Need advice on my weightloss routine.


New member
Hey all. I'm 26 year old male who has decided to work harder at losing weight. I currently weigh 278 and my BMI is around 35. When I was 10 I was misdiagnosed with Schizophrenia and placed on very strong Benzos. My childhood was spent either heavily sedated or playing video games for 12-16 hours a day. Combine this with my binge eating and emotional issues and by the time I was in 6th grade I was over 200lbs.

In December 2013 I was over 300lbs, and due to my sitting around and stuffing my face when I was high or something was bothering me my gallbladder needed to be removed in Jan of 2014. After that I started losing weight rapidly, All I was doing was watching my portions, eating healthy and walking 2 - 2.5 miles a day. I was also working at a very busy car wash which required me to be on my feet all day and be on the ball for 8-12 hours a day.

After I left that job I started bulking up again. I went from eating healthy to going back to the usual stuff I was eating, lots of sweets and junk food. And packed on another 30lbs in the past year. A week ago I was up to 290 due to my tendencies to binge eat when my mind starts wandering and things bother me. Funny thing is the entire thing that inspired me to lose weight was my girlfriend getting a personal trainer to drop the last 30 lbs she wanted to lose. We broke up a couple days ago due to me not being able to deal with her batshit crazy family, and her clingyness to her father.

Despite the setback I'm still determined to get down to 220lbs.

This past Monday I started out walking 2.2 miles a day, and I calculated my speed walking at 3.7mph. It takes me about 35 minutes to walk that distance. I was worried about walking not being enough cardio to maximize my fat burning, so I picked up a stationary bike at Wallyworld Wednesday.

Since then this has been my workout routine.
Every other day squats and lunges for lower body. I do 10 reps each, and after about 3 sets my legs a bit weak and I can feel the burn for hours afterwards

Every other day Bicep curls, Tricep extensions and Chest fly for upper body. 10-15 reps. Same deal as the legs, I do 3 sets. I pulled a chest muscle doing the fly the very first day but I'm back to normal now.
I'm taking a break from these toning exercises tomorrow to give everything a chance to heal up before week 2. I waiting to drop some of my gut before I work on the midsection.

Two 20 minute internals on the stationary bike. I Start out at a slow to moderate pace and then kick it up as fast and hard as I can. Once I'm short of breath and my heart is pounding out of my chest I slow down to let my heartrate and breathing return to normal, then slowly crank it back up again. As I stated I do this for 20 minutes, take a 5-10 minute break then do another 20.

I've already lost 2 lbs this week so I know it's working, I just wanted an opinion from someone who isn't new to fitness.
Do you follow some routine or did you used internet ot make it? The thing is, it's better that you go to a doctor or search for some good weight loss diet online! It's hard to do it by yourself and it's best that you follow methods made by professionals! I do not intend to spam, but the ones here have helped me(I use the 3 week diet to some extent) and I know poeple who have used other ones found there with great succes!

Anyhow, consider getting professionaly made routine and you may get a lot better results!
I just made it up but however I think I'm going to tone it down a bit. 2 days cardio 1 day off, repeat instead of trying to do it all week long. Just started out and I don't want to over do it. I weighed in two pounds lighter again today. Along with the exercise I'm keeping my caloric intake around 1800-2000 a day. Not on a diet but I stay away from sweets and foods high in fat especially since I realized without my gallbladder I pack on fat quite a bit quicker than I use to.
Reponse to your post

Good morning,

This was a very touching post. My eyes got watery just thinking of the struggle you had to endure. I want to commend you for stepping up to the plate and taking charge of your life.

Now I think your workout routine is pretty good for now. The main thing is you don't want to over do it and you don't want to get injured. Can I ask you how is your nutrition and what do you eat on a normal basis? My strong point is nutrition, so I would love to help you improve in that area if possible. Some studies show that nutrition plays an 85% role in weight loss. So basically that means you can workout all day long but if you aren't feeding yourself the correct way, you will only see limited results.

Good morning,

This was a very touching post. My eyes got watery just thinking of the struggle you had to endure. I want to commend you for stepping up to the plate and taking charge of your life.

Now I think your workout routine is pretty good for now. The main thing is you don't want to over do it and you don't want to get injured. Can I ask you how is your nutrition and what do you eat on a normal basis? My strong point is nutrition, so I would love to help you improve in that area if possible. Some studies show that nutrition plays an 85% role in weight loss. So basically that means you can workout all day long but if you aren't feeding yourself the correct way, you will only see limited results.


Honestly cereal for breakfast, if I'm hungry after that I eat some toast with a bit of peanut butter or grab some fruit. Lunch tends to be eaten out, Yesterday I grabbed a microwavable burrito but I hadn't eaten anything other than breakfast.. after checking calories and fat I decided it wouldn't hurt wouldn't as long as I didn't have a large supper. That or recently I've been heading to subway and grabbing a blackforest ham footlong, or heading to the dollar store next to my job and grabbing a small microwavable meal which are for weightloss. Snackwise I grab a few sweets or something like cheese and crackers or popcorn, occasionally an apple or orange.

I'm not much of a cook to be honest. I can read and follow a cookbook but I've never tried making my own meals from raw ingredients.

Since the breakup I haven't been eating great. I lost 10 lbs within the first 4 days just from not having an appetite which tells you how much I can binge eat when things really start bothering me. My appetite is starting to come back so I'm just trying to watch what I eat. I also work until 10 at which point I have to close the store on my own. I don't get home until around 12 and if I visit my buddy on the way back I get home around 2. So I tend to eat dinner late.
You are doing great.

Losing weight takes three things:

1. exercise.
2. diet.
3. time

You are already exercising so that will do.
You need to eat a healthy diet.
You need to stick to it for two years.

All the liars will tell you that they can do it faster but ask them how much time they took and you will find the bitter truth.
It took me 4 years to attain the body I walk with.
You need to forge your body for years.

Don't exercise too much in a day.You need to stay hungry.
The prize goes to the one who runs longer.

Exercise and diet for a year and see what happens.

Plan on it. I'm hoping I hit 220 by the end of the year, then I want to sculpt and build muscle. Not freakishly huge or anything.
I've been doing well. I'll be honest I've fallen off my cardio routine but I'm keeping my weight steady and still trying to tone. Been too damn tired lately, tapering off the meds causes insomnia as well as other issues.

I hopped on my bike Yesterday and did my two 5 mile workouts, each time instead of reading 20 minutes at the end of the routine, It was reading 17:30. Looks like I needed a little break to help everything heal up. Bout to hop on again.

I'm not complaining about the lack of cardio either.. I've lost 18 lbs since the beginning of the month. :D

Jan 29th - 290
This morning, 272.
As for everyone asking about my eating habits, I have no strict diet I follow. I've just been eating smaller portions and staying away from sweats, greasy food, carbs and high sodium foods.

I'll sneak some sweats every now and then, but I usually grab some fruit instead of sugary junk food.

Breakfest is usually a bowl of whole grain cereal or once a week a couple of eggs and 3 strips of bacon. Lunch and Supper are usually leftovers, typically lean meat and veggies.
Way to go, Hemispheres! Great improvement from where you were. Keep sticking true to your nature, it's working for you and you're going to hit that goal weight in no time at all. Inspirational and touching story here. I'm rooting you on.
Haven't been on the bike lately, found a few bolts had came lose. The bike is only rated for 250 lbs. I'm almost there, I've been battling depression as of late, side effect of tapering off the seroquel. I'm at 259 right now just from eating small meals. I'm still doing my toning routine and my arms are looking pretty good. Gonna try and get some extra weights and bump it up from 20lbs to 30lbs, able to do 20 bicep curls and tricep extensions before experiencing any type of fatigue. I'm also hoping this break will keep me from hitting a plateau.
Ok guys I'm back on the right track. I was losing motivation and also made the mistake of taking back the ex. Fell back into old habits. After 3 weeks she tells me the guy that was originally a boyfriend was just a one night stand so I broke of all contact and decided to focus on me.

I started hitting the bike again but it's becoming boring now, so I've started walking a path at Colonial Williamsurg. Tonight marks the 5th night and I'm walking 4.4 miles in just about 90 minutes which is awesome, I'm not completely worn out either so next time I'm going to add an extra mile onto my walk and see how I feel.
I'm loving this way too much, looks like I found my new routine. My average and slightly overweight friends are having a hard time keeping with my pace when I bring them along on the walk.

Tuesday night I did 4.5 miles in an hour flat, tonight I cut the time down to 50 mins. This is just speed walking..... And I believe I'm started to become addicted to the endorphin release. I go to bed feeling great but wake up grumpy as hell lol.
253... 33 more lbs to go! :D