Thanks, Petal, and LaMa, for the suggestions about why I've been cold - and about it sometimes being a precursor to fever. I will take care - thanks for looking out for me.
And thanks for your good wishes, Rob - I am doing fine in self-isolation - I'd be ashamed to complain, anyway, even if I had a reason to, when so many people are
really in hard times. Plus it's for the public good! As one of my nephews posted:
For the first time in history
we have the chance to
by lying around and doing
absolutely nothing -
let's NOT blow it!
I'm only still in the 160s by a whisker, Emily.
And... April challenges! I'm enjoying the tai chi - before, with the morning exercise group, we did it to music. Now it's just two of us, in a confined space, doing it in silence - a very different experience, but I think actually improving my practice. Oh, and my balance is definitely better. I'm so far holding to the bedtime lights-out at eleven, which I'm pleased about. Eating has been pretty poor the last two days. But today, after supplies came from the supermarket yesterday, I'm having an all-out vitamin and protein binge -
two eggs for breakfast, with tomato, capsicum and spring onion, followed by an apple. And silver beet and fetta are standing by, ready for some meal or other, yet to be invented.