I'm sceptical about the strength you claim to have at 14, but it's not completely unheard of, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Now, assuming that you're not involved in any sport outside of the gym, you should be training 3-4 days per week. If training 3 days/week, they should all be non-consecutive days (eg Mon/Wed/Fri), If training 4 days/week, Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri is usually good. In the latter case, I recommend an upper/lower split, so you're training the upper and lower body twice per week. The 3 day/week method can actually result in faster progress due to having three chances each week to increase the weight you're lifting and stimulating growth in each bodypart 3x/week rather than only 2x/week.
One of the best routines out there for teenagers wanting to build strength and size is Rippetoe's Starting Strength - but you'll have to eat a LOT to do the program properly, so you won't be "toned" when you've exhausted the program, and you'll then need to do something else to maintain strength and muscle mass while getting rid of any excess fat.
Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 has a much slower progression, but you will get strong on it, you will get big if you eat, and you will get "toned" (ie have muscle mass with low bodyfat) without interrupting the program much if you reduce calorie intake. When the program gets boring after 3+ months, just change the assistance exercises.
I recommend buying Starting Strength and 5/3/1 if you can, even if you don't use the programs, because they'll give you the best instruction on how to do each exercise CORRECTLY and will really help you learn how to add/subtract things from your program as necessary.
As far as stunting your growth is concerned, this is mostly associated with epiphyseal plate injuries. Train with good technique, don't lift with your ego, use a good, balanced program, avoid maxing out on a set, eat and recovery properly, and this is unlikely to be an issue. When I was a teenager, I did none of the above once I started training, and I stopped growing a couple inches short of where I think I was supposed to grow to. You've gotta eat; you've gotta train sensibly. This may mean that you DON'T get a totally cut look as a teen. Try to keep your bodyfat% below 18% and above 12%, and you'll have some "tone" but you should also be able to keep on growing normally.
Regarding food, to gain weight, consume 500Cal/day more than what you need to maintain weight. To lose weight, 500Cal/day less than maintenance. Since you say you want to get big, I'd start out aiming for 3,000Cal/day (eg 6 meals/day, 500Cal in each). Also aim to consume 30g protein in each meal, targeting at least your bodyweight in g's of protein/day (ie at 135lb, aim for 135g protein/day, at 180lb, aim for 180g protein/day). Eat meat, eggs, lots of vegetables, fruit, and grains (eg bread, rice, pasta). Drink milk and fresh fruit juice. Avoid things with preservatives and artificial sweetners in them. In other words, eat healthy, wholesome, natural foods, and eat lots of them.