MEN . . . baking

What is "baking?"

You mean like cook? Or actually "baking" something like a turkey?

Anway, I know how to make some cool stuff myself.
I like to cook but baking like in sweet stuff I don't enjoy. Maybe baking some chicken or meats is ok I guess. I don't like having to stick to strict ingredients that baking requires. I like to "play".
Oh yeah, I bake :D :cool2:

Ohhh.... You mean the other kind of baking... :D

I probably shouldn't brag about this being a male and all, but I make some boooomb chocolate chip and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I learned from my mom I guess...

I agree with malkore though, women LOVE a man who can cook a good meal. I cook stuff all the time. Different chicken dishes, steaks, pastas, etc. I can make a mean lemon garlic & herb chicken, stir fry's, whatever. I too am also adventerous though, and my results aren't always as consistent as I'd like...
I"m a man, and I bake/cook/grill/sautee/etc.

I learned at age 17 that one of the quickest ways to impress a woman (which is a very manly thing to do) is to cook a real meal for her.

And i"m not talking about spaghetti with ragu sauce.

I've baked plenty of bread, made tons of 'melt yer o-ring' chili, grilled, smoked...hell I even make my own beer, which is really just cooking and being careful about sanitizing stuff.

My wife is a better chef, but I'm more adventurous in my attempts. Her's come out more consistent though :)

yeah, now that's a REAL man! :food::eating:
LOL....oddly enough, I've been doing some baking lately....but hear me out.

When I leave for the gym in the morning I often have to nuke the oatmeal and take it with me and eat while I drive. Later I have to clean the concrete-like crusted bowl or mug. So I thought to myself, why not make an oatmeal-based muffin?

So I dug-out this fat-free cook book and there was a recipe for these Apple-Oat muffins. I made them and they were okay, but then I began to tweak the recipe. The old school non-fat diet is bunk, we all know healthy fats are not only good for us, but essential. So I use whole-wheat flour, lots of steel-cut oatmeal, a few scoops of flaxseed meal, a couple scoops of protein powder, some cranberries, assorted dried fruits and then some ground-up almonds, walnuts or pine nuts for those EFA's (plus the oil helps keep things moist and flavorful). My latest recipe has pumpkin/cranberry.

Just grab 'em and eat them in the bowl to clean, no fuss to make in the morning, just eat & go: lots of whole carbs, fiber, protein, EFA's...the perfect balance of whole carbs, protein & healthy fats!!! Dare I suggest I'm a macronutrient manipulator. :)

So do I bake....oh hell yeah! I also do a smoked salmon that rocks! :)
love a man who bakes.........

cooks, grills, whatever as long as it gives me a break once in a while! If the apron is all you wear, well then that's just a bonus!
When I grew up my dad did all of the grilling and helped with the cooking. Anything that was baking (goes in the oven) was off limits to him, mom did the rest. Now that I'm married, my husband refuses to do anything that has to do with making dinner. He won't even make his own sandwich most days! I love to bake, so making dinner every night isn't that bad, but I would be in heaven if he cooked supper for me just once! To me grilling should be the man's job and baking sweets should be left to women only, and everything else in between should be shared. Too bad that would never happen in the real world! :D
I'm an expert in the kitchen, and I started out.... baking! I make some really great breads, although I only bake for holidays and such, since I'm trying to get my girlish figure under control. My wife loves that I'm a good cook. I may have landed her with my good looks and hot moves on the dance floor, but my cooking is what's kept her around- for 26 years, so far.