Members with little history posting, can we sort it?

I'm all for new members joining and posting, but am getting increasingly annoyed at those who come in and post without history and seemingly little knowledge.

I created a thread about NROL and fat loss, and the first two responses were from sub-30 posters, one of which completely went off on a tangent; hence destroying my original post as i had to explain that they were not helping. They had either not read the original post or just came in throwing around all the generalized crap theyve read elsewhere and decided it was time they got the chance to re-spout somthing to me i already knew a long time ago.

I know its a free forum, i know everyone should be encouraged to participate but is there not some way of preventing newcomers posting what i reluctantly call complete bollo**s. Maybe some introduction sheet advising people not to go replying to posts without spending some time getting to know the forum and asking a few questions. There are a lot of people giving out bad (and more importantly dangerous) advice or clogging up forum with drivel and most of all they've ruined my thread!!

thanks to all
I've read your thread so understand where you're coming from but I think that's just the nature of the internet I'm afraid, we do have sticky's but you can't force people to read them.

Does post count dictate relevance?

You asked "So i was wondering am i best to use a strength program and eat like im cutting, or adapt my own full body or split program using 5x5 and 6x4??" I suggested that pure strength training wasn't the best idea, but an upper/lower split containing strength and endurance training aspects has worked very well for me. I felt this was a very specific response tailored to your question. Did I miss the point?
this topic has come up before, and heres what the general consensus was back then....

We are not doctors, and few of us are professional trainers, nutritionalists, or have any background professionally in the nutrition and training fields...

Members are urged to do their own research and find validity in the claims of the posters based on their own merit. If its crap, determine its crap and move on.
Does post count dictate relevance?

You asked "So i was wondering am i best to use a strength program and eat like im cutting, or adapt my own full body or split program using 5x5 and 6x4??" I suggested that pure strength training wasn't the best idea, but an upper/lower split containing strength and endurance training aspects has worked very well for me. I felt this was a very specific response tailored to your question. Did I miss the point?

I think you might have misunderstood him a little, he was posting asking for advice about minimising muscle loss while cutting and you replied telling him that he needed to feed muscle when on a progessive weight strength routine (something that he obviously knows).

I don't think your post was that bad overall though
I think it's cool that you guys are concerned about the quality of input and response people get.

SO- good on ya.

also- many times the number of posts is not any indicator at all of quality. LOOK AT ME! hhahhahaaa
maverickbu, it wasnt you i was referring to, your post just about kept me from kicking my pc in.

otherwise i understand that number of posts does not equal quality, but those who do stick around longer do, naturally, know more, whether it be physiological specfics, through their own experience, or simply knowing when to keep quiet.

i'd just like to see more warning given to and regarding new members as its not like we're discussing the best cellphones or music - the stuff discussed on this forum actually has the ability to serious harm someone. someone mentioned to me in my local gym that someone on a forum (god forbid its this one) told them to do fullbody everyday using heavy weights - this person took it as gospel.
Then what about the new members who know their stuff?

I agree. I'm new, but I've been lifting longer than some on here have been alive. I am however,no expert on nutrition, but I'm trying to become one!

Plus, nutrition and training aren't exact sciences and there are a lot of differing opinions out there.

I understand your point, but who decides who knows their stuff and who doesn't?... and do you allow only one opinion?
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I found just making fun of them publicly helps a lot and detours them from posting trash.

...that's how I roll dawg

Public humiliation...I like it...

Course I try to stick to what I think I know anyway.

Truth is, I'm only posting to this thread to up my post count :rofl:
What about people who just started diet + exercise? I know a little here and there, but nothing rock solid.

Is it ok to post personal experiences on the site? Could that be used as the base of some questions? For example, questions like, "Is this the right exercise program.." ?

I'd like to think I'm giving good advice, but I'm not an expert and probably never will be. However, I had personally experienced weight loss, so is it ok to share it with people who wish the same? Also, I'd like to learn from whatever errors I made, so if someone said something negative, I would welcome it since it really helps me in understanding as well as anyone else.

Just asking, since I never really gotten a negative response yet on my post. Some responses were somewhat, "Hey, you're wrong." And I gladly accept it.
maverickbu, it wasnt you i was referring to, your post just about kept me from kicking my pc in.

otherwise i understand that number of posts does not equal quality, but those who do stick around longer do, naturally, know more, whether it be physiological specfics, through their own experience, or simply knowing when to keep quiet.

i'd just like to see more warning given to and regarding new members as its not like we're discussing the best cellphones or music - the stuff discussed on this forum actually has the ability to serious harm someone. someone mentioned to me in my local gym that someone on a forum (god forbid its this one) told them to do fullbody everyday using heavy weights - this person took it as gospel.

The guy who took that advice probably deserves to injure himself then. No matter who's giving the advice, you've always gotto step back and take it with a grain of salt. You can either trust the person, or not and do more research.

Maybe its just me, and maybe its harsh, but I've always believed in the whole survival of the fittest idea. Barring a medical condition/handicap aside from sheer stupidity, you deserve everything that happens to you.
im close to 2000.... I should be at 4000 or 5000 by now...

It may be laziness, or apathy... I don't know..