yes, no pressure at all --just nice to have you around however much feels good for youI'll try to be here as much as I can, without going off the deep end.
Thanks, Rob. I'll try.Be careful the deep end!
I wish I felt sure enough of anything to have a long-term plan, Emily.
Good for you, and one blue-cheese and walnut sandwich won't set you back much at all. Sounds delicious by the way!Eating and exercise both going okay - apart from one blue-cheese and walnut sandwich which I could probably have done without! But then, it did taste very nice!
LovelyI'm often gobsmacked by the amazingness and beauty on every side (sunrises! birds! leaves!)
yes i feel a bit of mix of that even without having had to uproot and move myself during the pandemic. So much beauty all around and i do love so much of my present life but every once in a while the amount of disruption this pandemic has brought about can suddenly shake me and I am stunned by the surreal times we are living in.but at the same time, yeah, I feel disrupted and unsettled.