No. Not testosterone in my case.
Just refinanced one of my mortgages. Best rate I could get was 4.25%. Absolute shylock.
Don't even get me started about the stock market. My portfolio looks like it's self-combusted. I can't even bring myself to look at my monthly statements anymore.
People in Calgary have a habit of working 80 hour weeks so we can make money. Lots of money. But nowadays, you have to work 80 hour weeks to keep what you had when you were working 40 hour weeks.
So yeah. I'm a little testy. But only when Focus yanks my chain. And it's pretty short lately. BTW, he deserved it. But we've kissed and made up, so it's business as usual until the next time he ticks me off
Pop a few of these:
You will have a better understanding.
Its a wide open experience!
Best wishes
I feel better already. Must be the placebo effect
I say we put illuminous condoms on and play star wars.
I've been peeved lately...not necessarily on here, but going back to school means less work which means less money and the bills never stop. My wife and I decided to move (starting this weekend) to help save money while I'm in school, and HOPEFULLY I get this personal trainer job at a hospital that would definitely save my ass financially.
Exams galore, local campaign ads galore, construction. It never ends.
I shall take chill pills promptly...or become a drunk.
post ur gape
Edit: do NOT google gape if you're at work, school, or otherwise easily disturbed. This is your only warning, lol.
My rod is still being sublimated, btw, guys.
I didn't realize I'd opened my mind.
For those who slept through chemistry, sublimation of an element, compound or rod is a transition from the solid to gas phase with no intermediate liquid stage.
For those who slept through punny, sublimation has more than one meaning, and there exists a thread about the changes to my penis; "rod" has more than one meaning. Hope this helps.
Im lost.
Did you take your hang-over pill yesterday?
Best regards,