Missing Members!!

Yo I'm here PB...but I just got back in like 2 weeks ago.

Every so often, people just need a little break. Just like how it's a good idea to take a week off of the gym every 6 months or so.
Good to see you back either way, tony :)

But I know what you mean - I need a break every now and then, not because I choose to or schedule it or anything, it just sorta happens that way, eh?
Pretty much that's on the money. Everyone needs a break from the routine from time to time.

What's really suprising me right now is that, there's been very little posting for the most part, when, most of the time, new year's resolutions seem to bring TONS of people onto these sites
What's up!?!?!?!

Ok I'm here. I lost my job and quit school, but now I'm back, haha. Ok so I'm going to go try and re-enroll in school here in a couple minutes, and the job search starts tomorrow, but I wanted you to know that I'm back and I lost 4.5 pounds!

I guess this is more suitable for a diary entry....


Bye guys!
Sorry about the job, but congrats on the weight loss.

Hey, I'd rather be skinny and unemployed then fat with a job anyday. :p
Tony, stop stalking me.

haha, just kidding, I just haven't been on much because of break, once I get back to school...(really soon)... I'll be on more. But yeah, I did/I do get tired of answering the same questions over and over. I used to read almost all posts, but sadly a lot of people don't listen or don't try, and/or don't attempt any research on their own, so it's not very encouraging.

I did post once a week or few ago.;)

I think...
But I missed you :)

Ive found the sister site to this one, and talk about the same questions, oh boy. I signed up over there to help those people with the seriously bad info. School started today for me, sucks.
He's busy with work and fallen off the wagon, but he's always around with me, eating all the food I'm trying to stay away from. He loves to taunt me..:D but all in all..he's doing good.
Good to see some old faces still here.

You wern't gone for that long