
So this summer I will have been married to the same person for 15 years. A few of them have been happy, a few miserable, most just very hard work.

I am nearing 40, and the past year or so has really had me doing serious introspection of my life, values, and (*surprise!*) my marriage. I often think I married very poorly, though my fella is not a bad person. He is not overtly mean, just does not pay any attention to me or our kids. We also have very, very little in common.

I am wondering lately if the notion of "mating for life" is ridiculously impossible. I am also wondering why I should have to look forward to a life of boring dissatisfaction and bitter frustration/disappointment simply because I signed a contract when I was 24 on ONE SINGLE STUPID DAY of my life! :dupe:

I am wondering, too, if this is totally typical of women who are going through a mid life crisis of sorts. I would like to hear your thoughts on this.


I don't think the true problem lies inside of your current situation. I think the true problem was back when you decided to get married.

This isn't directed at you, personally, but I think a lot of people get married for the wrong reasons, which ends up making people feel like you do at some point; questioning everything to the point of regret.

People should get married for one reason and one reason only; LOVE. You should only marry somebody if you know, deep within your heart, that they are the only person in the world that makes you happy, makes you feel comfortable, makes you feel safe, makes you feel alive, makes you feel loved and that you wouldn't be happy unless you spent every single day, for the rest of your life, with that person.

But, unfortunately, people get married for a million different reasons besides love, which can blow up in their face later on in life. Kids, money, desperation, sex, etc. People allow those things to interfer with their decision on whether to get married or not. When people do that, it blinds them from the true reality of their situation, keeping them from seeing that there might not even be love between them in the first place.

Like I said, I'm not directing that towards you personally, but to relate it to your current problem...

Maybe you didn't marry your husband for the right reason. I don't know if you did or not (that's something only you can know), but maybe you should spend a few moments and think back to when you first got married and ask yourself...

WHY did I marry this man?

If your honest answer is "LOVE", then you shouldn't be worried about anything. If your honest answer is anything but "LOVE", maybe you two should talk about things and get everything straightened out between one another. You're already married and you already have kids. You owe it, not only to yourself, but to your husband and your children as well, to do everything you can to make it work.


A lot of marriages end in divorce because of unrealistic expectations.

That's a good point.

People have unrealistic expectations in every avenue of life, especially when it comes to marriage and relationships. Society feeds people these horseshit expectations that marriage is "supposed" to be a certain way, so when things don't go 100% according to some societally endorsed plan, people start to feel as though their marriage is garbage. When, in fact, there is probably NOTHING WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE.

The fact is, every marriage is different. To compare and contrast your own relationship (and the way it "works") to everybody else's relationships is going to do nothing but make you feel like shit. Nothing will ever be good enough for you if you do that.

"Sharon's husband buys her flowers every week, but you only buy me flowers once a month. Why don't you buy me more flowers, like Sharon's husband? Don't you love me?"

"Sharon's husband writes her love songs and plays them for her on his guitar, but you only write me nice little poems in greeting cards. Why don't you sing to me, like Sharon's husband? Don't you love me?"

"Dave's wife cooks him dinner at least 5 nights a week, but you only cook for me twice a week. Why don't you cook more, like Dave's wife? Don't you love me?"

"Dave's wife gives him a blowjob every night, but you only give me handjobs. Why don't you gobble balls, like Dave's wife? Don't you love me?"

Yes, the last example is silly, but people actually compare stupid crap like that and let it effect their marriage. Even though their marriage is FINE, people will start to question everything after comparing their relationship to everybody else's and begin to think that their marriage is an unhappy one. But, in all reality, they have a great marriage and have nothing to worry about.

So, look at your marriage and your marriage alone. If it makes you happy and you love the person you are with, that's all that matters.
i still say fight for him, if he buys another computer then do the same. Hows he gonna know its you? Withdrawls only generally last a week or two and then suddenly they realize what an idiot they have been :/
Interesting ideas, people. Chef Chi Town, your thoughts vulgar, actually. I have to wonder also if you have ever been married. In my younger years I also thought that people should only marry "for love" but I now think that is largely a load of bull-caca. When you are dating you are in LUST. But with time hormones and chemicals change - so we better be dang sure we have LOTS in common with each other (beyond the "we both like cream in our coffee! We both like Star Trek!" phase, too).

Personally, I was so desperate to get married that I jumped right in, blinded and stupid. So now here I am, paying the price. I am trying my best to sort it all out, and appreciate worthy thoughts and advice from any who have been there and succeeded - whatever success in marriage or life may look like.

Thanks, all.
Interesting ideas, people. Chef Chi Town, your thoughts vulgar, actually. I have to wonder also if you have ever been married. In my younger years I also thought that people should only marry "for love" but I now think that is largely a load of bull-caca. When you are dating you are in LUST. But with time hormones and chemicals change - so we better be dang sure we have LOTS in common with each other (beyond the "we both like cream in our coffee! We both like Star Trek!" phase, too).

Personally, I was so desperate to get married that I jumped right in, blinded and stupid. So now here I am, paying the price. I am trying my best to sort it all out, and appreciate worthy thoughts and advice from any who have been there and succeeded - whatever success in marriage or life may look like.

Thanks, all.

I wasn't trying to be a dick. That's just my insight on the issue. If it comes to something as serious as a relationship, especially marriage, I'm not going to tell people what they want to hear; I'm going to be honest.

I was just stating that people often get married for the wrong reasons and then it bites them in the ass later on in life. From what you've said, I think that's what has happened to you. You even say...

Personally, I was so desperate to get married that I jumped right in, blinded and stupid.

You seem regretful, in my opinion, and you're looking for a way to fix everything so it feels "right". I think you need to have a serious talk with your husband and work through this together, as a couple. Sure, getting some reassurance from other people who have been in a similar situation is always nice, but I think you need to be talking about all of this with your husband.

And, no, I'm not married and never have been.
I agree with the opinion that when you meet you are in lust, it may be a form of shallow kinda love probably, but nothing that compares to when you have been together for many years.
Its not an easy choice and I think a lot of people are quick to drop it and move on without working on the problems. On the other hand sometimes there is a time that you need to move on. Its hard choice and theres only 1 person who can make it in the end.

Whatever you choose to do, take care of yourself.
Margo and Abbey would recommend counceling if there is a chance of reconciling and if not, moving on (I can only read so many things on a slow night at work).

A husband who is not there for his children is making the decision to deprive the children of himself, not the wife who leaves him to make a better life for her family.

Do whats best for you. You only get one life, don't waste it being miserable.
Thank you for your thoughtful answers. I have been going to a marriage counselor for the last year. Husband came a few times and decided it didn't suit him. In addition, I have read more than my share of books on the topic, from how to change myself to how to just put up with it to everything in between.

15 years is a reasonable length of time in which to determine if something is working or not. If it was, I would not be having such a struggle. There is an answer, it is just not easy. Whether it is staying or moving on, it is not easy. Thanks to all for your compassion and insights.

And Chef Chi Town, just so you know, this has all been discussed with him. Over, and over, and over again. Tonight again, even. Mature spouses discuss things with each other - but they also seek advice from others who may have walked a similar path.

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sorry no time just now to...

read all the replies but for me it comes down to the simple fact that life is short & very precious...too short & too precious to live your life feeling unhappy...if a marriage/relationship makes you feel more miserable & down on yourself than it does calm, content & happy enough (even i...romantic that i am...recognise that it is asking for far too much for any of us single or partnered up to expect to feel ecstatically happy all of the time :)) then you should walk...(well not literally!! LOL...whoever takes the most responsiblity re the children day to day should remain in the former marital home)

btw i have been happily divorced for several years now...

finally realised marriage not for me (not that i don't think the idea of it isn't lovely!!) just a pity it took me more than one marriage/divorce to find it out!! :willy_nilly:
Thanks to all for your contributions. Every single one of you has given me food for thought!

My plan at this point is to just keep plugging away, doing things that I enjoy and that give me satisfaction. I will keep expanding my life and my interests, and really work at seeing the best in my spouse and marriage. I will keep attending counseling and reading books on why I should stay, rather than why I should leave. I know that having divorced parents is a HUGE indicator of kids themselves getting divorced - and I see this in my own life. The concept truly never even entered my mind, as miserable as I have been, until my own folks called it quits when I was 35, at which point they had been married 46 years. It's like at that point some switch was flipped in my head, and I suddenly had permission to use divorce as an escape hatch.

So I thank you all again for caring enough to stop by and offer your thoughts on my situation, and marriage itself. I wish I could say with 100% certainty that THIS IS IT, but that would not be honest.

Take care of yourselves and your relationships! If you are single, search and consider VERY CAREFULLY before walking down that aisle.

Kindest regards to you all,
my parents never divorced & are still making themselves just as miserable now 40+ yrs later after their wedding...i actually believe that thats the best thing now...they deserve each other...& at least this way...they aren't making anyone else bloody unhappy!!!
btw i have known friends to divorce even with parents who have very long, happy marriages so i don't think theres a direct correlation. as with most things think it comes down to our own much we're prapared to put up with, what we think we should expect or even deserve...

in my 2nd marriage (well that only actually lasted a month so i mean the 3yr r/ship as a whole) i was plagued with the thought that something was a bit off. thats all it didn't have the angry/passionate scenes & tempestuousness of marraige no.1 & he was essentially a good guy (though he was no angel...think i've said elsewhere on here why i divorced him in the end...nothing to do with cheating or anything like that) anyway...i can remember we were on a beach in goa at sunset & thinking this is a lovely place/a perfect moment even...if i had been there with someone else!!?? :confused:

someone i felt more of a connection to for eg. now i'm sure many many other ppl would've worked at it/tried to find meaning & a sense of connection with each other even if they that had to force it...but i just couldn't...that probably makes them better ppl than i am....certainly more adult!! but there you are...incidentally from what i know he is now in a setted r/ship with a new baby...& as for me...after yet another marriage & marilyn said....

It's better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with far...

maybe its just me..but even when i was married i still felt like a single parent when it came to my i was always solely responsible...maybe just bad choice in men/husbands after all!! LOL still i know alot of ppl worry about the effect of divorce on the kids...but as a child i would have much rather my parents had divorced...due to the awful atmosphere in our home. but they were/are an extreme case..always arguing & bickeing...maybe thats why i have such unrealistc expectations in what i want a marriage to be...i want movie love!!! nothing less will do!! as i said i have had > one divorce... plus i have a child with special needs to care for....on paper that should make for a very dysfunctional family!! LOL but i'm very pleased to report i have a very happy if slightly noisy (finn!!) eldest is at university & in a very commited r/ship with his one & only fact knowing my she & i do not get along very well at all...i'm almost ceratin they will marry after graduating!!!!!!!:rolleyes::)

on 2nd thoughts scrap everything i've just said...i mean what do i know about in it for the longhaul/marriage?? divorce?? yes...but marriage?? zero!!!

i mean one of my exes (not husbands!!) ended up floating off the coast of spain as a headless corpse...i swear to god!! he'd p*ssed off the russian mafia think i'll stick to blaming my choice of partners!! ie men...always a safe bet hahaha...ahhhh i'm only joking i love them really!!

i'm sure theres a book in me (as there is in all of us so 'they' say...) re my r/ships (theres been a few...) & even my r/ship with my mother...but no one would believe the stories i have to tell about my exes (though they give my friends a laugh...witches LOL) or how of how malicious & petty my mother could/can be. but it sure feels cathartic to ramble out aloud about some of it on WLF!!!

anyway as for my mother shes such a consummate actress not even her sisters/my aunts would believe me...which taps in to my greatest 'daymare'...i finally find the time to write my book & appear on an oprah type show...where they bring my mother out...& the whole audience believes her & not me!!!!???? OMG!!! i swear i'd never recover...she'd have finally won!!! i could take the cowards way out & wait till she pops her clogs...but at the same time i'd actually want her to read it as i'd want her to know what i had to say...
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:waving:Wow, you have sure had an interesting life! I think you're right - there IS a book in you! LOL

You are wise to be "on your own" at this point in your life, I think. I wonder if you have ever had counseling? It certainly crosses my mind that your dear mom might have BPD (borderline personality disorder). It is a real b*tch to grow up in a home with a mother who has mental illness, and you have my utmost compassion if that is the case!

At any rate, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. :cheers2:Here's to wiser choices in the future!

my parents never divorced & are still making themselves just as miserable now 40+ yrs later after their wedding...i actually believe that thats the best thing now...they deserve each other...& at least this way...they aren't making anyone else bloody unhappy!!!
hah my parents divorced when i was 18 and i wonder why they never did it long before that. As far back as i can recall they would back stabb each other in the back and say nasty things, and hearing arguments about all in sundry.
Wow, that is a good wake up call for me to make sure I am very, very careful about how I speak of my spouse to my kids. Sadly, they are both old enough now that they notice his weird ways, and can speak very disrespectfully to him (which he does not even notice!).

So there's me, yelling from the next room "Don't speak to your father that way!" It is very stupid. I don't even try to intervene anymore, as I really think he is the one who needs to deal with how they respect or don't respect him.

However, I am COMPLETELY responsible about how they hear me speak to and about their Dad. If I am serious about trying to turn things around, I had better hold a tighter rein on my tongue.:ack2:

Thanks for a timely reminder!
:waving:Wow, you have sure had an interesting life! I think you're right - there IS a book in you! LOL

You are wise to be "on your own" at this point in your life, I think. I wonder if you have ever had counseling? It certainly crosses my mind that your dear mom might have BPD (borderline personality disorder). It is a real b*tch to grow up in a home with a mother who has mental illness, and you have my utmost compassion if that is the case!

At any rate, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. :cheers2:Here's to wiser choices in the future!


yes i have..though tbh i have always felt very self aware even as a child (a little too much if truth be told...) & yes my mother would certainly be borderline LOL

i meant yes i have had counselling...not agreeing with you about the interesting life bit!!

btw all jokes a mother was just a cow...though i'm sure she had depression a couple of times (who hasn't?! it 'runs' in our family...) it in no way excuses her behaviour...she was both very emotionally & mentally abusive...& used to goad my dad (who i came to realise was very weak) to do the she could brazenly tell ppl she never raised a finger to hit me..............
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hah my parents divorced when i was 18 and i wonder why they never did it long before that. As far back as i can recall they would back stabb each other in the back and say nasty things, and hearing arguments about all in sundry.

i know i can remember a constant awful bloody living on blummin egg shells nevermind walking on them.....LOL

i used to run & hide from my dad if i could...when i knew he was going to start hitting me...i remember how i used to feel safe in the little cramped space...the wierd thing now that i'm actually a little claustrophobic...& get a bit panicky thinking theres not enough air to go around..........i'm sure its the situation bringing back up the original panic which drove me to seek 'sanctuary' in the first place....:willy_nilly:

if you weep because the sun has set,
your own tears will never let you see the stars

hindu proverb...& one of my fave quotes...
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Hitting you?! :angelsad2:That has certainly never been part of my equation, thankfully. Not during my growing up or my marriage. Nothing even close! Nasty!

tbh...its not the physical blows that stay with you (certainly not on a conscious level anyway) its the emotional/mental...downright manipulative crap that you had to cope with & accept at the 'normal'...not 'normal' to the outside world of course...but a normal state of affairs in the home...just the way things were...

you had to learn to adapt to that...for eg whatever her mood was that day on a scale of 1 to 10...1 being relatively sane (ie behaving like someone elses mother...baking cakes/not shouting...) & 10 being...well as polar opposite the cookie cutter mom image as you can imagine...her eyes bulging with rage/being dragged by my hair which was waist length (remember my dad did the actual hitting) so it bloody hurt & she knew it!!/being smacked across the face or in the her world smacks to the face...didn't count as 'hitting'????! to her that meant body blows!!??/nasty personal taunts/getting my younger sister not to talk to me all day...which hurt me > most of the other things as we shared a room....& 24 hrs is a long time in any childs life.

like i say not a very pleasant woman or situation...but my experiences have helped me to understand the suffering others go through...i have worked with children placed in the care system due to neglect & abuse (despite ppls awareness of stranger danger most abuse whether physical or sexual in nature goes on in the home, by those who are meant to love us & who we are meant to be able to trust) & with women fleeing domestic violence.
OMg juvenile diabetes

Hi, nothing to do with marriage, still hanging in there.

Yesterday our youngest daughter was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes, so for the next week I will be rooming with her on the Pediatric Ward of our hospital and trying my best to learn all about how much insulin, what kind of insulin, when to give insulin, when and how to test glucose, etc. etc.

I am so tired and trying not to cry in front of my little girl, who is being so brave. This is not the life we wanted for her, but it is the life that she has. We are thankful it's nothing worse, but it is still shocking and overwhelming.

Won't be around WLF for the next little bit.
My question is, have you spoken to your spouse about how you feel about the marriage (you know where it currently is and where it's headed). I mean he may feel the same way.