Current Goal: Staying Alive, Healthy, Financially Stable and Sane during a Global Pandemic.
Today's Weight: 260.4
Breakfast: 2 Fried Eggs, 4 pieces of Toast, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 4 cups of Coffee.
Lunch/Dinner: 1 Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese, 1 Large order of Fries, 1 Large Dr. Pepper all from McDonalds.
Snack: 3 Doughnuts.
Miscellaneous: 1 cup of Milk.
Estimated Calories: 3700
Exercise: 2 hours of Walking.
Today was an awful day. It started off normal, I took Misty for a walk, that lasted longer than usual. She started getting diarrhea, and kept having it, even when I took her inside. It turned red and she was clearly in distress so I took her to the emergency vet. The vet found a tumor in her abdomen that was of considerable size, and it was probably going to get worse. Considering this and her other health problems, and her age, I had to make a very tough decision and I had to euthanize her. I wish I didn't have to do it, but I figured it was better than her suffering. RIP Misty.