My road back: the sequel where things hopefully go better

That's what I estimated. 7x150=1050 kcal. 400 ml of fruit yogurt is generally around 400 kcal here, and 400 ml of icecream (which has a much lower density) probably 500 or so.
Hope you can enjoy your company and the delicious food without veering off into binge territory!
Sadly I entered binge territory in the past few days. It's so hard to resist when there's a big, decadent spread of food filling an entire table!
It sure is. Would it help you to eat a large salad or clear veggie soup before going to such a spread to make sure you're at least not making decisions on an empty stomach? (As well as getting some veggies in: those tend to be in short supply during the holidays.)
It sure is. Would it help you to eat a large salad or clear veggie soup before going to such a spread to make sure you're at least not making decisions on an empty stomach? (As well as getting some veggies in: those tend to be in short supply during the holidays.)
That's a good idea!
Not eating during the day sounds like a sure way to set yourself up for over-indulgence in the evening. A nice, healthy salad for lunch sure could change that whole day. It's over now though. We never stop learning, that's for sure.
Not eating during the day sounds like a sure way to set yourself up for over-indulgence in the evening. A nice, healthy salad for lunch sure could change that whole day. It's over now though. We never stop learning, that's for sure.
I wish I could order something suitable at work, but it’s so crap there in terms of healthy food.
Yep, live and learn!
Day 8
Morning weigh in: 151.7kgs (344.4lbs

I deserved that.
Well, managed a pretty good day today at least!
for lunch I had a egg and salad roll, then at dinner time had a can of vegetable soup, and a normal sized serve of mashed pumpkin, potato and sweet potato along with some steamed green vegetables.
A bit too carbs to be a proper weight loss day, but a smashing effort as a harm-minimisation day!
a smashing effort as a harm-minimization day!
A "harm-minimization day", I like that, good phrase. I've had days like that.
I wish I could order something suitable at work, but it’s so crap there in terms of healthy food.
Can you take something for lunch? I have found 3 normal meals works best for me, not that I always accomplish it.

You are going to do fine, just keep at it!
Hello fellow weight-fighters! I'm back!

It's been roughly a year and my life has undergone a few changes since my last, ill-fated attempt at changing for the better.
I've moved back with my parents for the last few months while I renovate my new apartment, which I'll hopefully be moving into in about a month or so.
I've changed my work situation, now working fewer hours as I work on this apartment renovation, and think it's time for a personal renovation too!
I'm a wee bit heavier than when I last attempted to lose weight, first weigh in will come tonight with my first journal entry lol.
Hi! Good luck to you!
Hi! Good luck to you!
Many thanks!
I haven't stopped in much as I've been so busy at work for the holiday season, no workouts, etc... But it's actually been an incredible few weeks and I credit it entirely to cutting out alcohol!

I'm not weighing in daily at the moment but the last weigh in was around 145kgs, so a step in the right direction already!
My plan is to really rip in with the gym in the new year (no great surprises there haha).
Day 1


Morning weigh in: 150.4kgs (331.6lbs)

So the holidays were a bit of a disaster, but no more than expected. I eventually drank alcohol purely out of situational pressure (that's not to say I didn't enjoy it immensely) and ate all the things.
I'm now three days sober and got my first gym session in since about a year ago. I managed about ten one-minute rounds of jump rope and it just about killed me lol.

The eating was good, but the portion sizing at dinner wasn't great. An egg and mushrooms for breakfast, a big ham and salmon salad for lunch, then two servings of chops with cous cous and vegetable salad for dinner. Healthy, but one dinner is enough and cous cous is a grain so it'll slow down weight loss. I ought to stick to the leafy greens.

All in all, a solid, silver medal effort. I've set a marker and I need to improve on it now.
Going straight from binge-sized holiday meals to weightloss portions can be hard for the brain/body to accept.
Yep, it's a process. I won't miss the chance to recognise a silver or even bronze medal day after the excess of Christmas and New Year!
Day 2


I've decided to only weigh in once per week, but I was a little curious and weighed in after breakfast, lunch and plenty of liquid... was pleased to find I was about a kilo lighter than yesterday!

Breakfast was two eggs, three mushrooms and 200g of smoked trout. Lunch was some sliced ham, and dinner was two bowls of celery and carrot soup, followed by an alpro dessert with berries.

The one slip-up I had was a chunk of banana bread got with a cup of coffee.... It was loaded with sugar. Again, snatched a silver medal from the jaws of gold lol.

No gym session as I have an early morning for work!
Sounds like a great day, unless that chunk was half the loaf! A bit of protein with dinner might keep you full longer and would give you an extra chance at muscle protein synthesis if you're trying to build strength but your total protein intake looks plenty large enough to not worry about either unless you're in optimization mode.
Sounds like a great day, unless that chunk was half the loaf! A bit of protein with dinner might keep you full longer and would give you an extra chance at muscle protein synthesis if you're trying to build strength but your total protein intake looks plenty large enough to not worry about either unless you're in optimization mode.
It was massive lol.... about the size of a cake slice! 🤦‍♂️ I'd love to play innocent, but I knew how big they were! But it was bucketing down with rain and I just flaked!