My Diary

you caught me:)
Strength Training

All weights in pounds.

A Turkish Getup 2x5@20 (each side)

B One-Arm Swings 2x10@55 (each side)

C Core Push Press + Goblet Squats 1x10@50, 1x5@50 1x5@47.5, 1x10@47.5

D Assisted Pull-up 1x10@-130, 2x10@-145

E1 Front Squat + High Pull 3x12@55 (each side)
E2 Front Squat + Lateral Raise 3x12@20 (each side)

F1 Pushups 3x11@BW (each side)
F2 Row 3x10@55 (each side)

A Turkish Getup - Ok, so I had the woman who runs the corporate gym come over to check my form/technique and guess what happened... For the first time EVER I was able to do both sides with great form (usually it's just the right). I may just be confident enough with this to add weight now.

B One-Arm Swings - 55! 24kg and 28kg kbs incoming!

C Core Push Press + Goblet Squats - I probably should've done all three sets at 47.5, but eh, this is good too.

D Assisted Pull-up - Definitely moving into new territory here, having hit the -130 now. The last reps of the last set were tough though, so I may have to think about what I want to do next workout.

E1 Front Squat + High Pull - 55 here - need to make sure not to have my free hand on my leg as it makes it easier to do these.

E2 Front Squat + Lateral Raise - No way was I going to be able to move anything over 20, and even that was a challenge.

F1 Push-ups - Stayed the same on the pushups here, but may add one next time on Monday.

F2 Rows - I may not be able to drive 55, but I sure can row it.

Overall - As much as I was backing away from it - this was quite a good workout. I was afraid of not being able to live up to the previous workout on Monday. Turns out I didn't - I went beyond. It's looking like there's something to this carb loading at dinner thing. Since I've been having the brown basmati rice for dinner I've had three good workouts (which includes Tuesday's spinning) so I think I'm going to keep doing it.
Where not explicitly noted, all exercises were done in about 4 equal sets.

A 50 V-Ups

B 50 Back Extensions

C 100 Push-ups

D 100 Pull-downs

E DB Row to Shoulder Press (2:1 ratio) 2x10@20

F Sit to Stand (see below) 2x20 each leg

A 50 V-Ups - I think what I did was what could be most generously called an L up lol. I can get my legs in the air, but getting my torso above a crunch was not happening. Did these in 4 sets.

B 50 Back Extensions - A bit more equal here, 5 sets of 10 was the rule of the day. It's been ages since I've done back extensions.

C 100 Push-ups - Well, now I know where I'd start in that 100 push-up challenge lol. Did about 25 regular on the first set, then another 15 from the knees. Then 20 and 10 for set 2 and 15 and 15 for set 3. That last regular push-up was all about wanting it.

D 100 Pull-downs - Another tough one - Tim decreased the weight as he saw my form deteriorate, and toward the end I was moving very little, but I was tired to be sure.

E DB Row to Shoulder Press - Interesting combination here. While the weight is limited by the inclusion of the shoulder press, concentrating on a full range of motion for the row helped.

F Sit to Stand - This exercise is basically the push from a one legged squat, from being seated on the bench to standing up by it. I was having balance issues, so Tim put a chair in front of me that I could use to help with balance, but not with lifting. I was able to do about 5 each leg without the chair, and about 10 each leg with the chair, though my right leg was obviously better at it than my left. Still, it was the first time I'd tried anything like it.

Overall - A good workout. Broke some ground too in the sense I'd not done any sort of one legged squatting before at all. Which is probably one of the better reasons for having a trainer - they put challenges in front of you that you'd not thought of, or that you thought you couldn't do. Actually I was expecting 100 squats to finish the workout, so Tim really threw a curve on that one. In other areas, I'm not sure why I still have problems in trying to do sit-ups or any variation thereof. Got that post-workout good feeling going here, which is nice.
well, I am not a girl, but I also read your journal Stingo!! you da MAN dude! totally

AND, you continuously promote what you are "doing" to other people.... verses some other people who promote their "thinking."

AND, that is probably why you are being called a new man, and a stud!

CUZ you are!

Sweat Daily
well, I am not a girl, but I also read your journal Stingo!! you da MAN dude! totally

AND, you continuously promote what you are "doing" to other people.... verses some other people who promote their "thinking."

AND, that is probably why you are being called a new man, and a stud!

CUZ you are!

Sweat Daily

Thanks - I hope to pass on what's worked for me in the hopes it helps someone else. That's why I tend to only respond to fat loss logs/threads, as that's where my experience has been.
Strength Training

All weights in pounds.

A Turkish Getup 2x5@20 (each side)

B One-Arm Swings 2x10@60 (each side)

C Core Push Press + Goblet Squats 2x10@50, 1x5@50 1x5@47.5

D Assisted Pull-up 1x10@-130, 2x10@-145

E1 Front Squat + High Pull 3x12@60 (each side)
E2 Front Squat + Lateral Raise 3x12@15 (each side)

F1 Pushups 3x12@BW (each side)
F2 Row 3x10@60 (each side)

A Turkish Getup - Not quite happy with this yet, but I think I can work out the glitches in the next few workouts.

B One-Arm Swings - Grip strength is starting to become an issue with these (as with all exercises I do which require weight at or over 60lbs in one hand...) but I was able to get the 60 up.

C Core Push Press + Goblet Squats - Some progress here, as I got more 50's and less 47.5's this time. I hope to score all 50's Wednesday.

D Assisted Pull-up - Same weight as last time, but finished with better form today (as opposed to JUST finishing last week).

E1 Front Squat + High Pull - the higher weight is forcing me to focus on the exercise and really pay attention to how I'm doing what I'm doing.

E2 Front Squat + Lateral Raise - The woman who runs the gym saw me doing the lateral raises and suggested dropping back the weight on them so as to eliminate the use of body english I was doing to get the dumbbell up.

F1 Push-ups - As promised, added a pushup per set, making the number 12.

F2 Rows - Challenging here, as the last reps got pretty tough at the end, which tells me the weight was correct.

Overall - A good workout today. I took more rest than I usually do between exercises as my friend was in the gym to start NROL4W and we talked in between our sets.
well, I am not a girl, but I also read your journal Stingo!! you da MAN dude! totally

AND, you continuously promote what you are "doing" to other people.... verses some other people who promote their "thinking."

AND, that is probably why you are being called a new man, and a stud!

CUZ you are!

Sweat Daily
hehe,so are u trying to prove that "us" girls read Tom`s journal more than men?

to tell u the truth u are right,Tom is a perfect nice guy.
If that's true it's most likely because my primary goal at the moment is fat loss. And (to make a crass generalization here) that's a goal that seems more often found with women.
All weights in pounds.

A Turkish Getup 2x5@20 (each side)

B One-Arm Swings 2x10@60 (each side)

C Core Push Press + Goblet Squats 2x10@50, 1x5@50 1x5@47.5

D Assisted Pull-up 3x10@-130

E1 Front Squat + High Pull 3x12@60 (each side)
E2 Front Squat + Lateral Raise 3x12@15 (each side)

F1 Pushups 3x12@BW (each side)
F2 Row 3x10@60 (each side)

A Turkish Getup - While the actual standing is getting better, the getting up from the floor could use more work.

B One-Arm Swings - The first set SUCKED in terms of control/grip for both arms. Luckily things had calmed down for set 2.

C Core Push Press + Goblet Squats - Did the same as Monday, but with better form. Maybe that's the reason I was dying in the second set.

D Assisted Pull-up - Ok, so I lied, I didn't do the exact same workout.

E1 Front Squat + High Pull - These went better than Monday in terms of control.

E2 Front Squat + Lateral Raise - The 15 is proving a challenge yet, which tells me I made the right choice.

F1 Push-ups - Focused on getting more depth for each push-up. I succeeded.

F2 Rows - Not bad here - Same weight as Monday but better/more control.

Overall - I liked this workout today. It was challenging to be sure, but I think concentrating on doing the weight I'm at in a controlled fashion is better than doing a higher weight in an uncontrolled fashion. To that end, I need to remember to keep my hand off my legs when I do things like swings as it makes the exercise easier.
The Power of the Snatch!

I had my last Y training session today, and I practiced the olympic lift the snatch. Definitely going to need work with this one, but actually practiced from about an hour. I think I'll be feeling this in my legs tomorrow, possibly my lower back a little and less so my shoulders. I guess I should say "Hey look!, A Workout!" since I've not posted anything weight-wise since Wednesday. Tomorrow I work with the woman who manages the corporate gym to go through my current routine and check me on form etc.
Strength Training

All weights in pounds.

A Turkish Getup 2x5@20 (each side)

B One-Arm Swings 2x10@60 (each side)

C Core Push Press + Goblet Squats 3x10@50
D Assisted Pull-up 1x10@-130, 1x10@-145, 1x10@-160

E1 Front Squat + High Pull 3x12@60 (each side)
E2 Front Squat + Lateral Raise 3x12@15 (each side)

F1 Pushups 3x12@BW (each side)
F2 Row 3x10@60 (each side)

A Turkish Getup - Getting better still, but having problems with the torso raising part that starts the exercise.

B One-Arm Swings - Did ok here - but was fatiguing toward the end of the 2nd set. Perhaps it is due to doing the oly lifting the day before.

C Core Push Press + Goblet Squats - Hit all 50's but only just barely, which means I do them again on Monday.

D Assisted Pull-up - These were the suck this time around - not sure why (oly lifting again?)

E1 Front Squat + High Pull - Pretty well here, but surprisingly the right side felt more difficult than the left.

E2 Front Squat + Lateral Raise - Keeping on the form here - more control too.

F1 Push-ups - Stuck to 12 this time and made it.

F2 Rows - Still challenging in the endgame here.

Overall - Good to get back into a somewhat regular schedule again. (I feel like I should say "Hey look! A workout!" here too.
One of these days, Tom, I'd like to see you pick a few major lifts and train them for raw power. Or maybe do something like sets of The Bear as your entire session. :D
One of these days, Tom, I'd like to see you pick a few major lifts and train them for raw power. Or maybe do something like sets of The Bear as your entire session. :D

So would I... So would I... But that's not going to happen in a deficit. (Which is one reason I want to finally lose this weight for once and for all - to get on to true strength work.) What's the Bear? (All I can think of is the SNL sketch Crazy House of Nude People, where when the children don't have their homework done they have to wrestle the bear.)

Do you do all weight training, Tom, or do you also incorporate cardio?

I do weight lifting 3x a week, one of which is a session with my personal trainer. The other 2x I do a program of my trainer's devising. The most current example of which you see above. I also take spinning class 2x a week. So a typical week would be...

Saturday: Lifting w/Trainer
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Lifting
Tuesday: Spinning
Wednesday: Lifting
Thursday: Spinning
Friday: Rest (and Happy Hour :))
Strength Training - 08/30/08

Core Warmup
V-ups - 2x10
Back Extensions - 2x10

A DB Clean and Jerk 4x6@40

B1 Lat Pulldown - 3x15
B2 Incline DB Bench Press - 3x15

C Step-up with Lateral Raise - 3x10

D Squat Thrust with T-push-up - 2x10

V-ups - Again, L-ups here so this needs work.
Back Extensions - Did the 2nd set with arms straight out - makes it a lot more difficult.

A DB Clean and Jerk - First time in a while I'd done a 4x6 protocol. It was pretty fun, and a break from the longer sets I'd been doing.

B1 Lat Pulldown - Nothing really noteworthy in this superset... Typical 3x15 for both.

B2 Incline DB Bench Press - See B1

C Step-up with Lateral Raise - I think the TGUs are paying off because this was the first time I could really drive the force through my heel and keep my balance. Yay!

D Squat Trush w/T-Pushup - This was the finisher for this workout. From standing, squat and go into pushup position. Do the pushup, then lift one hand up for a T, then bring it down and raise the other hand in a T. Then hop back to squatting position and stand. That's one rep. Yeah, I was going slow by the end, but I did each and every one.

Overall - A good workout. I'd done this one on Saturday morning, but am just logging it now. My next session with Tim will be at 6:30am on Wednesday, since he won't be around this coming weekend.