Lost 20 pounds fast


New member
Hi Everyone,
Thanksgiving is close and I need to lose weight fast.
I decided to start a 20days weight loss program with Fitsofast. Anyone knows this company?
It’s just 20 days.
I will start tomorrow. I expect to lose around 20 pounds (the program said I can lost up to 20 pounds). I know it won’t be easy. But really want to change my body.
Anyone is interested to start with me? I know it s easier when you are not alone.
Whatever, I will give an update of each day, This journal will help me to focus on my goal.

Hi Juliet,

I do not know this company so I will be a poor judge on their specific program. The advise what I got for you is not to think in the short term results. Fast weight loss almost never last in the long term.

Usually to lose weight this fast the system should be promoting severe cut in your calories intake. Your body will respond by triggering starvation response, which simply means slowing down your metabolism. Your body does this to keep the nutrients that you have for your vital organs. Slower metabolism means fewer calories burned and promotes weight gain.

Following this kind of diet will probably make you lose weight in the short term. But in the long term you will be gaining all the weight that you lost and more, since your metabolism will be slower.

The only way that the experts in weight loss recommend is to lose weight slowly, maximum 2 pounds a week (preferably 1 pound a week). This might seem boring and slow but it is the only way that will lead you to long term success. To lose 1 pound a week you should create a 500 calorie deficit a day, you can do that by decreasing your calorie intake, increasing your physical activity, or preferably both.

Following are few tips:
1- Decrease you calorie intake by 500 calories daily (calorie decrease should come from sweets, unhealthy fats, and wheat).
2- Eat 5 to 6 meals a day (3 main meals and 2 snacks).
3- Decrease your consumption of sugary stuff as much as possible. The less the better.
4- Do 4 weight training sessions a week. Weight training build your muscles which is your best friend when it comes to weight loss.
5- Do HIIT exercises. High Intensity Interval training is a cardio training where you make short intense training bursts followed by slow intensity periods. This has shown to burn more calories than regular cardio training.

Good luck :)