new job is bad for my body!!

My son teases me all the time :) when I decline to eat ice cream (and other foods), he says:

Geesh, dad, you are just goanna bust out with fat all over, and be one big fat balloon, from having a one little ice cream cone. Then he makes these funny popping noises.....

LOL........funny lad...:)

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My son teases me all the time :) when I decline to eat ice cream (and other foods), and he says:

Geesh, dad, you are just goanna bust out with fat all over, and be one big fat balloon, from having a one little ice cream cone. Then he makes these funny popping noises.....

LOL........funny kid....:)


Do you EVER cave in and just say yes, Chillen? :p

Or are you giving 110% all of the time? :)
Do you EVER cave in and just say yes, Chillen? :p

Or are you giving 110% all of the time? :)

This was a "life time" change. From the very beginning, my purpose was to thoroughly educate myself (enough) to get the job completed, and most importantly, "reprogram" my entire thoughts on diet and fitness, and how this fits (and is going to fit) within my life. I wasnt going to be a "big baby" about it (pardon the expression), and just do what it took.

No I do not cave in to a weakness. I dont because I have a plan of action that works for myself.

In the eggs thread, there is a good article I posted from John Berardi (PHd, CSCS) that you may want to read. Its a good article--on good and bad foods, and his opinion on it.

Try being a teacher... One of our secretaries literally has this little wooden wheelbarrow (like a kid's play toy, so not like a desktop plant-holder size) full of chocolate at her desk. There are donuts two or three times a week, someone is always bringing in leftover desserts, and to top of it off we have a culinary arts program that is incredible (I teach in a skills center where we teach high school students career-skills). The chef never met a fat gram she didn't add to every dish.

Most of the time I can avoid it. Sometimes I indulge if I know I'm running at least 8 miles after work, or have a long ride that evening. Other times I go out of my way to walk around the staff room (which is right across from my room and I pass through it to go to the restroom or office). I've NEVER eaten at our culinary arts program, even though they provide staff meals: soup or salad, entree, and dessert for $3.00 and we're not talking mashed potatoes and gravy with canned green beans and a cookie. We're talking gourmet food. I think yesterday was peanut soup, stuffed braised pork loin, brococinni, and creme brulee for dessert COMPLETE with Chef burning the top with her torch at the table.

Sometimes it's like going through a mine field! But I'm the staff "weight loss pet" so I feel like all eyes are on me. Plus it's just not worth it to me to overindulge on something that high in calories.
we still talking about this?