Weight progression EXAMPLE: (when weights are bought or you have access to a gym)
If we incorporate a FREEFORM stategy due to your lack of weights or access to a gym, the "progression" importance still remains as important:
A Weight Program is a structured "Weight Lifting" Plan that you schedule certain exercises for a given time period.
For example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Rest Saturday and Sunday, and then repeat.
For example (for simplicity's sake), schedule a full body workout on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and then rest on the weekend. The program should be complimenting the sort of diet you have and the goals you seek.
I recommend a writing down the exercises, weight being used, and then keeping track of the reps completed---to track progression, and if need be enable FORCE progression techniques. The KEY to training, is PROGRESSION. Trying with FULL THROTTLE to progress from one workout to the next (whether its an increase in reps or weight or both).
For example: you used 100lbs on Bent Over row and did 8 reps. The next workout with the back you want to get 9 reps, and so on and so forth. If the target cut off rep range is 12 (for example), then you would increase about 5 lbs. This is progression in its simple basic form.
I believe you have to track progress because its CRITICAL to ones success and to strength and/or muscle gains.