I love all types of music(country, rap, rock, classic rock, pop - no techno) as long as it has a beat, upbeat, where you freaking just want to dance your arse off to it.
Can't help but to kind of bop to it in between sets.
I wish they would have an aerobic class where they play disco dancing music, no techno crap. I would just stay in there for an hour and dance a way.
Put this type of music on and it just wants to make me run faster on the treadmill. The louder the better, just helps me to block out conversations and the crap going on around me and in my own head. Just gets me in the mood.
Yes, that is the way my ipod is loaded w/ that type of music, from Prince, Garth Brooks, Stones, Billy Joel, Barry White, Usher, Blige, Vaugh brothers (shoot really bad at artists names, but some song "got her white boots on)
Thank God for Ipods. The only thing bad about them is sometimes I catch myself about to belt out a note, slightly embarassing.