Need major advice


New member
OK let me start with telling you my background. I started this journey a year ago at 270 lbs, i am currently at 202 and have been holding this pattern for about 5 weeks now. I was just doing some basic cardio at the gym 4 days a week. Then 5 weeks ago i stepped things up and have been going to the gym 6 days a week. Monday i do Step aerobics and then Aqua aerobics. Tuesdays its Power sculpt and Zumba. Wednesday is Aqua aerobics. thursday is kick boxing. Saturday its Zumba. Sunday is Yoga. all of this was in the evening, that was until this week where ive added on Monday an Aqua aerobics, tuesday Yoga, Wednesday Aqua aerobics, thursday Yoga, and saturday will be circuit training. I know my diet is good, but i have yet to drop weight. Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong? It has gotten frustrating as i continue to work even harder with no results...HELP:banghead:
Unless your nutrition is in check you can exercise til the cows come home and you won't get results...

Focus on what's going in your mouth...

knowing your 'diet is good' doesn't mean a lot -unless you are really being accurate.

What does your food plan look like?

and you seem a little obsessed about the number on the scale -is there any movement anywhere else? measurements?

have you read any of the stickied threads on the forum? your workouts seem a little too all cardio all the time..

Take a step back and start reading
What Mal said.

Additionally, 5 weeks in the grand scheme of things is nothing. You've lost a lot of weight and for some people it takes a while for your body to settle at the new weight. I went through a short "plateau" phase after my first 50 lbs, and then again when I hit the 170s. It's pretty normal for some people. Others are lucky and just breeze right through w/out ever hitting a stall. :)

I'd say really take a good look at what you're eating. Make sure you're getting enough calories (too few is as bad as too many) and make sure you're getting enough protein and healthy fats.
Yes i found a food journal online and put in what i eat everyday and it tells me the total information, so i know what im eating is good. I thought maybe i was doing to much at the gym, but am enjoying all that i'm doing and only wish i had more time to do more. this is the second still i've faced. I'm wondering if adding a fat burning suppliment would be helpfull. I am seeing a small change in my body, but not significant enough to know that what im doing is working for me. As far as the scale goes, i'd be happy if it said i lost 1 lb.
I'm wondering if adding a fat burning suppliment would be helpfull.
Fat burning supplements are wastes of money. There is no pill you can buy that increases the rate you burn fat. It's a scam, pure and simple.

Try adding in some weight lifting to your routine, instead of all the cardio. It might help you reshape your body and feel better about the progress you're making.
well lets not totally midlead the guy. there are supplements you can buy that do increase your metabolism through stimulation of beta3-adrenoceptors in the body. the old hydroxycut formula from over a decade ago actually used to work as advertised.

comes with a couple cavats however. pills will only _help_ the already occurring fat loss process currently going on in your body. meaning if your diet and exercise routine isn't working for you already, then pills won't help any extra. and even then, the amount of fat loss that can be attributed to pills is in the area of 25% max of total fat lost.

The side effect of pills include death. So it's not something you want to mess around with. How they work is they basically increase your metabolism by increasing the bodies "burn" if you will. your heart rate will increase, your blood pressure will increase. Since most people wanting to lose weight are out of shape, high blood pressure, poor circulation, fat, etc, a big increase in heart rate and blood pressure can be a death sentence. And it has happened more than a few times. it's the reason for the hydroxycut ban all those years ago, people taking them were dropping dead from stroke and heart attack.

The current generation of "fat burners" are purely scam. They stimulate the beta6-adrenoceptors, which while shown to work great on rats, does not work at all on humans. you're basically paying a ton of cash for something that does not work. the caffeine and green tea extract might have a mild thermogenic effect in the area of a couple percent, but you can buy that in bulk for pennies and again, a couple percent increase in fat loss means that as always, your diet and exercise need to be taken care of properly first for any results.
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Thank you all for your advice, its given me much to think about. First off, i think i have been doing it a little over the top as far as my workouts go. Though the thought has enter my mind to try anything, i was never completely sold on using a supliment. Its been a long hard struggle the past year to lose this weight and i see the end of the tunnel and am trying to rush to it. I know that losing it to fast would only set me up for fail and thats the last thing i want. When first starting this journey i had been at the heaviest i had ever been and it has been an emotional one. On a side note i did lose 2 lbs this week so that makes me very happy. One more lb and i will break the 200's Woot.
do some weights

Hey, do weights 3 times a week (mon, weds, fri) works well

1lb of muscle burns on average 50 calories. Doesnt sound like much.

but if you have 10lbs of muscle = 10 x 50 x 7 = 3500 calories burnt a week

just by carrying that 10lb of muscle. Not bad ey?

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You are doing great. Sometimes weight loss does slow down - but our hard work is making is healthier even if we are not losing any weight that week. We just have to stick with it and we get rewarded in the end.

I halved my weight in the first 14 months of my project (losing 147 pounds) and then took the next 13 months to lose that last 21 pounds to get to goal... That last bit seemed to take forever - but it wasnt like I had stopped working really hard. Sometimes our bodies just stop losing weight for a while...

The fact is that I needed an emergency operation the week after I had that major 147 lost milestone and had an amazing recovery. The biggest reward was not that I looked more like a normal person (although still "overweight" by BMI) but that I was so healthy I sailed through the recovery.

I wouldnt bother with any pills or potions to get you through this - as you are doing great without them. A five week stall followed by a two pound loss :)party:) is normal for still losing very nicely.
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at this point in the game i have about 50lbs still to loose. I dont care if i see big numbers, but to see 2 lbs down a week would make me estatic. Yes seeing my body change more would be even better, but not seeing much of that right now either. I'm still trying a balance with it all. I recently changed my diet to something more of a "south beach" style, low fats, high fiber, lgi, lean protein, and that seems to be helping a bit more than what i was eating. although what i had been on was good as well. In all i have found that i need to change both my diet as well as my exercise routine about every 6 weeks, But finding the right balance to it has been difficult. When i started this journey i never expected this to be done in a snap of a finger, its just ive worked hard to achieve where i am today and strive to finally get into that bikini sit'n on the hanger.
Hey Moonpie, I completely understand what you're saying and I've been in a similar boat. I know what I eat is good, I don't eat any sweets, and I workout. I started working out about 5 weeks ago and I haven't lost a single pound since then. However, I put on some jeans yesterday that I haven't been able to wear in 2 years. The simple fact of the matter is that muscle weighs more than fat (yippee) so I'm okay with that. I've quit weighing myself and am still going to the gym. My hubby says that my legs and arms look a lot better and the 'cottage cheese' is completely gone and I'm 184 lbs. Here's my sample workout.

Monday - 20 minutes eliptical; 3 reps of 20 each - hip abductions, hip adductions, leg extensions, calf pulls; 10 minutes treadmill.
Tuesday - 20 minutes eliptical, 3 reps of 20 each - biceps, triceps; back extensions - work up to 3 sets of 15-20 for your lower back; 10 minutes treadmill.
Wednesday - 20 minutes eliptical; ab and side crunches; 20 minutes treadmill.
Thursday - 20 minutes eliptical; 3 reps of 20 each - hip abductions, hip adductions, leg extensions, calf pulls; 10 minutes treadmill.
Friday - 20 minutes eliptical, 3 reps of 20 each - biceps, triceps; back extensions - work up to 3 sets of 15-20 for your lower back; 10 minutes treadmill.
Saturday - 20 minutes eliptical; ab and side crunches; 20 minutes treadmill.

I usually take Sundays off. I don't take the classes yet because I feel like my body is too fat still to get much benefit from them (as much as I'd like) but I will start classes again once I get in better shape. I also follow the diabetic diet plan. The most important thing in regards to the diet you follow is to stick to it no matter what. If you keep changing it, you're not going to make any progress.
Yes this is completely true. I also have something to add about how the body burns stored fat.

The mitochondria (cell vitality focuses) in your muscle or liver cells pull a portion of the fat (put away as triglycerides) from inside your fat cells and put it through a metabolic procedure. This changes over the fat into warmth, carbon dioxide, water, and ATP (adenosine triphosphate). We should separate those.

Warmth: Heat vitality is essentially imperative for being not-dead. You know how you, being a warm-blooded well evolved creature, keep your body temperature right around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit virtually constantly? That's right, its by smoldering calories. When you're icy, you blaze way more calories to keep yourself warm. What's more, in the event that you're pondering exactly the amount of warmth vitality is put away inside fat, next time you make a dish of bacon, empty the abundance fat into a can and put a wick in it. You will be stunned by to what extent it blazes.

ATP: As you may recollect from our take a gander at creatine, we require ATP for muscle capacity. Our essential wellspring of prompt vitality is created when we sever a phosphate atom the ATP, and it makes a little blast of accessible power in your muscles. At that point it gets to be ADP, and it can't be utilized again until it grabs another phosphate particle. Krebs Cycle, infant. Essentially, it conveys fuel to your muscles.

What's the Deal With Creatine?

Creatine has been uncontrollably prevalent since the 1990s. It's touted as an alternate way to increasing lean…

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Carbon Dioxide: Whenever you smolder anything (see heat, above), it gives off carbon dioxide. It's valid with fuel, and its valid with muscle to fat ratio ratios. The carbon dioxide will go through your circulatory system until it comes back to your lungs to be breathed out.

Water: Fat normally feels kinda wet to the touch, isn't that so? That is on account of there's some water in it. You'll pee it out.
Try adding in some weight lifting to your routine, instead of all the cardio. It might help you reshape your body and feel better about the progress you're making.

This is the best advice I could give, too. If all you are doing is cardio, you're going to be losing muscle along with fat. Over time this will make it harder and harder to lose weight. Weight lifting is the best thing you can possibly be doing right now. Don't worry about gaining muscle, as this won't happen unless you're trying VERY hard to make it happen and eating A LOT.

Some cardio is fine, but replace 2 or 3 days with strength training and you'll definitely start seeing a difference.
I have seen some very good advice here! I am a physician assistant. I work with a doctor in Florida, and we run a surgical weight loss center of excellence. But even with surgery, it is so important to realize that it always comes own to the basics... what you eat, and your activity level. Of course, we see so many other ancillary issues with our patients. Please feel free to email me personally with questions at