No one knows me the way that I know me!
My hearts knows what I am doing and what I can do!
A turtle is slow, but it gets where he wants to go!
You can live on bread and water for so long, but how are you going to feel?
A family size bowl of cereal or an individual size bowl of cereal?
We don't have to cut out food, only cut down on the amount we eat!
Five tiny meals a day, or three portion size meals a day, doesn't matter just "Eat" healthy!
Crash diets or choose from the food groups and smart plan your healthy meals? A light bulb should come on now!
Depressed, most of the world is depressed, do something!! Eat right, exercise, and get fifteen minutes of sunlight in the morning and fifteen minutes in the after noon. Use sunblock! Get out of bed! Open those curtains and let the Sun Shine come in! Make sure what you put in your mouth is a healthy choice!
While you are setting at the computer do some stretches, rest your eyes, exercise your eyes, neck, twist and turn your body, stretch those arms, legs and feet and turn at the waist. move that stomach in and out....Just move....Get up, go out side, go around the house a few times. Can't Hurt, heeeee.
Have a Beautiful Day