My Gastric balloon story - the story you may NOT want to hear


New member
I have sitting for weeks trying to think wether I should post this or not but some of my friends have encouraged me so here goes nothing! Nothing ladies, that is pretty much close to the weight that I have lost. Well, 2kg’s, that’s it. I thought I’d share my story as when I was researching the balloon all I found were all these great success stories.

I had my balloon fitted on 29 October 2009 and was bed ridden for a full 4 days, I have never felt this sick or useless in my life (and I’ve had 2 caesers!!) During thos first days I had a bucket next to my bed and vomited morning noon and night, I lost around 4 kilos in that first week. Within 2 weeks my appetite was back to normal. I could eat the same amount of food I did before and I got as hungry as often.

The clinic that fitted my balloon had about 5 girls on the day I had mine fitted, we were the first lot for this clinic (we weren’t told that!) One lady had to have hers removed after 4 weeks because her body could not tolerate the balloon, she ended up in hospital twice due to severe dehydration, one lost 5kg’s and I lost 2. I’m not sure about the other 2 but out of a group of 5 that’s not the kind of results you would want to see if you were to fork over $6k

Healthwise I’ve had a few issues too with the balloon, I cant be 100% sure if it’s all related but I’ll mention them anyway. I have had a massive amount of hairloss, I’m not sure if it may be the strong heartburn medication you have to tale the entire time you are on the balloon (something they also didn’t mention before I had it fitted) My dentist asked if I had any recent troubles with gastric acid. I didn’t tell him about the balloon but told him yes I was on medication. I can only gather that the enamel on the inside of my teeth has worn down from the initial vomiting. I actually didn’t vomit much at all after the first week, maybe once a month if that. Lastly, I have small broken capillaries on my face and neck from the pressure in my head when you vomit, they tended to fade but as soon as I vomited again I’d be stuck with dark red little spots on my neck and eyelids.

I don’t mean to scare anyone, just thought I’d share my story. Do I regret it? Yes, I do. If I could turn back time I would take my money to a good food counsellor and get some counselling for emotional eating and get a personal trainer.

I don’t blame the clinic, I blame myself. Ultimately we all control what goes in our mouth, just be warned that the balloon doesn’t always work like you think it will.

If anyone has any other questions they’d like me to answer feel free to send me a message.
Thank you for posting this. I only wish more people would read it BEFORE they elect to have the procedure rather than after.

Healthwise I’ve had a few issues too with the balloon, I cant be 100% sure if it’s all related but I’ll mention them anyway. I have had a massive amount of hairloss, I’m not sure if it may be the strong heartburn medication you have to tale the entire time you are on the balloon
Hairloss is one of the key signs of malnutrition, and especially not enough fat in your diet.

I can only gather that the enamel on the inside of my teeth has worn down from the initial vomiting.
Yup. Many bulemics have horrible teeth because the digestive acids destroy tooth enamel.

Too many people see the balloon as a quick and easy fix. And too many doctors and clinics share the happy/shiny side of the balloon and don't tell you about the potential issues. If I had a dime for every person who has come onto this board and posted a symptom and said "my doctor never told me this would happen ... is it normal" ... I'd be a rich rich woman.

I wish there were some way to tell people to RESEARCH a procedure before they have it and not just listen to the propaganda put out by the companies that profit from the surgery - including the doctors and clinics.

I'm sorry you're dealing with this. The positive thing is that unlike gastric bypass or other permanent surgical procedures, you can have the balloon removed and you will recover from all of this (or 99% of it anyway).

Good luck to you in the future!
Hi Shrinker,

Really sorry you have had this experience. Gutted that you have spent that much money for so little.

My experience has been different but I actually support you telling your story- many many people read this site as a form of research, and posters tend to drop off when things aren't going well. It ends up looking a bit skewed because of this, and I think your post has given a perspective not seen much. It means that people have more information when they are making the decision.

All the best now it is out-

I'm sorry that happened.

Are you sure you cannot sue the clinic for not telling you that you were one of their first patients and for messing up the surgery? It sounds deceitful to me, and something they should have told you.
Sorry for you

To Shrinker, you're experience sounds awful, so sorry you had that experience. Personally, I had all the usual side effects for about the first few weeks after my balloon insertion, like nausea, sickness, acid, etc but thankfully it all passed within maybes 2 weeks. I was told all about that stuff before i had it so I new what to expect. Mind you there were quite a few hiccups during my journey as i got used to the balloon. Anyway, i'm one of the peeps who didn't have too many dramas and i went on to lose 3 stone (with the balloon) and another 1 stone after, yeah i've slipped up too...i went on holiday to Greece and gained 9lbs in 2 weeks! but managed to lose most of it when i got back home. As it happens, my sis saw my weight loss and recently has had one too (she lost 2 stone and had a really easy time, not as many side effects as me). My view on it is all is it depends on how much you work with your clinic team and of course it there is back up support! and of course as so many have said on this forum, it's only a kick start to get you on the road. Your clinic sounds like they didn't give you all the facts. Nobody should have this procedure done unless they know all the facts, but it did work for me (and my sis) hope you get where you want to be soon. x
Sorry to hear about this Skrinker, and thanks so much for sharing your story. You're right; the media portrays this kind of surgery to be some kind of quick-fix solution to a weight problem, but in reality this is often not the case. I too know of people for whom the surgery was completely not worth it. That being said, I also know people who have seen massive changes. I think the only thing we can take from this is that you MUST MUST MUST do your research beforehand...go to a reputable clinic that you know has been performing this type of procedure (successfully!) for a long period of time, and make sure oyu know what it entails. Having surgery may seem like an ideal solution, but, in reality, nothing is that perfect.
Hi Shrinker,

I have followed all your story and I felt like I could have wriiten your initial blogs myself!! our stories are so similar.
I am currently comtemplating having the balloon surgery and after reading your blogs I am very nervous and reconsidering. Can you give me any indication as to whether you have had similar stories re the clinic you used? was this in western sydney? and if so have you heard any more positive stires from other patients of other clinics in sydney? now wondering whether this was an issue with the clinic or just plain bad luck??? would really appreciate any blogs from fellow sydney siders...