Sport Negative Calorie Foods, myth?

Sport Fitness
Personally, I do not think that there is any such thing as a neg calorie food. Closest to it might be chilled water as it contains no calories and calories must be used by the body to heat it up (although, not really a food).

Like Wrangell said, you could gorge yourself constantly on only these foods and you would die.

Ridiculous notion imho :rolleyes:

We're on the same page.

For example, let's assume you took in 3,000 calories a day.You took in 15% from protein, and fat at 20% - so about 1,000 calories a day from non-carb dominant sources. So, the remaining 2,000 calories came from these mostly carb based ' negative ' foods. How ' negative' they are is open to debate - does digesting 2,000 calories burn 2,200 calories or does it burn 2,400 calories or does it burn 2,600 calories ? Who knows. People who advocate this type of diet to shred fat quickly seem to imply it creates a BIG net deficit - so, let's assume digesting 2,000 calories burns 2,600 calories - a net deficit of 600 calories.

So, you eat 3,000 worth of calories, 1,000 is from fat and protein and ' negative ' carbs create a 600 calorie deficit, which means you would live on 400 calories a day ( 1,000 - 600 ).

Brilliant !;)
Chillen isn't so insecure as to his answers, right or wrong, that he would delete them in shame or something. and if he did delete his answers, i'm sure he'd justify it.

Honestly I was only wondering why i couldn't read them because I very much value his imput.
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And I wasn't suggesting I was doing it as a diet, i was just wondering as to whether or not something like this could be true. Thanks for the answers.
Really, I thought it was your inference that

Well, I can only " guess " as to the reason Chillen deleted his posts...only Chillen knows for sure.

So, if someone wants to know why Chillen deleted his posts in this thread , all you have to do do is ask Chillen why - which I did.:)
A stalk of celery has 6 calories. It's not inconceivable that it would take at least that to digest it. Here's an article from the NYTimes as well as Snopes and ABC. Yes, I know there are probably sources to the contrary, as well, but thought I'd put the other side out there, as well.

Here's the NY Times article, so you don't have to register:

THE FACTS For years, diets and weight-loss books have boasted that you can eat a piece of food and burn calories at the same time. The idea is that some foods have so few calories that the act of chewing them requires expending more energy than is absorbed, resulting in a calorie deficit and ultimately, weight loss.

Topping the list of “negative calorie” foods are vegetables like cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers and celery. Celery, for example, contains 8 to 10 calories a stalk and is 95 percent water.

Chewing most foods typically only burns about five calories an hour, but the act of digesting may require slightly more. That is particularly the case with celery because it is mostly cellulose, a type of fiber that humans do not have the enzymes necessary to properly break down and use.

Cathy Nonas, director of obesity and diabetes programs at North General Hospital in Harlem, said that while no hard studies exist, it is possible that snacking on celery might cause a very slight calorie deficit. But the difference would be so minuscule that at the end of the day it would have no real impact unless the celery was replacing other fattening or high calorie foods. The other problem is that celery is not only low in calories, but also low in vitamins and minerals.

“If you substitute celery for cookies and pretzels, and those are the things that were putting you over the top in terms of weight then yes, you will lose weight,” she said. “But you’re not going to lose weight by chewing celery a couple times a day if you’re not exercising and changing what else you eat.”

THE BOTTOM LINE It may be possible to expend a few more calories than you absorb eating something like celery, but in the end the deficit is negligible.
I know this doesn't work because I used to be a "fruitarian" where most of my intake was fruits, about 85%. And I did this for 3 months. if that lose was true I'd have starved to death and had no energy.

Complete bull****. These fad diets come and go and stupid people still fall for them
Fruit is not celery. I'm not trying to validate that list (which I'm skeptical about). I'm just trying to demonstrate that in some instances (such as celery) it may be possible. Try eating celery for 3 months. You will die.