MarkMyWords...It Shall Be Done!

OK, lately I've been reading and following some people's journal's and it made me sad that I never started one. So I figured it was never too late to start anything. Here it goes.

This is just a way for me to keep another place where I track my numbers and maybe make notes about a certain workout or week. I was originally thinking I would post up all my weeks here starting back on November 1st, but that would take awhile, so I'll just post my starting week, and note any changes in sets/reps, and also changes in lifts performed.

Oh, and anything in bold means I couldn't finish the set cause I was being a loser. :D

Week 1 - All sets/reps were 4 x 6

DB Lunges - 50s for all sets
Flat BB Bench - 115, 135 for last 3 sets
Renegade Rows - 35s for all sets
Tricep Presses - 55, 60, 65, 65

Deadlift - 185, 195, 205, 215
Dips - BW on all sets
Pullups - 30 pound assistance on 2 sets, 20 pound assistance on 2
Woodchops - 90, 100, 100, 110

Squat - 115, 135, 135, 155
Incline DB Bench - 55s on 2 sets, 50, 50
Face Pulls - 70 for all sets
Calf Raises - 180, 200, 200, 220
Hammer Curls - 50, 60, 70, 70

So yeah, that's where I started. After 3 weeks, I switched to a 3 x 10, only did that for 2 weeks, made improvements, but was aching to get back to 4 x 6. So I did, and kept making great progress. I made some changes in lifts.

Week 7 - 4 x 6

Split Squats - 145, 155, 155, 145
Standing Shldr Press - 75, 85, 85, 85
Bent-Over Row - 95, 105 for last 3
Decline Crunches - BW, 10, 10, 15

Deadlift - 205, 215, 225, 235
Flat BB Bench - 135, 145, 155, 145
Renegade Rows - 50s, 55s, 50s, 50s
Tricep Press - 60 , 70, 75, 80
Farmer's Walk - Cycle with 45s, then 55s, couldn't make it all the way

Squats - 135, 155, 175, 185
Incline DB Bench - 55, 60, 60, 55
Lat Pulldown - 130, 140, 150, 160
Sitting Calf Raise - 180, 225 on last 3
Hammer Curls - 70, 80, 85, 80

So that was last week. I have made great gains in Split Squats, Squats, and Renegade Rows. Deads are OK. Inc. DB bench and Flat bench finally took a little leap. Just started Shoulder Presses and BORs, but so far so good, then went up this week, which I will post later. Anyways, this has gone on way too long, I'm most likely the only one who will still be reading at this point. Haha
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So Monday this week,

Split Squats - 155, 165, 175, 165
Standing Shldr Press - 75, 85, 90, 85
BORs - 105, 115, 105, 105
Decline Crunches - 10, 15, 15, 25

Damn those SSs were hard, I want to be able to split squat, and regular squat at least my body weight for reps before I'm done bulking, that will be tough though. I'm happy the shoulder press and BORs went up a tad, I hope that trend keeps up since this is only the second time doing them in this bulk.


Deadlifts - 215, 225, 235, 245
Flat BB Bench - 145, 155, 145, 145
Renegade Rows - 50s, 55s on last 3 sets
Tri Press - 70, 75, 80, 80
Farmer's Walk - Cycle with 45s, then 55s, couldn't finish again, damn grip

So yeah, that was today's workout. Bench was actually harder than last week (wtf), Renegade Rows are still getting better. Damn what a great exercise, that kicks my ass. So as for Friday, I hope Inc. DB Bench is at least as good as last week, or I'll be sad/pissed. Maybe it's time to swap them out.
Nothing wrong with being hard on yourself Mark, it brings change :)

Nice progress on the DL and kudos on attempting farmers walks after deads too

BTW, are you posting in a mix between lbs and kgs? I'm guessing the big lifts are recorded in lbs but maybe you're using kgs for things like the tricep press?
Good luck with the journal, MMW!

Keep on ROCKEN, man!

Stay tough and will definately win in the end.

Wish you the very best of luck!

Yeah man, after doing the Farmer Walks, my forearms feel like they are going to explode, that shiz is intense!

And no, everything is in pounds. The tricep thing is just a stupid cable pressdown thing, I really only do it to kinda see how they are individually. The compounds are what count to me, so tri,bi, and calf work I do is just extra, just for the heck of it.
Last Friday's workout was OK, back was bothering me on squats, which sucks.

Squats - 135, 175, 175, 185
Inc. DB Bench - 55s, 60s on last 3 sets
Lat Pulldown - 140, 160, 170, 180
Sitting Calf Raise - 205, 230 on last 3 sets
Hammer Curls - 70, 80, 85, 80

Nothing great, Pulldowns went up. It was sweet to be able to bust out 3 whole sets with 60 pounders on incline bench, never done that before. Hopefully I can get a set in with 65 pounders this week...

Today, I was tired, but ended up having a great workout.

Split Squats - 155, 175, 185, 175
Standing Shldr Press - 85, 95, 100, 95
BORs - 105, 115, 115, 120
Decline Crunches - 15, 25, 25
Side Planks - 1 minute on each side (ouch)

So yeah, never done 185 lbs on Split Squats before, that **** was tough. Shoulder Press was awesome, broke 100 pounds. I hope I keep moving up nicely on that lifts. BORs was nice, felt stronger, no big jump in weight though. Did planks for the first time, never knew how hard they are...

Merry Christmas to all!
I made pretty good gains again on Renegade Rows, but the rest was ehhh, average.

Deadlifts - 225, 235, 245, 245
Flat BB Bench - 145, 145, 155, 145
Renegade Rows - 55s, 60s on last 3
Farmer Walk - 2 cycles with 50s in each hand

This was also the official last day of my bulk. 56 days total, or 8 weeks, I'm very satisfied with the results. My weight is 210, so it's time to trim fat and see what I built up underneath.
Hey, nice log. I'll be following it to see how your cut is going. You've got me thinking I might do a cut soon too. What was your weight before you started the bulk? Best of luck!
What's up dude? My weight before the cut was about 185 or so, but this is a little misleading. Within 1 or 2 weeks, I had "gained" almost 10 pounds. What I think happened, and others said the same happens to them, is I just gained a lot of water weight, and had more food constantly working through the pipes. So I like to think I sorta started at around 195, since that's where it leveled, and from there on out, I gained about 2 pounds a week. I'm just excited about shedding this fat and seeing what kind of visible gains I made...
I've had some interesting days. I lifted on Friday, and did quite well. It's nice to see that after spending time away from dips, I have made progress on them just by doing other pec/tri lifts.

Oh, and I decided to do 5 x 5 for all lifts while cutting. No big change, just wanted to.

Split Squat - 155, 165, 175, 185, 175
Dips - BW, 10, 10, 25, 10
Pullups - BW-40 for 3 sets, BW-50 for 2 sets

Also ran a couple miles, was nice to get back to running.

I rested on Saturday, then Sunday and Monday I ran 5 miles each day. I knew it was going to mess me up a bit, but whooo, my legs and especially ankles were just obliterated. That was 4 days ago, and I'm still not 100%. It's nice to know it won't happen again though...

Tuesday I just enjoyed the New Year Day, then yesterday was back to work, and lifted after work. It went great, actually moved up on Shoulder Press and BOR. Didn't get any intense leg work in because my ankles are still a bit sore, but I did some wall sits to see where my endurance is, hehe.

Wall Sits - 30 sec w/ 45 lb plate, 1 min w/ 70 lbs, then 1 min with 90 lbs twice.
Standing Shldr Press - 85, 95, 105, 95, 95
BOR - 105, 115, 125, 115, 115

So that was yesterday. Today I will do some HIIT on the stairs, since those won't be hard on my ankles. Tomorrow I will lift, getting back on track with heavy leg work. Saturday will be a much needed rest day.

Oh, also, I purged out some water weight, and cleared my intestines out, so my weight backed down to 205, that's where I was yesterday.
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4 x 6, and it was working awesome for legs 100% of the time, I just made great gains on that scheme. Upper not as much, but I wanted stronger legs anyways!
Had a good lifting day on Friday.

Split Squat - 135, 155, 175, 185, 175
Incline DB Bench - 55, 60, 60, 60, 55
Renegade Rows - 55s, 60s, 60s, 60s, 55s

I superset the bench and rows, it was nice.

Today, I think I'll do some squats, BORs, and cleans...
how many calories are you eating per day? What are your macros? And what is your maintance calories with activity factored in?

Just curious... I love talking fitness etc.
No worries man, I love a good fitness chat myself!

I'm eating 2400-2500 calories a day, that puts me at about a 500 calorie deficit. Macros are about 35% fats, 35% carbs, and 30% protein. For me to simply maintain, I would need to eat about 3000 cals.
No worries man, I love a good fitness chat myself!

I'm eating 2400-2500 calories a day, that puts me at about a 500 calorie deficit. Macros are about 35% fats, 35% carbs, and 30% protein. For me to simply maintain, I would need to eat about 3000 cals.

Cool, cool. What is your lifestyle (how many calories do you burn just by day to day activities?) and what activity are you doing that is factored into that maintance? I'm cutting too..

How are the results so far?

I'm sure your kicking ass!
My calories burned just by being alive is something like 2100 cals. Then, with weekly exercise factored in, I need 3100 cals to maintain. The activities I'm doing are 3 full body workouts a week, heavy lifting, low reps. Then 20 min steady state cardio after lifting, and HIIT on Tuesday and Saturday. Thursday is my busiest day at school, there from 9:30-9:00, so I just take it off. Sunday can be off or I might go in for a run session. So far, I'm down to about 202 or so, so things are good. I want to get to 190 and see how things are. I might need to drop to 185 before I really happy, and ready to bulk again. We'll see!

Kick ass man!