If I were in your shoes and wanted to weight train 4 x/week.... I'd suggest this:
Monday: Heavy horizontal press/pull, Light vertical press/pull
Tuesday: Legs
Thursday: Heavy vertical press/pull, Light horizontal press/pull
Friday: Legs
This might translate into something like this:
Flat Bench 3x5
BB Row 3x5
DB Overhead Press 3x12
Lat Pulldowns (supinated grip) 3x12
Any accessory stuff you want to throw in at the end (abs, arms, etc)
Squats 3x5
Romanian Deadlifts 3x8
Lunges 2x12
Leg Curls 2x8
Wednesday: OFF
Standing Overhead BB Press 3x5
Pulldowns (pronated grip) 3x5
Incline DB Chest Press 2x12
Flat DB Flys 2x12
Cable Rows 2x10
Conventional Deads 3x5
Front Squats or Leg Presses (feet in low position) 3x10
Step-ups 1x10
Reverse Lunge 1x10
Lying Leg Curls (toes points) 1x10
* you can add accessory work wherever you want as long as it's kept to a minimum
** exercises that have no spacing between one another are done in superset fashion
This is simply an idea of what I'd be doing. Certainly not set in stone.
Monday: Heavy horizontal press/pull, Light vertical press/pull
Tuesday: Legs
Thursday: Heavy vertical press/pull, Light horizontal press/pull
Friday: Legs
This might translate into something like this:
Flat Bench 3x5
BB Row 3x5
DB Overhead Press 3x12
Lat Pulldowns (supinated grip) 3x12
Any accessory stuff you want to throw in at the end (abs, arms, etc)
Squats 3x5
Romanian Deadlifts 3x8
Lunges 2x12
Leg Curls 2x8
Wednesday: OFF
Standing Overhead BB Press 3x5
Pulldowns (pronated grip) 3x5
Incline DB Chest Press 2x12
Flat DB Flys 2x12
Cable Rows 2x10
Conventional Deads 3x5
Front Squats or Leg Presses (feet in low position) 3x10
Step-ups 1x10
Reverse Lunge 1x10
Lying Leg Curls (toes points) 1x10
* you can add accessory work wherever you want as long as it's kept to a minimum
** exercises that have no spacing between one another are done in superset fashion
This is simply an idea of what I'd be doing. Certainly not set in stone.