Fun Stingo! Way to go. You are inspiring more and more to go get that darn book. How are you liking the results? What do you notice most?
Hi Sparrow - long time no see around these parts

I see I've not been able to get you on the bandwagon though.

I really like the setup - when done three times a week, a program like Fat Loss I or II will take a month to get through. By the end of that month you're ready for a break, trust me - I was certainly due for one when I finished FL1. There's also a nice progression from BreakIn to FL1 to FL2 - similar but more difficult exercises make their appearance in FL2... for example - FL1 has the Bulgarian split squat, FL2 has the Bulgarian split squat with an overhead press. That said, (as I indicated in my post above) I was definitely more ready for the transition into FL2 from FL1 than the transition from the BreakIn to FL1.
As for results, my weight would be a lot better if my nutrition was better, which I'll work on starting this week. But even with that, I've been noticing that I've added some muscle and gotten stronger. I've also been improving with the form on the exercises too - not that they're easy to do - just not quite as difficult as when I started. My balance is also better too - after having problems with balancing due to poor circulation, particularly in the left leg, I can say I've definitely made progress there which I think is due to doing the bigger lifts like squats and deadlifts, which, as the book says, gets your muscles working in coordinated action with each other, rather than independently. I strongly suspected this was true but asked a triathlete on another board if NROL helped with training for that, and he said yes definitely, particularly with generating a powerful pedal stroke. I've noticed that myself in spinning, but wanted some corroboration.
In order to help with the fat loss, I'll be doing the metabolic overdrive program found in the book. Between that and the lifting and a more disciplined approach to nutrition I should be set to break through the 236 barrier (once I get back down to it that is). Stay Tuned.