My Run Time for 5k

Hey I just did my first 5k and my chip time was 23:18.5. This is better than what i was training for around 27 mins. I was running every other day after doing a resistance training circuit. Sometimes I did hills on the treadmill, or just straight runs at around 6.5 mph for 30 mins straight, or run outside on my 5.6km route which i could complete in under 30 min. This is about 2.5 months of training and I quit smoking at the same time. Of course I have ran in the past (not in races) but just for exercise on the treadmill.

Very nice! What's next?
Well I am going to continue training over the winter and do a 10k early next season. There is also another 5k race i might run in Oct 19th for MADD.
Barry, start out by running most of your days as 4-5 miles per day at a an 11:30 to 12:30 per mile pace. Mix in a one or two days per week a month or two later where you start tempo runs, for you 1 mile warm up 2 or 3 miles tempo 1 mile cool down. Your tempo pace would be about 10-10:30 per mile pace. This would be a good start toward breaking 30 minutes.

My personal best is 20:14, trying to break that in Nov. though.