New member and new to training

Hey all. I'm Cherie, 37, married mom of 1 son (15 in a month) and I recently joined the local LaFitness gym and got myself a trainer to get rid of this excess weight I'm carrying around.

I seem to have a natural ability to be able to do the big numbers on the weights so I'm meeting with my trainer three times a week for some pretty brutal (to me anyway!) workouts.

My goal is to get back to a size 10-12 (small for me) and get into awesome shape. I don't care about weight and how much I do/do not weigh. It's what I look like that's driving me.

Anyway, I'm thrilled to have found this place and I see I have a few hours of reading ahead of me to get myself educated on anything and everything pertaining to weight lifting and weight training. I'm a complete newbie ;)
Welcome to the boards... Don't forget your food plan - an engine is only as good as the fuel it runs on. Whole, natural (unprocessed) foods should be the order of the day, with an occasional cheat.
Thanks :) I have celiac disease so 95% of the foods I eat I make myself. Not much in the grain dept as I can't tolerate most grains. My one weakness is hashbrowns with bacon. lol.
Does anyone here do any competitive weight lifting? I've googled until my eyes have crossed but I can't seem to find much info on women's competition and what a good amount of weight is.

I recently did a max-out day at the gym and was able to bench 175 and leg-press 840 (these were the free weight machines, not those nautilus type machines with the resistance bands). My personal goal is 225 bench by June and 1200 leg by later-summer.

I'd love to talk to any women here who are into big numbers. I don't know anyone! :)
well, in powerlifting its not leg press, its a free weight squat. regardless, those are some pretty impressive numbers!
Thanks for those links! Awesome! :D

Gives me something to shoot for - breaking Becca Swanson's record.

I'm so new to this, I don't know the terminology or anything. I feel rather idiotic so bear with me. :rolleyes:

I'm going to talk to my trainer about trying to dead lift and see what I can do. It's all very exciting. lol.

edited to add: He worked with me on deadlifting today and I was able to do 190 for 4 sets of 2. I definitely could lift more if it was just one lift. The hardest part is staying in form. Got to learn that so it's habit :)
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OR just hang out with the guys. If you are really serious about working out hard I'm sure there are lots of guys wherever you go that would be happy to workout with you and give you tips and pointers.
Just wondering, was that a benchpress shirt Becca Swanson was using to get that record?