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So I have been logging my food for almost a month now, on here and on And you know what I have realized? I think I eat too much because I try to control when I am "allowed" to eat, and I end up over-doing it, b/c I'm forcing myself to eat even when I'm not hungry; just simply because some 'diet plan' told me I should be eating at a specific time.
When you fall asleep, you don't do so b/c the clock has stricken 10pm. You fall asleep because you are tired (<-- natural human function).
When you breath, you don't time each and every breath you take. You breath to either empty or fill your lungs (<-- another natural human function).
So why is it when one wants to go on a diet, they must control to a T when they can and cannot eat? You should eat when you are hungry (<-- yet another natural human function). Why should I eat 5-6 times a day if I am not hungry 5-6 times a day? I believe this is what has lead me to overeat b/c I try to incorporate the many smaller meals a day, whether or not I a hungry, and it cause me to has to unconsciously put food in my mouth so I'm not thinking about the fact that I am not actually hungry.
I think that especially in this American society, everything and everybody is surrounded by food. Gatherings, celebrations, welcoming gifts, surprises, ceremonies, EVERYTHING! So we are trained to eat, not b/c we are hungry, but just b/c the food is there. And I believe that when certain diets try to "undo" that habit, they are actually reinforcing it, b/c it's not YOU telling yourself when to eat, it's some diet calling the shots. I think it takes the -- what's the word I'm looking for -- "nature" (i guess) out of eating, and makes it into sort of a robotic habit. Eating shouldn't be a habit or a procedure or something you document and write down. And I think diets that try to make eating into some sort of system do less help than harm.
Since I've been logging my food, I've been really thinking about my eating habits, I realize its not that I eat bad things (well ... not all that time), but that I have trained myself to eat whenever I am "supposed" to eat, according to some diet, and that leads me to eat more than I would like b/c I start eating unconsciously instead of actually eating b/c my body has told me to. From now on, that is what I intend to do. I'll eat when I'm hungry. So if that means breakfast comes at 11am and lunch at 4pm, then so be it. But at least it'll be NATURAL, and natural is something that I can actually stick to for the rest of my life. Being told what and when to eat takes the control out of my hands and I believe has lead my to "cheat" more often than I would like b/c I'm feeling like I have absolutely NO control over something so basic. And the only way I can take back that control is to laugh in the face of my diet and overeat.
Now this doesn't mean 'bring on the cheesburgers!' No. I'm 20 years old and I'm know what is good for me. I do eat all my vegetables at dinner without my mother telling me to do so. And I will continue to eat healthy. But I will eat on my terms and when my body needs the fuel. So forget the 5-6 times a day meals (tho it was 4 for me). Forget planning out my meals (as long as I have a general idea of what to eat--primarily veggies, protein, and fruits, avoiding high sugar and high fat foods, and I'll be fine). It's time I started listen to my body. It knows exactly what it needs much better than any "generic" diet plan could tell me.
[ deep breath ]
I just had to get that out. Anybody who took the time to read all that mumbo-jumbo, thank you!
Feel free to comment if you choose!
When you fall asleep, you don't do so b/c the clock has stricken 10pm. You fall asleep because you are tired (<-- natural human function).
When you breath, you don't time each and every breath you take. You breath to either empty or fill your lungs (<-- another natural human function).
So why is it when one wants to go on a diet, they must control to a T when they can and cannot eat? You should eat when you are hungry (<-- yet another natural human function). Why should I eat 5-6 times a day if I am not hungry 5-6 times a day? I believe this is what has lead me to overeat b/c I try to incorporate the many smaller meals a day, whether or not I a hungry, and it cause me to has to unconsciously put food in my mouth so I'm not thinking about the fact that I am not actually hungry.
I think that especially in this American society, everything and everybody is surrounded by food. Gatherings, celebrations, welcoming gifts, surprises, ceremonies, EVERYTHING! So we are trained to eat, not b/c we are hungry, but just b/c the food is there. And I believe that when certain diets try to "undo" that habit, they are actually reinforcing it, b/c it's not YOU telling yourself when to eat, it's some diet calling the shots. I think it takes the -- what's the word I'm looking for -- "nature" (i guess) out of eating, and makes it into sort of a robotic habit. Eating shouldn't be a habit or a procedure or something you document and write down. And I think diets that try to make eating into some sort of system do less help than harm.
Since I've been logging my food, I've been really thinking about my eating habits, I realize its not that I eat bad things (well ... not all that time), but that I have trained myself to eat whenever I am "supposed" to eat, according to some diet, and that leads me to eat more than I would like b/c I start eating unconsciously instead of actually eating b/c my body has told me to. From now on, that is what I intend to do. I'll eat when I'm hungry. So if that means breakfast comes at 11am and lunch at 4pm, then so be it. But at least it'll be NATURAL, and natural is something that I can actually stick to for the rest of my life. Being told what and when to eat takes the control out of my hands and I believe has lead my to "cheat" more often than I would like b/c I'm feeling like I have absolutely NO control over something so basic. And the only way I can take back that control is to laugh in the face of my diet and overeat.
Now this doesn't mean 'bring on the cheesburgers!' No. I'm 20 years old and I'm know what is good for me. I do eat all my vegetables at dinner without my mother telling me to do so. And I will continue to eat healthy. But I will eat on my terms and when my body needs the fuel. So forget the 5-6 times a day meals (tho it was 4 for me). Forget planning out my meals (as long as I have a general idea of what to eat--primarily veggies, protein, and fruits, avoiding high sugar and high fat foods, and I'll be fine). It's time I started listen to my body. It knows exactly what it needs much better than any "generic" diet plan could tell me.
[ deep breath ]
I just had to get that out. Anybody who took the time to read all that mumbo-jumbo, thank you!
Feel free to comment if you choose!