New member
Why do you need a trainer?
The only real reason (aside from a source of motivation) to hire a trainer is if you don't know what you are doing. If you are already accustomed to the gym (i.e. you can tell the weight trees from the squat racks), there is very little that they can teach you that you couldn't get for free. If you are desperate to try out some new exercises, you can go up and ask any of the trainers standing around at the gym about 'em for FREE!!!
Funny thing about male trainers is that they are straight meat heads 99% of the time, and there is nothing that meat heads love talking about more than weight lifting. So, next time you have a question about the specifics of a lift, leave your wallet at home and just chat with chet.
Back to the idea of fixing your man-boobs. All estrogen-testosterone talks aside, and keeping in mind that spot-diminishing is a myth (as people have already said), I have had the best results (both in myself and others) with shaping up a man's pecs when I vary the hell out of the pec workout. If you are super serious about blowing up your pecs, dedicate some real time to them in your routine.
Don't just flat bench with a bar and call it a day. Incline / Decline bench are great ways of hitting your pec. If you are just starting out with those exercises, use machines first (Smith / Hammer Strength machines are GREAT for those lifts if your gym has 'em).
Don't just use dumbbells for butterfly pecs. Go to the crossover cable machine and set 'em up like you see "sven the 'roider" doing. Obviously, start at a weight that you can finish 2 sets of at least 10. Vary where the cables are at, too. Don't always keep 'em high or at shoulder level.
Don't just do regular pushups. Kick your heels up on a bench. Do slow-motion pushups (count 8 mississippi on your way down and 4 on your way up).
Your pecs are huge muscles, and you can pack muscle on 'em pretty easily if you make sure to dedicate time to them.
Even if you still can't get rid of your man made mammoths through diet and exercise, if you build your pecs up they don't look near as bad. Plus, after you make your sweaterpuppets meat-filled, if you take a little time and learn to flex 'em individually, that is a trick that will drive the ladies nuts.
Good luck, man