Workout 9/4
NROL Fat Loss III, Workout B1
60 seconds rest between giant sets, no rest between exercises
Front Squat 4x12@90
Under Lat Pulldown 1x12@25, 2x12@30, 1x12@35
Step Up (Bench) 4x12@20
DB Push Press 4x12@35
Squat 2x20@90
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 2x20@80
Step Up (Step) 2x20@24
DB Shoulder Press 2x20@30
Swiss Ball Crunch (feet on bosu ball) 2x10
I went deliberately lighter on this workout so as to better spread out the loads between the sets. Some, like the DB Push Press could definitely be increased. Others, like the Step Ups provded adequate challenge as they are. A learning process to be sure, but this workout wasn't as bad as A1, partly because of better load management but also I think perhaps my body is starting to be more resilient to such stress.
I have no idea where I got the energy/stamina for this, but I was able to do it...
Our regular instructor returned so I felt obligated to be there for class. To their credit, the legs did NOT give out.
Couple this with the fact that someone told me I look like I'm losing weight. So not a bad day at all. Go me.