Okay, well if my "problem" is so trivial and insignificant, then there's a LOT of people out there with that same "problem". Maybe it's not so trivial after all.
There are millions of people who don't know how to boil water, but it doesn't change the fact that it's just not that big of a deal to fix. Just because there are a ton of people who have the same "problem", it doesn't mean that the issue is any larger than what it really is.
And you're not "attacking anything straight on", you're not being constructive, you're not being helpful, you're just being sarcastic--so much to the point where you're defending the liberty of sarcasm, as if it's what makes the world go 'round. "Life would be so boring without it." Who gives fuck? Excuse my language but honestly...c'mon now....!
Right, who gives a fuck? Why do you care if I'm sarcastic or not? But, to use your own flawed mentality...
There are millions of people who are just as sarcastic as I am, so,
by your own logic, it must be totally normal to be this way. So, why do you have a problem with it?
And yeah I ALLOWED for comments, but I was hoping that they'd be decent comments about others own personal experiences relating to what I posted, and I was getting that. That I could share my ideas with others and vice versa--thats the point of posting a particular thread based on a particular subject. This thread isn't titled "General Opinions". So that was perfectly fine and much appreciated. Then all of a sudden you post your stuff about how my problem is soooo irrelevant and insignificant BUT APPARENTLY OTHERS HAVE BEEN THROUGH THAT SAME THING AS ME. So just b/c you specifically can't relate to it makes it "silly"?? Like, r u serious...??
See? You were hoping for something and,
when you didn't get it, you got all pissy about it. This isn't the first thread you've done this in either. You think that I believe sarcasm makes the world go 'round? No, it doesn't. You don't make the world go 'round either. The world doesn't revolve around you, so stop expecting people to make mountains out of your trivial mole hills.
You were hoping that people would come here and hold your hand, walking you through everything while they coddled your precious emotions, but you didn't get that. And, now you're flustered just because you didn't get the sympathy that you were hoping for. Like, OMG, R U 4 REALZ? Grow up.
All I'm saying is just chill with that attitude. Nobody else came on here being sarcastic and annoying (except one guy who apologized, so it's all good

) so why don't you follow suite and realize that it's not that type of party. If you want me to, I can post a "Let's all act sarcastic for absolutely no reason" post and feel free to express your thoughts of sarcasm there.
Once again, swallow your own advice for once. You were the one who brought the attitude into the room. You, yourself, are claiming that it's not that type of party. So, if you don't want it to be that kind of party, then don't bring that shit into the room with you.
And I never asked for your pity. Again, if you read what i initially posted CAREFULLY, you'd see that the point was not to have people feel sorry for me. I hate pity. I don't want ya pity. I dont want people feeling sry for me, so I never asked for that. So if you think I want your pity, you can go ahead and save it for somebody else.
I read each and every word of what you posted. You claim that you don't want pity, but you're getting all pissy at me just because I used a little bit of sarcasm and didn't bother to wrap my loving arms around you. You didn't get what you hoped for (which was clearly sympathy) and now you're being a big baby about it.
P.S. Ur sarcasm just isn't funny. Maybe that's why I'm not vibing with it.
I can "handle" people posting comments. All I'm saying is tha sarcasm is not necessary. You don't need to be sarcastic to get ur point across. Espcially to the extent that it was used. If your entire response is just you being sarcastic, then i'm sry, idk how else to say it, but that's so annoying to me..
You know what else is annoying? People who starts threads on public forums and then cry over what people post in them. I read in one of your posts that you're 20 years old, but you certainly don't act like it.
I mean, idk maybe it's me. I just really did not understand where all that sarcasm was coming from b/c it was jus SO left field. So it almost came across as you mocking me or making fun of me or what. Idk. It just didn't make sense... I mean, i know you said ur just a "funny" (if thats really what you want to call it) type of person and you like cracking what YOU call "jokes". But ... idk ... it was just really ... weird/awkward/annoying. Especially cuz you just kept going with it.
I just kept on going with it? This, coming from the girl who has made like 10 posts about how she doesn't like sarcasm?
You keep going on and on about how annoying and unfunny you find it to be, but
I'm the one who keeps going with it?
Do yourself a favor; go into the bathroom, stand in front of the sink and have a good long look in the mirror. It's that big shiny thing that you can see yourself in.