The overall goal will be, of course, to lose the most weight by summer.
However you achieve this is up to you; you may post your ideas & suggestions, results and weight loss as frequently as possible. Weighing once a week is ideal, or whatever works best for each individual participant I think is best. Everyone will have different experiences with weight loss. Post what works for you, what doesn't. The general guideline as a whole is losing weight for summer. If you are doing so by the most water consumption, exercising the most, or any other means, setting personal goals for yourself for these things would be great too!
As for myself, starting weight is 240, goal weight is under 230.
I suggest meat/protein 'cycling' as something that has worked great for me. Eat lean chicken as your meat for one week, and fish for the next. Every time I start eating fish, I get a boost of weight loss, several pounds very quickly. But it levels off. So then I eat chicken for a week, lose maybe a lb, then fish the next, and 3 or more lbs in that week!