My extreme workout

Hey guys this is my full body workout..I do it twice a week in between speed and plyo sessions, just wondering does anyone think it's too much of a workload and am I overworking certain muscles?

Shoulders: Military press and upright barbell row

Arms: tricep dips, bicep curls and forearm curls and reverse curls

Back: Bent over dumbell row, chin-up, Dumbell shrug

Chest Bench press, incline bench, decline bench

Abs: Jack-knife sit-up, obliques with med ball

Gluts, Quads, Hammies: Deadlift, Front squat, Lunge, single legged squat, hamstring curls

Miscellaneous: Clean and Jerk, Calf raises, Decline sit-up and other core work(eg.plank,superman,etc.)

I do 3 sets of 8 reps this workout too extreme???:eek:
3x8 of EACH exersice? could be a bit too much volume. anyways, with fullbody it could be better to do it 3 times a week, but with reduced volume, if you got the time for it ofcource.
Karky said:
3x8 of EACH exersice? could be a bit too much volume. anyways, with fullbody it could be better to do it 3 times a week, but with reduced volume, if you got the time for it ofcource.

Word. Drop the reps on the C&J. Cut out the upright row. Only need 1 bicep movement. Drop the decline bench.

You're playing sports since you're doing plyos?
Program doesnt look bad since you are only working it twice a week. Does look as though you are really blasting the triceps. Doing 3 chest movements, military presses, and dips thats 15 sets for the tris 12 indirect and 3 direct. Might eliminate something there. Also I would honestly drop all the micellaneuos work except the calf raises.
Ya I play rugby..we're currently training about 3 times a week.
I'm thinking of dropping the upright rows, decline bench and front squats, still too much??:confused:
Shoulders: Military press and upright barbell row

Arms: tricep dips, bicep curls and forearm curls and reverse curls

Back: Bent over dumbell row, chin-up, Dumbell shrug

Chest Bench press, incline bench, decline bench

Abs: Jack-knife sit-up, obliques with med ball

Gluts, Quads, Hammies: Deadlift, Front squat, Lunge, single legged squat, hamstring curls

Miscellaneous: Clean and Jerk, Calf raises, Decline sit-up and other core work(eg.plank,superman,etc.)

That's the original. Let's take out all the superfluous isolation, so we can focus on all the important things.

Shoulders: Military press


Back: Bent over dumbell row, chin-up, Dumbell shrug

Chest Bench press

Abs: Jack-knife sit-up, obliques with med ball

Gluts, Quads, Hammies: Deadlift, Lunge, single legged squat

Miscellaneous: Clean and Jerk, Calf raises, Decline sit-up and other core work(eg.plank,superman,etc.)

"Core" exercises aren't a problem - you can typically throw them all into a circuit and knock them out quickly.

If you want to thrash yourself, arrange it like this, maybe?

Single-Legged Squat

Bench Press
Bent-over Row

Military Press

Calf Raises

Core Circuit (Jack-knives, russian twists, decline sit-ups, etc)

If you survive, I'll be impressed. It's typically a no-no to do anything after you deadlift, but if you want intensity, that'll give it to you. Stay in that 8 rep range. Go do lunges. Then do single-legged squats. (I'd assume you either mean bulgarian split squats, king deadlifts, or pistol squats.) The sets of that, you'll want to kill yourself.

Go keep your 3x8 set/rep, you won't be able to do much more than three sets. Superset the other three pairings. Create a core circuit of however many exercises you want, do them all with no rest, then at the end, rest maybe sixty seconds, and do it again.

If you survive, I'll be impressed.
newf said:
That's nonsense.

agreed. Deadlifts make you very tiered, and it might not be a good idea to do more heavy leg exersices after it, but it all depends. I have deadlifts as the second exersice on one of my days, but after it i do mostly upper body.
Single-Legged Squat

Bench Press
Bent-over Row

Military Press

Calf Raises

Core Circuit (Jack-knives, russian twists, decline sit-ups, etc)

That seems like a good plan..think I'll give it a go. I'll probably try doing a lower body exercise then an upper-body, eg.deadlift then bench, then lunges, then bent over row,etc. How does that sound?
Timmy said:
Oh sure, you can superset light lifts with heavy squats and deadlifts, but if I'm going heavy enough, I wouldn't want to.

ya know, NROL leads it's workouts with deadlifts, and on FLII, you do both conventional and romainian on the same day. Whew! No one said it was going to be easy.
John: It's possible, but I'd be careful benching after deadlifting, just given the energy used. I'd be afraid of getting trapped under the bar? Yeah, silly me. I'd do all the lower-body stuff in one shot to slam them. Take out the single-legged squats, if you want. Upper body pairings, if you notice, are antagonist, and should be easy.

Cynic: I wouldn't try something like that unless I could blame it on somebody else. ; )
I did the workout as Timmy suggested was pretty tough but do-able. I know this is kind of off the topic but I took creatine 2 hours before working out and whey protein this the best time to take creatine?
creatine post workout in your shake.