Capsicum simply refers to various types of "peppers." All are supposed to be good vegetables with varying levels of antioxidants, fiber, and other metabolism-enhancing compunds (supposedly in the hotter varieties).
Traditional Pork Bacon strips aren't that great but they also aren't that bad. Primarily it's the fat content that gets you here and if eaten in moderation with a sensible well-balanced meal are ok.
Canadian Style Bacon is usually considered a better choice because it is traditionally lower in fat content.
Be wary of anything "smoked" because they usually have very high preservative (nitrate/nitrite) content and tend to be high in sodium as well. Of course, most processed meats are gonna have the same issue.
Iceberg lettuce is nutritionally void essentially. Low in vitamin content, fiber, EFAs, aminos, minerals, and sterols. Romaine is a far superior choice.
Tomato sauce is good but just watch the amount of sugar that can sometimes be added. It is an excellent source of lycopene.
Iced coffee probably isn't bad by itself but the added sugar and fatty-cream that are usually added make it a caloric nightmare. Maybe consider using stevia as a sweetener and perhaps skim, 1 or 2% milk, or maybe even soy milk as a way to lighten it up.
Hope that helps. I'm sure others will add.