here where i live (costa rica) it`s very rare to see fat persons(like in usa) but you don`t see alot of fit guys. last year my bf was 22% really fat, my friends bother me, that i have legs and ass HUGE and that really frustated me, i have strech marks by being overweight, (also my skins suck.,...) and in december i propose my self i can`t be that fat that i must do a thing i researh over the internet and never find a thing only ads.. and then i download a guide and damn that teachs me a lot of thing and i start cutting cutting, when highschools begin ( for me in february) people ask me "what do you do you loose alot of fat" and then i start my bulking phase and now people ( 6 months aprox) are watching my changes, and i see a lot changes not only physical, internal in almost 11 months i haven`t being sick once,my heart grows, y decrease my pulsations (big heart = less pumps = heart will last longer, less usage) my basal heart rate (after: aroung 57 right now 49 - target 40-44) and i know now my body is gonna respond to my eating habits so it`s very cool knowing you form the inside, and at least i know when i would be around 70-80-90 i want to be in shape, and doing sports running, cycling, and my favorite my healthy drug:SURFING
i hope my "history" can help you, from a EXTREMLY frustated person that really hate himself for being FAT, to a person that have a dream and it`s becoming reality and make his life turn 360º with goals and something challenging
(ps: sorry my english...)
i hope my "history" can help you, from a EXTREMLY frustated person that really hate himself for being FAT, to a person that have a dream and it`s becoming reality and make his life turn 360º with goals and something challenging
(ps: sorry my english...)