GREAT job Stingo. Words don't seem to do justice to the kind of bravo you deserve! Well done.
If you say now that you ate nothing but Oreo's for the last 2 years you could set yourself up for a monster sized endorsement deal in the new year! :biggrinsanta:
GREAT job Stingo. Words don't seem to do justice to the kind of bravo you deserve! Well done.
Stingo - your progress has been impressive, but I think the most impressive part of your experience to date is your willingness to try new things. You should be comended for jumping in the pool and taking that on as a new challenge (of course as a swimmer myself I'm a bit biased).
You can get some incredible results in the pool - especially if you are really focusing on intervals and proper breathing - but I think you know a thing or two about incredible results already.
Keep up the great work and the open mind.
Hiya againso quick question. You are currently moving through hypertrophy correct? Have you done strength? We are starting a new program next week and while I'd like to do strength-for obvious reasons, my friend wants to do hypertrophy and get a little more size. I'm not interested in SIZE. whats your take on it all? I've been very happy with what we've done so far, and I don't want to get any bigger. thoughts?
nice!!!! I have all sorts of those types of clothes in my closet...that i just refuse to get rid of because of "some day" lol. Great job!!!!
Well truthfully I would not do this program alone. Till now I've been intimidated to use the squat rack because its where most of the more serious lifters are, and there are only 2 of them (racks), and frequently used. When there is both of us in there working off the rack its just easier to keep the rack and not feel pressured to hurry. Plus because much of the program is full of supersets, working alone I'd have to leave the rack to go do something like seated wide grip rows (way in a different part of the gym) and then I'd for sure lose my spot. Together we can hold each others place on the stations and then switch so nobody takes them.
Well truthfully I would not do this program alone. Till now I've been intimidated to use the squat rack because its where most of the more serious lifters are, and there are only 2 of them (racks), and frequently used. When there is both of us in there working off the rack its just easier to keep the rack and not feel pressured to hurry. Plus because much of the program is full of supersets, working alone I'd have to leave the rack to go do something like seated wide grip rows (way in a different part of the gym) and then I'd for sure lose my spot. Together we can hold each others place on the stations and then switch so nobody takes them.