodyweight," and the "30days without weight" routines? If thats not too much to ask thanks.

Dumbells are 5kg each, and nah i dont have a bench.

Thanks again man.